
These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

Breast milk is the best food for newborns, when the newborn is born, the mother's body will slowly secrete milk, breastfeeding is good for both the child and the mother. And for those who do not have breast milk or insufficient breast milk to take the way of milk powder feeding, although the milk powder is good, but most of the mothers are still willing to let the baby drink breast milk, do not know that in some cases inappropriate breastfeeding methods will not only not allow the nutrients in breast milk to be fully absorbed, but will bring a series of health problems to the baby, resulting in their immunity gradually deteriorating.

These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

Insisting on breastfeeding the baby is getting thinner and weaker, why it always bothers the mother

The 24-year-old young mother said that she had a one-year-old baby, but every time she took the child out, the most people around her said was "how can this child be so thin." Indeed, compared with the children around them, the talking baby is much younger than others, and they especially love to get sick.

Since the birth of the child has been insisting on breastfeeding, at the beginning of the lack of breast milk, open milk to chase milk is a lot of effort, it is not easy to eat, how can the child eat more and more thin? The family said that they let the words cut off breast milk for the child to drink milk powder, she did not understand, she also paid attention to her diet on weekdays, breast milk is also sufficient, why is the child so weak?

These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

In fact, many breastfeeding mothers have the misunderstanding that as long as the child is breastfeeding, it will definitely be better than the child who eats milk powder, in fact, if the feeding method is not well mastered, it is really not as good as milk powder feeding.

For breastfeeding mothers, it is impossible to make milk powder, no matter when the child wants to eat milk, especially in the evening with the child is more difficult, bao mom day and night upside down is also a common thing. If the child cries a lot of mothers and can not wake up quickly, then they will use breastfeeding to solve, such a practice seems to be effective, in fact, it will make the child develop irregular habits, resulting in their frequent night awakenings. This will not only affect the rest of the mother, but also affect the rest of the baby, in the long run, the work and rest will be disrupted, the gastrointestinal function will also be abnormal, and the natural health of the child will also have a serious negative impact.

These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

Breastfeeding needs to pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness, especially in the case of milk leakage, if the underwear is not changed in time, and the cleanliness of the chest is not paid attention to, it will lead to the growth and spread of bacteria around. When the baby is feeding, these bacteria will also enter their body, violating their immune system, causing the baby's immunity to gradually decrease, resulting in repeated illness. Therefore, after each feeding or milk spill, pay attention to cleaning and maintain chest hygiene.

These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

For breastfeeding mothers, insufficient breast milk is a problem, and too much breast milk is also a "trouble", many mothers will be the baby can not eat the breast milk out of one time and then put waiting for the next feeding to the baby, and the remaining breast milk in this process is not frozen in the refrigerator, but placed in the indoor environment at room temperature, this feeding method is even more harmful! Because milk is also very easy to deteriorate in this process, it has no benefit to the baby's body. Therefore, you can't eat the remaining milk can buy some milk storage bags online, use the breast pump to suck out and then put it in the bag and then put it in the refrigerator for freezing, and then take it out to heat it when you need to drink it, so as to ensure that the milk is not invaded by bacteria.

These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

These several wrong breastfeeding methods are the reasons for the baby's immunity becoming more and more low, if you feel that it is difficult to change, it is better to simply take milk powder feeding, if the mother has hepatitis A or is in the period of hyperthyroidism, then do not feed the baby breast milk, otherwise the health damage to them is very large.

In fact, bao mom does not have to be too obsessed with breastfeeding, now with the maturity of the process and the improvement of the formula, the milk powder fed baby is actually very healthy and strong, the correct understanding of the benefits of milk powder feeding, but also the effective guarantee of the baby's health.

These three breastfeeding methods will make the newborn's immunity worse and worse, and it is better to drink milk powder

The nutrition of all aspects of formula milk powder is relatively balanced, to meet the various nutrients needed by the baby's growth process, but also to avoid breastfeeding by the daily diet of the mother affected by the situation, and formula milk powder has also developed some special formulas according to the needs of the baby, such as lactose-free milk powder, moderate hydrolysis, deep hydrolysis and amino acid milk powder, to meet the needs of more babies.

In addition, milk powder feeding can also slowly summarize the rules according to the baby's feeding time and milk amount, and then regularly and quantitatively feed the baby, compared to the irregularity of breastfeeding, milk powder feeding is actually very worry-free, so that the mother and the child can get a better rest.

Therefore, the nutrition and health of the baby fed by milk powder is also greatly guaranteed, and the mothers do not have to worry about a series of troubles caused by breast milk, whether it is breastfeeding or formula feeding or mixed feeding, we must observe the baby's growth and choose the most appropriate feeding method according to their physical response.

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