
The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

Meat armor came out in the S26 season, and the heat of meat armor in the past season is still high, which is a nightmare that cannot be killed. Some players describe meat armor this way, even if you can't play armor, it's okay, as long as you put all the meat out and open a big move to enter the field partial skill. If the opposite C position has no displacement, it is easy to be given a second by the meat armor, so is there any hero who restrains the meat armor? These 4 can be taken a look.

The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

The 4th Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is very strong in the early stage, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who can play will oppose the wild area of the face at level 1, if the opposite side takes the meat armor, you may wish to take an Eastern Emperor to go against his wild area, so that he cannot develop. In the middle and late stages, he can go to grab his blue buff, if he doesn't have a blue buff, he will have to go home frequently, which is very painful for the armor. In addition, Jiao was also very afraid of the big moves of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, as long as he was controlled by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he could basically only cool down.

The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

The third mink cicada, the positioning of the mink cicada is both a mage and an assassin, which is a little stronger than the pure legal suit, the half-flesh mink cicada, because the half-flesh mink cicada has high blood return, the frankness is also high, and there is no need to worry about no harm. The good use of the two skills of the mink cicada will hit the real damage damage, what is the favorite of the hero with the real damage? It must be meat, so even if it is out of the armor of the meat suit, when it encounters the mink cicada, it will be defeated and retreated, and it does not dare to fight hard with the mink cicada.

The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

The second Marco Polo, Marco Polo is a shooter, but I would like to call it the strongest shooter, because his skill has three displacements, and there are real injuries, and the damage from one skill strafing in the past is very high. Meat armor meat returns to meat, but his only drawback is that there is no displacement, can not touch Mark at all, even if Marco is brittle, he can play him like a monkey, constantly pulling and consuming him, even if marco Polo, who can't play, can play meat armor to death with only one skill and two skills.

The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

The first Lü Bu, Lü Bu is recognized as the strongest hero of the confrontation road, his second skill as long as the enchantment has 100% real damage, such real damage is very happy to see the meat, meat armor in front of him like a piece of tofu casually he pinched. Not to mention that there is no displacement to hit the wild meat armor, even if there is a flash of meat armor, it can not run Lü Bu's big move plus flash, so as long as the opposite side takes the armor, the backhand is a Lü Bu, and it will definitely be able to hold him to death.

The hero who most restrains the meat armor, the Eastern Emperor Sable Cicada stands on the side, he is the nightmare of the meat armor

The existence of meat armor in these two seasons is indeed a headache, but the glory of the king pays attention to one thing and one thing, no matter what hero will have the hero who restrains him, if you really want to play this game, you must be skilled in the game mechanism, do not be led by it, can be a good restraint of the opposite is the secret of the score.

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