
The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended


The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended

League of Legends has a lot of hero modifications, in fact, it is a failure, for example, the hero of Ruiz, in the beginning, should basically be regarded as a non-ban hero, but now, it is already regarded as no one in the middle and low segments. The reason is very simple, because the original Ruizi operation is simple, the output is powerful, such a strong hero, if you don't choose, let the other party's people feel a little lost, and now you choose it, maybe your teammates will think, is this goods going to take us to send spring water?


The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended

What does Kyle, the hero, say? If you say from the hero strength, the hero's revision is not a special failure, at least this hero can still play, but from the skin and appearance rate, this hero's revision is very unsuccessful, you can see, Kyle this hero was once a fairly strong hero, basically after his teammates were selected, as long as the normal development in the later stage, can be described as invincible, after all, and the barbarian king, there is invincible time, and their output is even more outrageous than the barbarian king. Now after the revision, the overall difference is much worse.


The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended

Undead God of War, did this hero's redesign fail? There may be players who say that the original undead god of war is too laipi, this kind of hero should be revised, I do not deny that the original undead god of war is indeed very laipi, but the people who like to play are not particularly many, look at the original appearance rate, you know, and after the fist revision of this hero, the appearance rate is lower than before, except for some players who play special routines, it seems that most players see the undead god of war, they all feel that this hero is very bulky, and indeed it is much worse than the old version.


The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended

The hero of the werewolf was also a hero with a very low appearance rate at the beginning, so why would such a hero be liked by some players? Mainly because the original big move is very stable, it can be said that this is one of the few advantages of the original werewolf hero, and now this hero has undergone a revision, the stable control of the big move is basically gone, if you want to control the other party, you need to predict it a little, and after this advantage is not, do you think it is necessary for the werewolf to play?


The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended

Soraka this hero of the revision, I personally feel that it can be said to be a very failure, you have to know why there were so many players, like Solaka this hero, in fact, the reason is very simple, back to the blood plus back to the blue, there is a good AOE ability, the key is in the team battle, can reduce the opponent's defense ability, now after the revision, in addition to a blood back ability is still there, the other several advantages are basically all gone. It can be said that from a t0 level auxiliary hero to a t3 level auxiliary, basically not many players like to play this hero.


The most failed hero of the LOL revision the first one from non-ban mandatory to unattended

Has Galen's hero been revamped? There may be some players feel that Galen has not been revised, I will tell you, Galen this hero is modified, and the strength of the revision is not small, the original big move is a mark effect, and later deleted, you have to know that when there was a mark effect, Galen is basically a t0 level of the next hero, especially with the cat, in any version is quite strong, unfortunately after canceling such a mark effect, Galen's appearance rate plummeted.

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