
Which heroes should Lanling King match?

Hello everyone, I'm Reishi. There is still a day of the new season, I don't know how everyone feels? Without further ado, today our theme is still Lanling King; I have recently spoken several issues of Lanling King. It is because I have always met Lanling King recently and often play Lanling King myself, so sometimes I have some understanding to share with you for reference. Today we want to talk about which heroes the Lanling King should match more suitably.

Middle Road

The heroes of the Middle Road can be paired with the Lanling King: Zhang Liang, Daji, Jin Cicada, and Miladi. These heroes all have directional control skills, which can control the enemy hero first and then be controlled by the Lanling King, which can greatly ensure the accuracy of the Lanling King's skills. In short, when encountering such a combination opposite the single will be very uncomfortable, do not dare to come out too much to clear the line, and even be careful when supporting.

Which heroes should Lanling King match?

Confrontation road

Confrontation road can cooperate with lanling king heroes more, simply put a few more suitable: Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Mulan, Xiahou Huan, Lü Bu, etc., the basic heroes of the confrontation road have control, but not every hero of the confrontation road is suitable for matching with lanling king, when choosing the confrontation road, not only to consider cooperation with lanling king, more to consider the cooperation with the entire lineup, these examples I gave are more partial to the half-meat confrontation road, why choose it so much? Because the Lanling King did not say anything about the identity of the assassin, it was a big crispy skin, and it was still relatively weak in the later stage. Therefore, we must choose a warrior-type confrontation road that can also resist fighting in the middle and late stages, otherwise when it comes to fighting the regiment, who is in front?

Which heroes should Lanling King match?

Wandering position

There are also many options for the wandering position to match with the Lanling King, as long as you don't choose Yao. Individuals prefer their own wandering position to choose hard auxiliaries, such as: Liu Chan, Cow Devil, Luban Master, Shield Mountain, etc., there are control skills that can be controlled first to ensure the accuracy of Lanling King's skills, and they can also resist certain damage and share the pressure of carrying damage against a person on the road. Sometimes the confrontation road also cuts the back row and the hard auxiliary can also protect our back row.

Which heroes should Lanling King match?

Shooter position

The main role of the shooter is to stand up and fight damage when the role of the Lanling King is not so large in the later stage, so you can choose to favor the strong shooter in the middle and late stages, such as Garo. The most important thing in the early stage of the shooter is development, the early stage is handed over to the Lanling King, if the middle period can not end the battle, then the later stage will rely on the shooter to control the battlefield.

Which heroes should Lanling King match?


When you have lanling king on your side, you must come up with heroes who can cooperate with Lanling king, which is a team game. Many times in the passers-by bureau will encounter their own side after taking the Lanling King, the auxiliary also chooses soft auxiliary, against the road to choose the Tachibana Right Kyo, Mi Yue and other heroes, when the time to fight the group will find very weak, can not fight; because no one can stand in front of the resistance to damage. So whether you play Lanling King or teammates choose Lanling King, you must pay attention to collocation, today's content is here. Thank you all for watching!

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