
What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

Introduction: What is the sudden crying after the baby falls asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

After giving birth to the baby, life has changed, everything has to revolve around the baby, to say that the hardest time to take the baby, I think it is within three years after the birth of the baby, that is, the care of the baby less than 3 years old is the hardest, the younger the more difficult to bring, mainly manifested in the night, some babies often wake up suddenly after falling asleep and cry, making people sleep badly, poor mood, I don't know if your baby is like this?

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There may be many parents who have encountered this situation, but do not know what the reason is, and do not know how to solve it. In fact, there are 3 reasons, parents again encounter no more tantrums, take it seriously.

Whether the baby sleeps well or not is directly related to the development of the body, if you often sleep badly, it will lead to the baby's development backward, so come and see what reasons the baby suddenly cries after falling asleep.

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

The first thing may be that the baby wakes up before he has slept well

For example, when adults are sleeping soundly, suddenly there is a phone call to wake up, at this time, no matter who will definitely show impatience, even very angry, then the baby is the same, when not sleeping, it will wake up, naturally it will be very irritable, so loud crying.

Therefore, when the baby sleeps, parents try not to interfere with him, such as touching the baby's small face while sleeping, a little attention will wake up the baby, and should create a relatively quiet environment for the baby to let him sleep comfortably, so that he can sleep peacefully.

When sleeping at night, do not let the baby sleep with adults, otherwise it is easy to wake up the baby when a turn over, or when the baby sleeps, the parents are busy looking at the mobile phone, which is also easy to wake up the baby.

Some people may say that sleeping at night is very quiet, the baby also sleeps in a small bed alone, how can it wake up because of not sleeping enough, in fact, it is very likely that the baby is too small, the lack of sleep capacity is caused, want to sleep but can not sleep, the baby feels particularly angry and will cry.

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

The second may be that the baby is not well adapted to unfamiliar places

Some mothers may marry farther away, so they will live for a few days when they return to their mother's house, in which case the baby is likely to suddenly cry after falling asleep because she is not adapted to a strange place. I was married far away, the baby did not suffer less when he was a child, at first he did not care too much, and then he learned that the baby could not adapt to the new environment quickly, so he waited for the baby to return to his mother's house after the age of three.

If your baby also has this situation, you can wait until the baby is older and then go back to his hometown, or take the family to live.

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

In the end, it may be that the baby is sick and uncomfortable

When the baby is uncomfortable, it is easy to suddenly cry after falling asleep, which is very understandable, the body discomfort wakes up the baby, but the baby himself wants to sleep but can't sleep, in this case, he will cry and release emotions.

So parents should pay more attention to the baby, if the body is unwell, there will be some signals, do not be unaware, if you already know that the baby is sick, parents must have patience, more comfort is better, do not lose your temper at every turn, otherwise the worse the parent's temper, the more the baby cries.

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

After understanding the above 3 reasons, we can find a way to solve the problem.

When the baby is crying, you can first calm the baby's emotions, if he calms down after the comfort, and quickly falls asleep, this situation is mostly caused by not sleeping well.

If you are in a different place, parents can accompany the baby more, so that the baby has a certain sense of security, so that he can sleep well.

Want to know if the baby's physical condition is a problem, then observe more during the day, look at the baby's appetite, mental state, defecation, if a certain aspect is not normal compared with before, most of them are sick, parents can take the baby to the hospital in time to see.

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

Good quality sleep is very important for the baby, parents need to do the following points to let the baby have a good sleep.

1, sleep during the day, do not be afraid of the baby at night sleep is not good, it is mandatory not to let the baby sleep during the day, this is very bad, the more you do this, the worse the quality of the baby's sleep at night, don't backfire. However, if you let the baby sleep during the day, don't sleep too long, up to two hours, and it is best to sleep at noon, do not wait until the afternoon to sleep, otherwise it will also affect the quality of the baby's sleep at night.

2, do not play too crazy with the baby before going to bed, otherwise when it comes to sleeping at night, he will wake up due to physical excitement. You should help your baby develop good sleep habits, don't make big moves before going to bed, you can read picture books, read stories, and slowly and quietly fall asleep.

3, do not sleep time is not fixed every day, so it is easy to miss the baby's best sleep time, if you are particularly sleepy, the baby's sleep quality is not good, it is easy to suddenly wake up. Parents should help their babies develop the habit of sleeping at a fixed time.

What happens when your baby suddenly cries after falling asleep? There are 3 reasons, parents should stop throwing tantrums

If your baby sleeps well, he will grow well, are you doing it right? Don't just lose your temper, it's better to be patient and solve the problem.

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