
Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages


Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages

The old version of the Undead God of War is very powerful, and I think even if you haven't played it, you should have heard of it. So do you remember the skills of this hero? Many people may have forgotten that the passivity of the undead god of war was a BUG level skill (early stage) in the beginning, because there was a 40% chance of blocking some damage from the other party, the key is that this block is prioritized over the armor calculation, that is to say, when many heroes fight the undead god of war in the early stage, the undead basically do not lose blood, is it very scary?

Q skills

Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages

Q skill is a stun skill, this skill was definitely a very BUG skill at the beginning, because the other party can't dodge this skill in the early stage, once it is fainted, it is estimated that many players will leave the keyboard with both hands, because you do not leave the keyboard, in fact, there is no use, after all, the output of the undead God of War is all hit on you, and your screen will become a black and white. A question for everyone, do you remember the way you played the undead God of War plus points?

W skills

Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages

The W skill is the main output skill of the undead God of War, in simple terms, there is a shield, which will cause damage when you actively use this shield. This is an AP bonus skill, so the undead god of war originally had an AP routine, the key is that this routine is very powerful, after all, everyone knows that once you faint with each other, the other party must not be able to dodge the next W skill damage, a wave of heroes who take away the other side, it should be a very normal thing.

E skills

Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages

When the E skill is actively used, it will consume health, but after killing the opponent's unit, it will permanently increase the health of the undead god of war, and in theory, this skill is still good. However, because the QW skill is too good, many players will not point out this skill in the early stage in order to pursue high damage, although this will be a little less life bonus, but when your explosion is high enough, it doesn't really matter. Of course, there were also people who liked to point level 1.

R skills

Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages

This skill is actually not bad, after opening, your output will suck blood, the key is that you can also make your teammates return blood. Therefore, the original undead god of war also has an AD routine, because the undead god of war with pure AD output, in the team battle, the blood sucking ability is very terrible, and at the time of the final settlement, the amount of blood returned by itself may be more than that of his teammate's mother. However, this routine, it seems that many old players do not like it very much.

Which routine do you like

Remember the lol old version of the Undead God of War skill Passive is a BUG level skill in the early stages

If you've ever played this hero, which routine do you like? In fact, I personally still prefer AP routines, mainly because AP routines are really simple, do not need any operation, as long as you know the combo moves, QW can be, first hand fainting each other, and then brainless to output it. Such a routine is basically impossible to target, so it was finally changed by the fist, if it is not changed, I think this hero should be more popular now.

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