
Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

Introduction: Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, and it is not okay for small partners to pay attention to a little bit in the upper right corner. As we all know, the skin level in The Glory of Kings is divided into four major levels: Brave, Epic, Legend, and Glory Collection. In general, the higher the skin grade, the better its quality. However, in the glory of the king, there are always some skins that have the phenomenon of hanging sheep's heads and selling dog meat, today we will talk about five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire is only ranked fifth, and the first player is angry!

Fifth place, Monkey Hellfire.

Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

In the glory of the king, the monkey's heat is quite high, the number of skin is second only to Zhao Yun, but the skin quality hangs Zhao Yun. Monkeys are simple to operate, loved by players, and are also called the exclusive heroes of primary school students by many people, after all, they are a bit too brainless. There are many high-quality skins for monkeys, such as Supreme Treasure, Great Sage Marry, Sun Walker, Holographic Shadow, Zero Red Flame, etc., and the quality and price of these skins are directly proportional. But his hellfire skin is typical of high price and low quality. As a legendary skin, the special effect of Hellfire is a ball of fire, which is too general. His hand feel, very dull, far from reflecting the lightness and elegance of Brother Monkey, in short, it is difficult to say a word.

Fourth place, the Sable Cicada Cat Shadow Phantom Dance.

Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

As we all know, the mages in the glory of the king are roughly divided into magic thorns, tool man mages and fortress type mages, and the mink cicada is a typical magic thorn. Sable cicadas have been very popular since they were launched, and they were even more popular in the KPL in the early days. Don't look at the current cat god a bit fishing, when his mink cicada can make the whole KPL smell frightened, cat shadow phantom dance is the cat god's FMVP skin, but also KPL's third FMVP skin. As a legendary quality, the cat shadow phantom dance looked OK at first, that is, the hair and hairstyle made it difficult to say anything. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, you are afraid of the goods. The skin of the mink cicada has been too much recently, and the cat shadow phantom dance is compared with them, and the special effects and feel are simply on the table.

The third place, the mirror blazing yang divine light.

Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

In the glory of the king, the high-end game of the field seems to have always been so many, mirror, Lan, Yun miao, Hui, Na Ke Lulu, Tachibana Right Kyo, Zhao Yun, Luna and so on, especially the mirror, is a lot of KPL professional players and gods must play wild heroes. Mirror this hero, the development of fast, after the fourth level of the highly maneuverable strong. There are not many skins in the mirror, and the blazing sun is the FMVP skin of the warm sun. I don't know if it is a design change, the FMVP skin in recent years is really difficult to say. Mirror blazing yang divine light, is simply the original skin color change, in addition to the special effects and feel a little better, which is not worth the price of the legendary skin.

The second place, the Armor of Heaven.

Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

In the Canyon of Kings, some heroes are particularly strong in terms of heads-up because of their own attributes, such as our armor, known as armor or armor. However, after the version change, the living space of the output armor is getting worse and worse, and it is basically the same as the existence of sun tzu in the confrontation road. However, the strength of the meat armor recently is very high, mainly because the blocking effect of his big move is combined with pure meat, which is very resistant to beating. There are a lot of armored skins, and the Heavenly Armor is the most expensive, but the quality is difficult to describe. When the armor mech skin was exposed, the special effect looked really good, but after starting it, it was found that it was only when the big move was opened, and the player called out to be deceived, which is the typical skin of high price and low quality.

The first one, Zhuge Liang Star Domain Divine Revelation.

Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

Like the mink cicada, Zhuge Liang is also a typical magic thorn. If there may still be controversy among everyone about the first sister of the mage, then the status of the first brother of the zhuge liang mage is unshakable. In the low-end round, Zhuge Liang is unscrupulous, and in the middle of the high-end game, Zhuge Liang is only a promise. Zhuge Liang's skin is still quite a lot, shi yu tiansi, the golden ratio and the quality of the Wuling Immortal Jun are very good, but his glory collection skin is difficult to say. Zhuge Liang Star Domain Divine Revelation, many players describe it as flashy, dressed like an upstart, the special effects are still a mixture of other skins, there is no feature to speak of, and the feel in the game is even worse. Many players were angry after starting to start, and they asked Tianmei to take down the listing for optimization.

Inventory the glory of the king of the five high-priced and low-quality skins, Hellfire only ranked fifth, the first player was angry!

What other skins do you think are typical of hanging sheep's heads and selling dog meat at a high price and low quality? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, click a follow, we will see you in the next issue!

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