
3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

In the blink of an eye, the S26 season is nearing the end, and there are more and more revelations about the S27 season, among which I believe that the most concerned estimate is what new skins can be obtained in the new season, and these have all been revealed yesterday

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

So in this issue, let's take stock of which new skins will be available this month, right?

[Note: Some conjectures are personal views and do not represent official confirmation]

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month
3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

This year's season skin is indeed not so surprising than in the past, after all, this year's hero Lanling King, like last year's Dharma, was strengthened on the eve of the season

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

And this skin, on the whole, is still very good, although it is not as good as other epic skins, but in terms of shape and design, it is still quite innovative, after all, we all know that Lanling King is a friend of Xuan, a series of similar skins, it is indeed more in line with the style of the cloud season, that is, I don't know if next year's season skin will be Galo?

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month
3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

Bai Qi will also get a new limited skin in the new season, called Night Monster, and this skin is still more exciting in terms of the original design, because this style is indeed a bit like Marco Polo's Shadow Safari (Marco Polo's Shadow Hunt is one of the few season skins that has been unanimously praised by everyone)

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

However, after watching the skill special effects, this is a bit disappointing, because this skin is actually a simple color change skin, completely without the excellence of shadow safari, of course, as a level 1 battle order skin, almost half buy and half give, in this regard, we are not very demanding

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month
3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

The S27 season's level 80 limit is Ming Shiyin's bard magic, and its overall design is to combine magic and poetry, which makes people feel refreshed, especially his chain becomes a musical instilling this, which not only enriches the special effects details, but also makes the skin more suitable for the theme

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

But these are not my favorite parts, my personal favorite is that the style of this skin is very compatible with the first-class battle order skin of the S25 season houyi, and use the series of skin double rows with friends to raise pigs in the canyon, isn't it beautiful?

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month
3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

After Lan's new skin bounty hunter hand on the shelves, the official also opened a new round of theme month [Infinite Connection], which actually means that this month's skin release content, it is likely to be the same as last month's "Flower Dynasty", at least there will be two close to the theme.

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

In addition to Lan, the characters who meet the criteria of infinite company are undoubtedly Ma Chao's "Infinite Company Under the Gun" and Luna's "Infinite Company Under the Moon", but Ma Chao has officially announced that he is going to produce an FMVP skin, so the probability that Luna will get a new skin will be very large

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

What's more, in this Lan activity, in fact, it is already hinting at Luna, after all, in the infinite coin reward, in addition to the hero Lan, the hero Luna's experience card will also be in it, this may be the official Left Easter egg, I don't know what you think?

3 limited editions coming soon! Luna may get new skin this month

Well, that's all there is to it, so which one are you most looking forward to? Welcome to leave a message below the comment area to discuss~

I'm Royal Dragon Trick Uncle, and we'll see you next time

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