
The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

Recently, when I looked at the ranking win rate list, I found that the current hot Ruiz in the ranking is very bad, the winning rate is as low as 44.18%, but Ruizi is a very comprehensive single, and it is very easy to drive the rhythm after mastering, and this issue of the playing curry book will take you to master the gameplay of this Raiden King.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

Runes & Outfits:

There are three sets of Runes of Ritz, Phase Rush, Conqueror, Wolf Head I will hand over to the more mainstream conquerors in this issue, the main line of rune points must be pointed back to blue, the secondary system can choose to order biscuits, future supermarkets or mana flow ties, and other small talents are pointed out according to the situation.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

Ruiz's outfit is still very flexible, with the conqueror I suggest that you can be biased towards the high meat of the outfit, the three-piece set that must be out is the eternal frost, ice armor and ice heart, the three-piece set has a wound-free, shield, control, and then with the conqueror's damage, Reez's combat strength will come to the peak, and then the outfit will be selected according to the situation, if the downwind can produce more meaty equipment, if the headwind will output high equipment to make up for the damage.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

Combo Ideas:

Damage maximization: QEQWQEQ, many friends say that Ruizi did not hurt, in fact, the combo moves are not connected, the reez damage maximization combo everyone can press the previous release, a set of damage is very impressive, but this set of combos is too ideal, many times we will not use, because the enemy is not a target, this set of combo moves can not be achieved many times.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

The most practical: EQA, this set of combos is very practical, generally used for consumption, E skills have a diffusion effect, you can use this E creep to catapult to the enemy hero, and then use the Q skill to catapult the damage to the opposite side, directly complete the consumption, if the enemy wants to get close to us, then a W hit the passive speed bonus after the slip can be.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

Strongest control: Flash EW to win the frost, Ruiz's control must be E after the end of the W to control, so we better choose EW's combo for the first hand, so that we can cooperate with the wild, which is also the reason why Ruiz can frequently appear in professional competitions.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!


Reez's way of playing in actual combat is very simple, first of all, it is best to find a wild to play a double row, so that you can use the control combo to play with the field to penetrate the middle road, if it is a single row, we should not be too attached to the line, but use Reez's rapid clearance of the line, frequently go to the side to open the situation, Reez's R skill also helps him to quickly complete GANK.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

In the team battle, Ruizi can have a variety of playing styles, both can complete the endgame harvest by themselves, you can also choose to protect our back row, we must make more use of the strong control of EW and yong frost, cut the back row and protect the back row are very useful, is the most cost-effective set of moves of Ruiz.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!


In actual combat, we should use the distance to pull the opposite side, because our passive movement speed is very practical, while observing the maximum release distance of the E skill, the combo move should be flexible, do not put yourself in a dangerous position because of more damage, although the outfit is very meaty, but can not withstand too high the outbreak.

The hero with the lowest winning percentage must be weak? Ten minutes to teach you to learn the special gameplay of Reitz!

In addition, Ruizi's damage is low when the balance of power is inferior, and when there is no advantage, try to see yourself as functional, use the point control to seize the opportunity to retain people, or help us C to create space.

Summary: The above is the ruiz teaching brought to everyone by the playing coffee treasure book, in summary, ruizi pays more attention to supporting the pull, the playing style is more flexible, suitable for teammates to cooperate with their own effects, the requirements for the judgment of the situation will be relatively high, suitable for players who are good at supporting heroes.

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