
Glory of Kings: What heroes are easier for girls to play? These are both beautiful and powerful

Girls play games, too ugly heroes are definitely not considered. Single row on the score, you have to choose some of the requirements for cooperation is relatively small, not so easy to be pitted

Hit the wild position recommended Lanling King and Jing Ke.

Lanling King operation is simple, stealth displacement deceleration damage set to take away a no problem, stealth harassment is really ok, even if the headwind bureau you can also be a tool person to explore the field of vision, steal the tower, stand pile mage and shooter is really afraid of this, open the group to see the head of the exclamation point Psychological pressure is really strong, will not dare to go on, successfully disrupted the opposite formation

Jing Ke flexibility is better, after taking the head of the conference refreshed, when the semi-stealth also brought back blood, the back of the critical hit, displacement critical hit back blood stealth, life-saving ability is relatively strong, the economy up over the tower after the strong killing after the completely no problem, the operation is more difficult than the Lanling King, but the ability to escape is stronger than the Lanling King

The archer position recommends descendants and Yu Ji.

Descendants has always been a relatively strong shooter, rarely sprayed, the early side of the pressure resistance is relatively poor, in the tower under a dozen two dozen three basically can not stand, but the early stage of a little late output no solution, the skill comes with control deceleration critical strike plus attack speed, the bird will be on time with a big tan, economically up, the canyon does not have you can not die

Yu Ji's early output is very weak, a skill will be better if it is accurate, two skills are immune to physical damage, many assassins are quite annoyed with this, the ability to save life is too strong, but she is afraid of blood thin control, the law stab is basically dead, the development is slow, the early side of the road pressure resistance is relatively strong, Gou Tari one top two top three (playing physical damage, less control) basically no problem

Mage position. Recommend Little Joe and Zhen Ji

Little Joe operation is simple, burst damage thief strong, skill CD short, as long as the output will not be broken, three pieces of loading down, the output is very impressive, out of the first out of the law stick hat, one or two skills down the opposite side of the left one and a half blood, I am more accustomed to two skills to start one after another and then one, two skills are generally able to collect people's heads, there are also people like to start big hands, this look at personal habits, the more difficult part is prejudgment, small map vision and support consciousness, consciousness will support the little Joe can really take up three roads, Basically, it is to develop when the wind is headwind, and to go up when the wind is downwind

Zhen Ji operation is difficult to say that it is not difficult to say that it is also quite simple, compared to Wang Zhaojun, the skill is simpler to put the skill, the skill operation is changed to the priority attack of the nearest unit, the two skills can play several people, continuous output, the three skills have a control effect, but a skill and a large prejudgment is difficult, the position in the regiment battle is very important, the big is accurate, the opposite can basically be destroyed, the big empty You can basically extinguish the group, suitable for instigating a little, standing in the middle position, closely following the auxiliary tank, opening the group two skills to start, opening the middle of the group, the big stacking one skill, Then the second skill is basically controlled to death opposite the head, the typical control of the station pile mage, super easy to be cut, anyway, the downwind and headwind are stubborn, look at the right skill

Confrontation position recommended Cheng bite Jin, Xiahou, Bai Qi

If the technology is not passed, choose the Tanbian of these big meat is not right, out of pure meat, the operation is simple, the thicker the white blood, the higher the attack, the less the Cheng bites the golden blood, the higher the attack, the Xiahou set shield damage has improved, the skill control is more, this blood thick damage is high and the high shift is more controlled, the more the more the blood can carry the damage to hit the damage, the stronger the tower, the retreat can steal the tower control to ensure the output, the fight can not die, these two are really difficult to be killed, you have mutilated blood and few people are chasing you to fight......... It's a little bit not very good-looking, but it's really super easy to use!!! The soft auxiliary is also super special and easy to use!!!

Auxiliary soft assistant recommends Cai Wenji and Sun Bin (these two are much stronger than Yao and Ming Zhiyin)

Cai Wenji operation is simple, the prejudgment requirements are not strong, can do the field of vision, carry damage, return blood on the line, skills can take a dizziness to protect the output, so that the close control is also available, equipped with a holy grail hat other full out of the meat suit, the operation setting changed to the novice automatically aim at that, keep your two skills back can faint to people, half law half meat can resist injury can return to blood, the technology is almost the most appropriate

Sun Bing's operation is simple, with a strong rhythm ability, the two skills all return to the blood to accelerate the cooldown, super easy to use, many times to save the blood of their own and teammates dog life, open the group two skills to start the entry output, follow the big move silent control, the last skill to collect the residual blood, if you can't fight, you can also take the teammates two skills to accelerate the escape... The difficulty is relatively low

Soft auxiliary must choose those who can take into account all teammates, do not recommend the pedestrian equipment Yao and Ming Shi Cain, big Joe's operation awareness is more difficult, Zhong Kui has high requirements for prejudgment and accuracy, Jiang Ziya does not carry the beating, Ghost Guzi Taiyi Luban master is too test teammate cooperation......... I don't recommend diamond segment play very much

Hard auxiliary words recommend The Eastern Emperor and fish (in fact, the cow devil Zhang Feilian is also very good, but they are not very good...) )

The Eastern Emperor and the fish are suitable for the kind of innings with half meat and half output side roads (such as Lü Bu and Zhong Wuyan), and it is not difficult to operate, one looks at the back row, one goes in with the assassin to cut, and it is better to cooperate

East Imperial Guard output, biting the assassins, warriors who cut in on the opposite side, or taking the flash to play first, biting the opposite mage shooter, and solving the opposite output first are very useful

Fish is a small expert in exploring grass, not afraid of control can be injured can carry injuries, canyon is the most suitable for opening the field of vision of one of the assists, team battle to open a large ability to control, the first hand can also carry the damage, very useful, poor in no hard control, so it is recommended to bring dizziness, very useful for protecting the output bit

If you are a pure warrior who does not carry so much blood, then you should still stop taking a Xiahou, Baiqi, Lianpo, Xiang Yu, and other battles to fight the auxiliary position... There is control that can carry injuries and certain damage, which is better to use than the assistance of pure Zhang Fei and Bull Demon, which carry injuries but have a very low output

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