
Warcraft 3: Terran knights who can resist and fight, why the appearance rate is not as good as that of Hate and Bear

Starting with the Night Elf's mountain giant Kiti "Thanos" title, the attention of Terran knights who can restrain the middle armor unit has increased a lot, and after the Terran knights no longer need to study the possibility, they can get the split armor blade skill that causes additional damage to the middle armor unit, and the number of Terran players who have begun to try the tactics related to this class has increased again. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, although the Terran Knight is a class that can restrain most commonly used classes such as mountain giants and spiders, and its own resistance and mobility are still very good, the appearance rate is still much lower than that of the same level of hatred and bears. So, what is the reason why the Terran knights are not as good as the Abomination and the Bear? In the next time, let's take a closer look.

Warcraft 3: Terran knights who can resist and fight, why the appearance rate is not as good as that of Hate and Bear

The terrans' three needs are lower than those of the Night and the Undead

Although the Claw Druid is a two-unit, considering that lying down to become a bear requires master training under three technologies, the bear, the abomination, and the knight should all be counted as three units. From the perspective of the race's scientific and technological needs, the undead must need three technologies to get the rotten ball before they can exert their due combat effectiveness; the night elves also need the poisonous ball supplement output of the three technologies and the two powerful front row units of bears and mountain giants; and the combat power improvement brought by the terran three technologies is not small, but it is not just needed. This is one of the most critical reasons why the appearance rate of Terran knights has always been inferior to that of Hate and Bear.

The Knight's front row ability is more average

Warcraft 3: Terran knights who can resist and fight, why the appearance rate is not as good as that of Hate and Bear

Although in the complete technology form of no offensive and defensive technology, the Terran knight's health is higher than that of the night elf's bear (with mount combat training, the Terran knight has 985 health points, the bear only has 960 points, and the hatred has 1175 points), the armor value is equivalent to the sum of the armor values of hate and bear (in the absence of attack and defense technology, the Terran knight has 5 heavy armor, the bear only has 3 heavy armor and the hatred has only 2 pitiful points). However, with a high armor value and low health, the knight's attack power is relatively low, although it is more stable than the bear with the highest attack, but there is still a gap compared to the abomination (when there is no offensive and defensive technology, the knight has 30 to 38 normal attack power, the bear has 28 to 43 normal attack power, and the abomination has 33 to 39 normal attack power).

The knight has no functionality at all

Warcraft 3: Terran knights who can resist and fight, why the appearance rate is not as good as that of Hate and Bear

Since Warcraft 3 itself is an RTS game, players will consider the combat effectiveness of this class when choosing a class to match, and the functionality is also very important. In this regard, the performance of knights is undoubtedly the worst, with only two passive skills, they can often only be used to forcibly slash some of the opponent's middle armor units in actual combat. This is completely incomparable to the abomination that can disperse a bear with insufficient ability to disperse opponents or supply friendly forces after the war, and rely on the Cloud of Disease skill to limit the health of units such as fawns after the start of a regimental battle.

Knights and troops are difficult to coordinate and easy to get out of touch with the team

Warcraft 3: Terran knights who can resist and fight, why the appearance rate is not as good as that of Hate and Bear

In the major versions, except for some special tactical systems, the commonly used classes of the Terran race are basically mages and muskets. Slower movement speeds are one of the biggest drawbacks of these classes, and knights themselves are an alternative of the Terran classes, with extremely high movement speeds and the need to target enemy units in the back row, making it difficult to work with the common Terran classes most of the time. In addition, under normal circumstances, the Terrans themselves do not have the team acceleration skill of enduring aura and evil aura, and it is impossible to play without rushing forward after fighting, and it is easy to get out of touch with large troops when rushing forward, which is also the key reason why few players are willing to use knights.

The lawbreakers have been doing well

Warcraft 3: Terran knights who can resist and fight, why the appearance rate is not as good as that of Hate and Bear

Although today's spellbreakers have been somewhat weakened, their health and armor attributes have always been quite good, and with the combination of magic immunity, spell stealing, control magic and anti-devouring skills, they can easily deal with most common heroes and front row units in actual combat.

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