
The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections

The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections


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Like a person, we will involuntarily be good to him, want to pay for him, this is an inevitable phenomenon of love.

Just when giving, we also have to weigh his feedback, if your efforts have never been taken for granted in him, never received a response, then also know how to stop in moderation, do not waste your enthusiasm on people who are not worthy.

Love has always been mutual, pay each other, hurt each other, care about each other, this relationship can go on naturally, one person's efforts can not determine the end of two people.

The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections

Liking is always accompanied by heartache, and you are willing to do anything for him out of heartache for him. But at the same time, he will also feel sorry for you, feel sorry for your efforts, do not want you to work too hard for him, and do not want you to give up something for him.

If a person always accepts your efforts with peace of mind, then in fact, you should have some doubts in your heart, a man who really loves you will not always be accompanied by acceptance, and will definitely respond to you, and most of the time he will give you more than you give to him.

Love should not only be accepted, a person who truly loves you, must also reject, will not accept all your efforts. A person who only knows how to accept, most of them are unreliable.

The more a man loves you, the more he will refuse you to do these things for him, don't misunderstand his mind.

The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections

Refuse you to spend money for him

I've seen a topic before: Do men borrow money from girls they like?

The answer at the bottom is very uniform, that is, no. Men will not open their mouths to borrow money in front of the people they like, self-esteem is not allowed, they only hope that women can follow their own delicious drinks, do not allow the other party and themselves to suffer a little grievance, can not open their mouths and wipe their faces to borrow money from each other, and will not let her spend money for herself.

Two people who like each other will always consider each other, stand in the girl's point of view, when she completely likes you, she will not be preoccupied at all, will not feel that two people together should be spent by boys, and they will also take the initiative to bear a part. I don't want to see the boy I like suffer for money, and I will be very sad for him.

But from the boy's point of view, he is afraid that you will suffer losses, will try to think for you, do not want you to worry about yourself, and do not want you to sacrifice your own interests to help him.

The love between Shi Yuan and Gu Qingyu in "Heart Residence" looks too tired, and both sides have many words that are unwilling to communicate in time, but try their best to guess each other's hearts, resulting in a lot of misunderstandings between each other.

They all say that they don't look like husband and wife at all, both sides are too polite and too careful, but all the reasons are because they love each other too much and think too much about each other. Gu Qingyu wanted to pay him back, did not want to see him suffer hardships, Shi Yuan was unwilling to accept her kindness, for fear that she would suffer losses, so there were many contradictions between them.

Shi Yuan's self-esteem is too heavy, his self-esteem is not a manifestation of loving Gu Qingyu, if he does not love, he can accept her efforts with peace of mind, it is love that will reject her kindness, not willing to let himself drag her down.

The more a man loves you, the more he will refuse you to spend money for him, and you have to understand his mind.

The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections

Reject you for giving up your circle and career for him

People who don't love you are afraid that you want too much, and people who love you are afraid of not giving you enough.

The person who doesn't love you is always trying his best to get something from you, and his starting point is always only thinking about himself, not thinking about you at all. The person who loves you, who will act with you as the mainstay, will give you full respect, only wants to give you more, and is not willing to let you give up anything for him.

For people who don't love you, they don't respect you at all and look down on you. With the contempt for your career, the contempt for your friends around you, the money you have worked so hard to earn, it can not get into his eyes at all, and the interpersonal relationships you maintain with your heart are nothing in his eyes.

He will take the initiative to ask you to give up your circle and career, let your life be completely dominated by him, revolving around him, in his eyes, you are never just his appendages, not allowed to have what you want to do.

And the person who loves you, he will wholeheartedly support you in whatever you want to do, and will not allow you to give up for him. He will stand behind you to encourage you, urge you, and make you a better version of yourself.

Women in love is easy to fall in love with the brain, willing to give up everything for each other, the person who loves you will not let you sink, but will spur you, will not let you do anything that may be regretted in the future.

Even if you voluntarily give up your career for him, he won't say yes.

The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections

Reject your humble flattery and don't want you to be too sensible

Some men will be very macho, in their hearts have always been based on themselves, unwilling to change their style of work for anyone, in their eyes can never see themselves, can not see you at all.

He can't see your sadness, can't see your grievances, can't see your forbearance, can't see the changes and efforts you have made for this relationship.

He will take face and self-esteem very seriously, and will value many people around him more than you. I'd rather spend time with my colleagues and friends than make time for you. After the quarrel, he is not willing to bow his head to coax you, but has been waiting for you to take the initiative to bow your head.

In his mind, winning or losing is more important than you, face is more important than you, just blindly demanding of you, wanting to get something from you, never willing to pay for you.

Always disgusted with your ignorance, disgusted with your crying and sadness, your willfulness and pampering are not moved at all in his place, and often feel that you are too pretentious.

The person who does not love you always thinks that you do not understand things, and the person who loves you is afraid that you are too sensible, he does not allow you to have any flattering component, does not allow you to suffer a little grievance in this relationship, does not want you to be strong with him, hopes to become your dependence, spoil you into a child.

He hopes that in front of him, you can be as much as you want, you can be willful and arrogant, you can throw nonsense, you can complain that you can not be exquisite, you can have negative energy, and he will accept it all.

The manifestation of men deeply loving you: three rejections

The more men love you, the more they will reject these things.

Only men who don't love you will always accept all your efforts and will not be embarrassed in the slightest.

They just use you, and they don't have the slightest sincerity, in their hearts only their own feelings are the most important, even if you always ask for perfection, he will not have a trace of pity.

The man who loves you, he always tries everything for you, and does not want you to have the slightest grievance.

Women should have an extra heart eye in love, to be able to distinguish between false feelings and false intentions, and to meet such a man, to cherish it well, do not easily miss it.

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