
When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

Women giving birth to a child should not only consider a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, but also consider how to cooperate with the doctor to give birth smoothly. Some pregnant women do not cooperate and let themselves fight with the god of death.

With less than a week to go before my cousin's due date, she called me, a second-child mother, for advice on childbirth experience. My cousin told me: "My mother-in-law wanted me to have a smooth birth, but I asked the doctor's opinion during the obstetric examination, and the doctor said that my fetal position was not very good and it was not suitable for a smooth birth." Cousin, do you think I should insist on a smooth delivery? It is said that children who give birth to a child are healthier and smarter. ”

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

"Don't be too strong." I interrupted my cousin, "In order to ensure the safety of the mother and baby, the doctor will recommend a childbirth method that is suitable for you according to your personal situation." You know, childbirth is the most dangerous hurdle in the whole pregnancy, if you do not cooperate with the doctor, let alone give birth smoothly, even the life of the mother and baby is threatened. ”

Hearing me speak so seriously, my cousin was also frightened, and immediately responded to me: "Cousin, I will listen to you." Subsequently, my cousin asked me with a smile: "I heard that the hospital also has 'unspoken rules', some pregnant women are particularly unlucky, annoying the doctor, I don't know if I will be recruited?" ”

Regarding this "unspoken rule" mentioned by my cousin, to be honest, I have really heard my girlfriend who is an obstetrician and gynecologist mention it in person. The reason why they are "angels in white" will also be bored with pregnant women who need special care is purely because these types of pregnant women are "too disobedient". Not only does "extraneous branches" allow doctors to do a lot of explanatory work, but it also hinders the development of normal and orderly delivery.

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

Having a baby is a matter of life and death, don't let the doctor get bored before blaming incompetence

The older generation often said that having a child is equivalent to breaking through the door of the ghost. This is really not an exaggeration at all. Despite advances in medicine, cases of maternal deaths persist.

Nearly a thousand women die every day worldwide from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, in the face of maternal delivery, doctors are equivalent to racing against the "god of death". They hope that the cooperation and work support of mothers and their families will allow them to concentrate and race against time to work to ensure the safety and health of mothers and babies.

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

I reminded my cousin not to experiment with myself or step on the red line. Some behaviors, really don't learn! Otherwise, you may be destroyed.

▼ Crying with all his might, wasting his energy in vain

The pain of childbirth is naturally true, some pregnant women, have not yet officially entered the delivery room, they have lost in the pain of contractions, and all kinds of "ghosts cry wolf howl" sounds are endless. In fact, the prenatal pain of pregnant women is unbearable, and everyone understands it well. But the behavior of crying for a long time is very unpleasant to the medical staff.

It is not that they are not sympathetic, but that the crying and yelling of the mother are in vain. The energy of the mother is consumed in advance, and the maternity capacity is insufficient until the formal lying on the delivery bed, not to mention the prolongation of the labor course, but also increases the risk of both the mother and the baby.

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

Therefore, I tell you from my own experience that although it is very painful for women to give birth, it is also the instinct of life, and they grit their teeth before giving birth to restrain themselves and save their strength for the next production. When you can't stand it, you can talk to the accompanying family and divert your attention as much as possible to reduce your attention to the pain.

▼ Do not cooperate with the doctor, and criticize the doctor in various ways

When a colleague of mine gave birth, I was embarrassed to meet the attending doctor who was a male doctor. Although the medical staff have explained that the doctors have their own professional ethics, will respect their profession, and will not treat a particular mother with special eyes. However, due to the different requirements of men and women, colleagues and her family members have resolutely made a request for a change of doctor.

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

You know, after all, the hospital is a professional institution, and the doctor's work and operating room appointments are prepared in advance. The temporary redeployment of manpower and resources is obviously unrealistic. At the same time, this kind of nitpicking behavior obviously made the doctor very angry.

I now borrow the example of my colleagues and warn you that the production process must believe in the doctor, cooperate with the doctor, and do not question the gender and ability of the doctor. Only the cooperation of doctors and patients can help women give birth smoothly.

▼ It is not suitable for normal delivery conditions, and insists on voluntary delivery

I laughed and joked with my cousin, the third kind of mother who is not pleasing to the doctor, is the original idea of yours, obviously the body is not suitable for the conditions of normal delivery, stubbornly ask for a smooth birth.

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

Many women have heard about the benefits of normal birth, such as: the fetus squeezed through the birth canal, not prone to respiratory pneumonia, etc., the body is healthier. Another example: a smooth delivery is conducive to the recovery of the mother, and the tissue damage is also small.

If the conditions for normal birth are met, the doctor will of course advocate the smooth delivery of the mother. However, there are still some women who are not suitable for vaginal delivery because of their own or fetal conditions, such as: too much fetal weight in the abdomen, improper fetal position, and small maternal pelvic bone.

If the conditions for a vaginal birth are not met, and the voluntary delivery is imposed, the mother and baby will only be put at risk. The prolongation of labor increases the risk of fetal hypoxia, which is likely to brew a tragedy of "stillbirth", and the mother herself may also have heavy bleeding.

When giving birth, the mother should not "do", and try not to do some things that annoy the doctor

Therefore, what kind of delivery method to choose, smart women will not make their own decisions, will be handed over to professional doctors through clinical obstetric data to judge. Choosing the right mode of delivery is the most responsible for both the mother and the baby.

Dear expectant mothers who are ready to give birth, although medicine is becoming more and more mature, the risk of childbirth has always existed. If you want to have a smooth delivery, you must converge and actively cooperate with the doctor. With the help of the mature experience of medical staff, the labor process is shortened as much as possible, the pain of childbirth is reduced, and the safety of mothers and babies is guaranteed!

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