
In love, how to be a real "AA"?

College students read at night

In love, how to be a real "AA"?

Falling in love is like a dance party, the person who teaches you the first dance steps may not be able to accompany you to the end of the scene, leaving aside a paper certificate and the influence of external factors in society, the love of college students should be unreserved, pay each other and face together!

01 Boys full pay type

Financial issues in love have always been a sensitive topic. Many people will choose to circumvent this problem.

Li Ying and Haotian are a college couple, in the same class of the same school, Haotian's family is generally poor, just buying gifts for his girlfriend every month is thousands, plus eating and watching movies and going out to play, 2,000 yuan of living expenses are not enough. Without a way he started a campus loan, which led to deeper and deeper depression.

Haotian was very helpless and said: "We are all adults in our 20s, I once proposed the AA system at dinner, she felt that I did not love him, is this fair?" ”

When girls propose AA, everyone will think that this kind of girl is independent, and a boy will be scorned when he brings it up, which will give people a feeling of slamming the door.

In love, how to be a real "AA"?

After a long time, Haotian was very tired and became very reluctant, silently comparing his girlfriend with other girls, and the longer he went, he found that his economy could not keep up. In this relationship, he realized that the payment of money seemed to be his own all the time, and he had not even drunk the other party's cup of milk tea, and such a relationship made him doubt each other's feelings.

Don't try to deify the image of the rich kid in idol dramas to your boyfriend.

Of course, this is not to advocate that boys do not spend any money, but that if girls ask for more than the boys' economic range, it will make love very complicated, and problems will follow.

02 Economically independent type

Some time ago heard a couple quarrel, she and a boy went out to dinner, probably like this, the two of them went out to eat together, after eating is the boy to pay first, the girl thought that the boy is not bad, later plan to invite him to drink a cup of milk tea, the result of the boy caught off guard came a sentence Alipay to transfer me 57 yuan for meals.

Xiaoxue and his consumption concept is also completely different, she likes romantic dinner, likes to go shopping, wants to receive flowers on special days, but the other party feels that dinner candles are redundant, shopping is equivalent to spending money, flowers are easy to wither than eating.

Xiaoxue carefully selected birthday gifts for each other, but the other party felt that Xiaoxue would not live a life. But Xiaoxue will not ask for anything for him, order takeaway, do not receive red envelopes, and do not send Xiaoxue hair.

In love, how to be a real "AA"?

In fact, people with different values cannot withstand the test of a long time, after all, the ideal life of two people is not the same, the different consumption concepts bring about speculation and various contradictions, pragmatic and romantic are not wrong, the wrong is the way the two are handled.

Love itself is an investment, too calculated return can only say that the result will be very painful, the end of many love relationships, can only be because one party has other ideas in addition to love, trying to rely on others to live a good life, leading them to break up, never because of the AA system itself.

03 The two-way rush is meaningful

In a real relationship, the best economic division is not your three or seven, your four and six, or AA system, and the mode of getting along between the two of you is similar to the way he invites you to dinner, and you can invite him to watch a movie. He buys you cosmetics, clothes, you can buy him shoes, buy bags.

Proper reciprocation is a courtesy, unless you haven't thought about being nice with him.

Jiayin said: "I have talked about three relationships, the first two paragraphs of every meal is my checkout, watching the movie I bought a ticket in advance, I think there is nothing, this is what boys should do."

But until I met my current - Zi Han, I invited to watch a movie, she bought drinks, I gave her gifts, she will also carefully prepare for me, I buy flowers for her, she will also buy for me, I feel that boys also need love, and the favorability for her is very high. ”

It is often said on the Internet that many boys receive the first bouquet of flowers from their graves. Money symbolizes giving as much as love, and the relationship between lovers is also a kind of interpersonal communication, which requires each person to give and respect each other. If you are richer, you will buy first, I will buy when I have more, people who consider long-term will not care about these details, and work together to be happy.


Author | Liu Wenwen

Edit | Yang Qinyu

Audit | Wang Longlong

Review | Wang CenYu

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In love, how to be a real "AA"?

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