
Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

Today I want to talk to you about Huang Zhong.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

The above is Huang Zhong's latest three major list data, all segmented, peak competition and top game in order.

Even though he was slashed not long ago, Huang Zhong's performance was still good, especially in the comprehensive data of the whole segment, ranking first, and the win rate was close to 54%.

Huang Zhong in the S30 season, due to the removal of the attack speed threshold, made his big move hit more stable, and he could blast a shot at the moment of sitting on the ground, and the harvesting ability also changed qualitatively.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

In the picture above, the moment I saw Han Xin, I knocked off most of his blood in 2a, and then immediately fired a cannon, even if Han Xin ran fast enough, the shell still hit his body, directly completing the harvest.

In addition, due to the takeoff of the tank, it also amplifies the armor-breaking effect of the second skill, so that Huang Zhong has the ability to deal with the front row in the front and middle period, so as not to be tortured too uncomfortable by the tank.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

(Two skills have vision, 50% slowdown, shield and 25% armor breaking effect)

Most importantly, the tank version also means that Huang Zhong has more "bodyguards", allowing him to take full advantage of his long hand and stable critical hits, hide in the back row and output wildly, and deal considerable team battle damage.

In addition, because Huang Zhong's natural enemy Lü Bu ushered in an "epic" cooling, not only the strength was not as good as before, but the winning rate was once again at the bottom, which also gave Huang Zhong a better living environment.

On the whole, Huang Zhong is a shooter who can create miracles, if his teammates protect well, the winning rate is very high, it is definitely a powerful weapon of diamond star and even the king low star, the weaker the awareness of cutting C on the opposite side, the more comfortable he is.

Shooters in the middle and low segments are always the best upper position, and Huang Zhong is indeed trustworthy.

Next, I'm going to share a few details of the play to make the score smoother.

(1) Huang Zhong's latest outfit inscription: 7x Scourge, 3x Red Moon, 10x Hawkeye, 8x Capture, 2x Hunting

After the attack speed threshold is removed, it is recommended that the inscription have a red moon or hunting to improve the silkiness of the feel.

As for the equipment piece, the shoes can choose the Rush Boot to eat up the bonus of the attack speed threshold.

If the opposite side has a lot of control and has the assistance of torturous people like Mozi, then change to the boots of resistance, and when you encounter the opposite side is a line bully such as Luban No. 7 and Di Renjie, you can also first come out of the shadow blade, and then change the boots of resistance in the middle and late stages.

Shadow Blade + Endless Battle Blade + Daybreak is Huang Zhong's standard three-piece set, and then add a day-by-day bow, which can make Huang Zhong's output environment more comfortable.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

(The Day-by-Day Bow can also increase the range of the big move)

If there are many protruding heroes on the opposite side, you can also replace the day-by-day attack with an ominous omen, and then combine with the double resistance bonus of the Crying Blood Blade + big move, which can make Huang Zhong's standing ability break through the limit, and a single challenge may not be lost.

(2) Huang Zhong is more afraid of the heroes Mo Xie, Wang Zhaojun, Zhong Kui and Lü Bu.

Therefore, when selecting people, we should pay attention to two points.

The first point, let the teammates ban Lv Bu and Zhong Kui, if the teammates do not ban Lv Bu and Zhong Kui, it is recommended to see that the opposite side is locked, and then consider taking Huang Zhong, don't bite your head as a "live target",

Second, it is recommended that after taking the middle road on the opposite side, then choose Huang Zhong, as long as it is not the general Mo Xie or Wang Zhaojun, he can take it.

In addition, when encountering Mozi, Huan Zheng, and Shen Mengxi, these consumable mages with long hands, let the auxiliary Na Sang Qi or Zhang Fei come out of the Wings of Redemption early to prevent poke.

By the way, the most comfortable assistant to cooperate with Huang Zhong is Master Luban, as long as the chain is in place, you can set up a cannon at any time.

(3) Huang Zhong, who is level 1, has a strong ability to match the line, go out to buy shoes first, sell them when they go to high ground, and earn a little moving speed for nothing.

Then learn the second skill and throw a thunder at the buff, which will not only speed up the brushing speed of the field, but also generate a shield immediately after reaching the line.

After seeing the people, first A soldier, after stacking the passive five layers, then stepped forward and threw the thunder at the feet of the enemy.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

(The yellow bar below the blue bar represents the passive layer)

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

Then hard and rigid, as long as you can make more than two critical hits, there is a high probability of getting a blood.

(General attack can increase 12Ad and 1.5% critical strike chance, a total of five layers, up to 60Ad and 7.5% critical strike chance, so Huang Zhong level 1 fight, not only the base damage is higher than the opposite, but also easier to make critical hits)

(4) The thunder of Huang Zhonger's skill has a strong anti-gank effect, and there are up to two of them.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

If it is a red square, it is recommended to lay out the two thunders as shown above, and it is simply unrealistic to want to grab you on the opposite side.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

If it is a blue square, it is recommended to lay out as shown above, of course, if you have a big advantage in the line and keep pressing the opposite side, you can also put both thunders in the grass on both sides of the river.

All in all, Huang Zhong in the early stage is mainly development, can tower under the Qing soldiers, after seeing that there is no one in the middle, immediately retreat, as long as alive, every 2 minutes, the pressure on the opposite side will increase by one point, after all, no one wants to fight with the god Huang Zhong in the later stage.

The greater the pressure, the more mistakes will naturally be, as long as you catch the mistakes on the opposite side, it is easy to take off in a wave, this is Huang Zhong's development idea, let the opposite side take the initiative to send rhythm to himself.

(5) After Huang Zhong fires the cannon, he can lock the enemy through the roller, which has the same effect as the lock button, by the way, the roller general attack can also extend the range.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

In the picture above, Huang Zhong's normal artillery general attack cannot hit the stake, but after using the roller lock, it can be bombarded, and in peacetime, everyone can also use this technique to replenish troops and harvest from a distance.

(6) As for the question of when Huang Zhong will open a large cannon, I would like to give you two suggestions.

The first one, see that people give priority to using general attack against A, and when you feel that you can't catch up, then consider opening a big one.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

In previous seasons, Huang Zhong's big moves were optimized, and the speed of the cannon was very fast, coupled with the blessing of high attack speed, he could blast out several shots in an instant.

Second, when facing the enemy's strong cut, don't set up a cannon in place, you must first use a skill to pull away, if there is only one person on the opposite side, your equipment is not bad, if you have a chance to counter-kill, run into the grass to set up a cannon, and then put a second skill in place, and when the enemy touches you, it has been bombarded a few times.

Another new version of "dark horse" was born, the winning rate soared again to the top, where is Huang Zhong strong?

Open a skill first, because it will refresh a skill immediately after opening a big one, at this time, even if you can't beat it, you can immediately use a skill + flash to continue to retreat.

Focus, to flexibly use combos like 13a1, speed up twice in an instant, let Huang Zhong become a flexible mobile battery, in addition, you must also develop the habit of releasing mines in place, so that when the opposite side cuts you, you will first be broken and slowed down.

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