
Guo Hengjia; How should Yu Ji play?

Are you looking forward to Xiaobian for a long time, today Xiaobian still comes to bring you a detailed strategy of heroes.

The hero that Xiaobian wants to explain today is Yu Ji Oh, this hero has a big enough advantage no matter what version.

Guo Hengjia; How should Yu Ji play?

For example, advantages: Yu Ji's 2 skills can be immune to all physical damage, which means that as long as any of the enemy heroes are physical attacks, then Yu Ji's 2 skills can be immune to damage, which greatly enhances Yu Ji's ability to survive and protect.

Disadvantages: Because Yu Ji's 2 skills can only be immune to physical damage and can not be immune to spell damage, xiaobian recommends that you choose later when choosing Yu Ji, if you choose Yu Ji first, the opposite may bring spell damage to the hero so that we can hardly develop. Therefore, it is also very important to take it later.

Outfits: Resistance Shoes, Infinity Blade, Dawnbreaker, Witch Cloak, Bow of the Sun, Apocalypse.

Guo Hengjia; How should Yu Ji play?

Development ideas: in the early stage as far as possible obscene development, do not press the tower too deep, easy to be guank, to observe more small maps, after clearing the military line can try to grab the river crab, if you can't grab it doesn't matter, of course, grab it is blood to earn, after clearing the military line, you can cooperate with the wild fight to arrest people.

Inscription: 5 Conquering Emeralds, 5 Hunting, 10 Eagle Eyes, 7 Scourges, 3 Peerless.

Guo Hengjia; How should Yu Ji play?

Team battle ideas: In the team battle, we must pay attention to their output position, in the face of the enemy assassin hero to come and kill themselves, do not have to be afraid, Yu Ji with 2 skills is not afraid of the hero of the physical attack on the opposite side, but if the enemy has too much spell damage, at this time we can make a witch cloak because Yu Ji's 2 skills are not immune to spell damage. The witch is more conducive to Yu Ji's better output.

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