
There are three major obstacles in life, grit your teeth and insist on surviving, you win

Wen | Ling Wheat

Write the warmest words, heal the lonely heart, pay attention to me, and warm you.

There are three major obstacles in life, grit your teeth and insist on surviving, you win

No one has a thousand days, and no flowers have a hundred days of red. The criterion for judging whether a person is successful is often not how high he can stand, but his attitude and confidence in the face of setbacks and tribulations when he falls into a trough.

In a person's life, no one is proud of everything, and everywhere is beautiful. Everyone goes through a trough to a greater or lesser extent, wandering, unhappy, depressed and overwhelmed.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, and since you have chosen a distant place, you will only take care of the wind and rain. Some people always complain when they encounter difficulties and setbacks, but the truth is that no amount of complaining will help.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the foot to the roadside road is self-wide. Blockage is change, change is passable, general is smooth, and smooth is successful. If you complain all day about the world, complain about the injustice of the heavens, and the unfairness of fate, it will only be a slump!

There are no mountains in the world that cannot be turned over, and there is no obstacle in life that cannot be overcome. Three big hurdles in life, dodging is a blessing: see how many more you have?

There are three major obstacles in life, grit your teeth and insist on surviving, you win

Love and not the emotion.

Clinging to one thought will be trapped in one thought; when one thought is let go, it will be in the mind.

In this life, a person is nothing more than a journey of reconciliation with himself, and when he lets go, he is happy.

There is no eternal love in life, and feelings without an ending always have to end; people who can't have it will always forget, and slowly everything will pass. If you can't be together because of some objective conditions, then just seeing him happy is your greatest blessing.

To love someone, you must also love the right person, and if you love the wrong person, you cannot respond, and that cannot become love.

For people who love but can't, don't cling to each other, don't tangle anymore, let go of attachment, let go of others, and spare yourself. Surviving this "emotion" put him down and let go of yourself.

The "seven-year itch" in marriage.

Marriage is managed, marriage is not a form, not a formality. The seven-year itch is not terrible.

When people reach middle age, both husband and wife will feel bored and bored due to the bland, regular, and aesthetic fatigue of married life, and face the test of marriage crisis.

Husbands and wives have lived together for a long time, they are too familiar with each other, just like the left hand touching the right hand, the resentment will increase, and the mutual complaints and accusations will come out. Some couples have not been able to escape the seven-year itch and let the marriage go to the realization.

The seven-year itch will make the marriage light up, do not escape, do not give up lightly, husband and wife should be prevented in advance, work together to deal with it positively, survive this hurdle, and the second half of life will be smooth and profitable.

There are three major obstacles in life, grit your teeth and insist on surviving, you win

Life is at a low point, and it is helpless.

Difficulty is like a spring, you are weak it is strong.

No matter how tired you are, don't shout, no matter how difficult, don't always complain. In the face of setbacks in life, as long as you insist on walking through the mountains and rivers, you will surely exchange willows and flowers. When you are in a trough, you have to struggle with fate and overcome everything.

The attitude towards the low points of life determines the height of your life. Life is like a road, walking through the mud, there will be a flat, afraid to give up halfway, there is no courage to persist.

When your life is at a low ebb and you are helpless, don't give up on yourself and stagnate. Eat a trench, grow a wisdom, all you have to do is start reflecting and start again.

Wheat message: Life is a river, and the depth must be crossed.

Life adversity, even if it falls again and again, you have to get up again and again! If a person doesn't push himself, you don't know how good you are.

When life brings you all kinds of unsatisfactory, don't take a pessimistic mood and rush to define yourself, thinking that you can't turn over again in this life.

When the wind is smooth and the water is high, it is not a real skill, and it is rare to be calm and calm when the wind is against the water. There is no obstacle in life that cannot be passed, and no matter how difficult it is, it will go back to the past. There are three major obstacles in life, survive it, and you win.

Especially at the low point of life, when you feel hopeless, you must learn to think differently, don't think about what you have lost, but think about what you have. These little bits of luck can make you survive the most difficult days of your life.

Every difficult journey is the tempering of life for us, there is no smooth life, only self-improvement.

There's nothing scary about failure, and the troughs aren't yours forever. Where you fall, you get up, and life will never fail.

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