
LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

Ritz: From grandfather to grandson

LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

There are too many heroes who have been redone with fists, so let me tell you that the heroes who just came out at the beginning are basically gone now. So so many redone heroes, which one do you think is the most regrettable? As an old player, I think the most regrettable thing should be Ruizi, after all, Ruizi belonged to the grandfather level hero before the redo, but after the redo, he directly became a grandson, you can think about how terrible this is, before it was casually beaten, now it is casually beaten.

Kyle: This is speechless

LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

Kyle's hero is even more needless to say, what is the significance of this hero's redo? In fact, the output of this hero at the beginning is not low, and there is also a certain self-protection ability, absolutely a very strong hero on the road, even said that five positions can go, and after redo there is no way to go five positions, although it is still strong, but there is no obvious advantage than the original, and even because of this redo led to a very good skin is gone, you say it is not a pity.

Undead: Old players are heartbroken

LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

Many old players have said that the redo of the undead god of war is really painful, the reason is because the operation of the undead god of war is very simple, know the stun and open the shield, then this wave of group warfare you are basically the advantage, but now this hero, I have been evaluating him is an iron man, the skill is often empty, and the output is not particularly high, there may be a little tank ability, it will make people feel more annoying. It can only be said that it is okay, the players who liked the undead god of war were not particularly many, otherwise, the redo of the undead god of war type, it is estimated that many players will have to retreat.

Knife Girl: It's a pity

LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

Knife sister, this hero is actually very, unfortunately you can think of the old version of the knife sister, weakened by the fist n times, is still very strong, after taking it out can still take their teammates to fly, and now this knife sister also just came out, let people feel more terrible, now, everyone seems to not see this hero, right? After all, from the perspective of the hero's mechanism, if it is really too much difference, although the big move looks very good, but compared with the old version, this is a younger brother.

Captain: The old version is actually pretty good

LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

Captain, although this hero said that after redoing, it is a relatively strong hero, but I personally feel that it is really a pity, especially for players over 30 years old, their own operation is already very bad, this time the captain after redoing it means that they have one less hero to play, after all, in the past, only need to use the q skill, you can play a very good damage, now the operation requirements are too high, so the old players feel pity, it should be a very normal thing.

Twisted Tree Spirit: The old version is stronger

LOL reworked hero which you think is the most regrettable first to change from grandfather to grandson

I personally feel that the twisted tree essence, this hero is actually the old version will be a little stronger, because the old version of the tank ability is stronger, the current version in fact in addition to adding a little bit of group opening ability, other things have not changed significantly, and the tank ability is much weaker than the old version, the key is not only to make themselves weaker, after the twisted tree essence is redone, let a lot of crisp skin become weaker, you say is not a pity?

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