
Grandma brought up children and grandma kisses?

That's right, and it's not at all. I have a true story around me, and if I tell it to you, I will understand why I say this.

There was a family in a neighboring village in my hometown, and their eldest daughter gave birth to a girlfriend, and family planning was a bit tense at that time. The policy stipulates that families who give birth to a girl with a first child are allowed to have a second child, but after giving birth to a second child, whether male or female, they must undergo sterilization and sterilization.

In order to have a son, their eldest daughter's family took the second child's daughter back to her mother's house to let her parents raise her.

This little girl with a second child was carried to her grandmother from birth, and she had never seen her grandmother since she was born. When she was five or six years old, her grandmother's neighbor, teasing her, said that she would pull a cart of her grandmother's wheat to her grandmother's house, and she said, "No! Then they said, "Pull a cart of your grandmother's wheat and give it to your grandmother." She said, "Good! ”。

People teased her again, let's kill your grandmother, she will not do it, people ask her, "Who to kill?" And she said, "Kill my grandmother!" ”。

When this little girl grew up, she was really good to her grandmother, to her grandmother, not to her grandmother, and not too close.

So why do I say, then, that's not the case at all? The same thing, in a street near my hometown, there was a little girl who had lived with her grandmother since she was a child. Of course, her grandmother was also very kind to her, she grew up and went to college, and after joining the work, she sent a thousand yuan to her grandmother every month and asked her grandmother to buy meat to eat.

She never sent money to her grandmother, because in her impression, her grandmother never managed her.

Under normal circumstances, children who bring more from childhood, grow up to give to whom to kiss, this is beyond doubt. But because of blood relations, as the saying goes, blood is thicker than water, in the dark, as if children are more inclined to their grandparents, this may be an ironclad thing, and no one can change it.

However, it is not all the same, and there are many unexpected things happening. There are also many people who are close to their grandmothers.

Grandma brought up children and grandma kisses?
Grandma brought up children and grandma kisses?
Grandma brought up children and grandma kisses?

(The picture originates from the network, if it is invaded, delete)

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