
The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

Interpretation of emotional topics, taking you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional relief, but you have to know how to let yourself go!

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

Text | The wind stops at night

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The reason why the intimate relationship is called the closest relationship is because the two people in it are the people who have been with each other for the longest time in their lives!

In the days of mutual companionship, sour, sweet and bitter taste together, life ups and downs together to enjoy together!

Therefore, two people will be called "intimate" people.

The simple four-word title contains too much responsibility. This means that on the thorny road of life, we must support each other and achieve each other in order to truly obtain a relatively complete rest of our lives!

It's just a pity that too many men and women, in combination with time and space, make vows loud, and when they do it, they crush the vows with the wind and throw them away!

Before men and women, from acquaintance to union, it should have been two people using the form of saving love to build a nest for each other's love, often operating, often grateful.

Unfortunately, most people love each other easily, and it is difficult to keep love.

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

With the continuous emergence of the current "self-interest" spirit, it has triggered the negative impact of various relationships. Among them, love is changeable, which is the most common one.

Before getting involved in feelings, people are often willing to overestimate themselves and underestimate the difficulty of emotional management. As everyone knows, every union is not the final end of love, and it is harmonious to support each other until the old man is.

Throughout the real intimate relationship, no pair of people who love each other until their twilight years are the lucky ones who escape the twists and turns.

Wanting to cherish and knowing how to cherish is never the same thing!

Wanting to cherish is just a mental activity. Knowing how to cherish is the actual behavior that is done.

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

The words I love you, after all, can not withstand the action to express more people feel deeply warm.

Love is not something that can be achieved by thinking and saying! Love is an action done!

If the person in the intimate relationship really determines his choice before the union, and after the union, he knows how to cherish and express love with actions, then no matter who it is, he can love each other until the twilight years.

Many people in intimate relationships do not know, in fact, the feelings are really light, two people can really walk and walk and disperse!

How many people in love have come to the end and are tit-for-tat? How many people have passed by the right people because they don't know how to cherish and share shoulders with the right people?

The establishment of intimate relationships is caused by fate, but the termination of intimate relationships is completely caused by man-made circumstances!

And the end of the intimate relationship begins in 3 sentences! Early knowledge and early prevention:

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

First: The slightest contradiction, let go of the most hurtful words

In intimate relationships, we see more men and women, and when the wind and waves are calm, you and I are nong. However, when there is a slight contradiction and disagreement, it begins to throw at the other party in the most vicious language.

In the past, violence between men and women was only one kind of physical behavior. With the current unbearable pressure of survival, the vicious words and bad words between people have also been listed as the scope of violence.

Moreover, many times the psychological trauma caused by verbal violence is much greater than the degree of physical violence.

Two people together should have followed the agreement of reason:

Respect and equality.

However, some people are willing to "give" their worst side, the most vicious words they have hoarded, to those closest to them when emotions come.

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

You know, in deep feelings, you will also fall to the freezing point because of bad words.

In intimate relationships, where there is any deep affection and shallowness, it is just that when we are together in reality, we forget what is the real relationship management and mutual cherishing.

Even people who love each other will have contradictions, but people who really know how to cherish will never speak ill of each other.

Encountering problems and solving problems is the healthy appearance of intimate relationships! Evil words and bad words will only intensify the contradictions, make each other more and more separated, and finally the fate is "done", and each of them no longer has the joy and courage to embrace each other at first.

Many people don't know that gentleness and guidance can make each other better! Evil words, only to see the most unbearable side of each other and harvest an extremely unbearable self.

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

Second: Compare the other opposite sex with the other half

In intimate relationships, even if you are joking, don't compare other opposite sexes with your other half. This is the biggest taboo against intimate relationships!

You know, there is no one who does not want to be the only one of the other half. Even if you have flaws in yourself, you still want to be tolerated, and even if you don't do things when you are less satisfactory, you need to be understood.

Most importantly, everyone wants to be "near-perfect" in the hearts of their others who are superior to others.

If anyone compares the other opposite sex to their other half, no matter what they actually think in their hearts, they will definitely bring unpredictable damage to this intimate relationship.

In particular, some people deliberately and truly make comparisons, and express such heartfelt words very bluntly, resulting in frequent contradictions between the two people.

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

Even if you don't do any betrayal yourself, you will be considered betrayed by your partner. Over time, the hearts of the two people became more and more distant.

In fact, two people in a good intimate relationship guide each other's subjective changes. He never compares other people of the opposite sex with the person in front of him from the heart.

Because people who really know how to operate and cherish, they know better that even if the people in front of them are not perfect, they still choose to deny the people in front of them, that is, to deny themselves. To respect the person in front of you is to respect yourself.

At any point, intimate people must know that if you don't want the relationship to end prematurely, don't make the foolish thing of "contrasting"!

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

Third: Tell the world about the other party's badness

As the saying goes: the ugliness of the family should not be publicized.

Not fake at all! Close the door and take care of your own affairs. Whether fortunate or unlucky, take responsibility for yourself. The result of saying it is nothing more than that others will not only have no pain in your joys and sorrows, but also increase the interesting topics after other people's tea and dinner.

Moreover, these "listeners", instead of thanking you for your trust in them, will infinitely magnify the flaws of you or your other half, and make a big fuss about it without benefit.

On the contrary, some people just don't understand this truth. As soon as something unpleasant happens to two people, they immediately talk to each other. It seems that it is not the same as not giving up without making yourself and the other half have no way out.

In real life, relationships are really complicated. There are not many people who are looking forward to your goodness, and there are many people who see your jokes. In particular, hopefully you're getting worse and worse people, and more!

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

So that when you treat others as close friends to tell you that your marital relationship is unfortunate, it is likely that because of the mouth of others, you and your other half's contradictions and grudges are aggravated!

Over time, because of this mouth, each other put the love that could have loved each other alive and put it to death!

In intimate relationships, people who are accustomed to treating each other's big things and small feelings without reservation are the most ignorant and ignorant people. Say that you have taken away your lover, say that you have no feelings, and say that you have exhausted your fate!

In intimate relationships, always remember that if you really love each other and really want your relationship to be more harmonious, you must keep your mouth shut. Rather than spreading out anger and seeking help, guiding change and using it is more effective in business methods.

In any case, you must admit:

In intimate relationships, people who are too self-centered will do things that hurt the other half and ruin each other's future.

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!

In an intimate relationship, two people who really love each other must not say evil words, compare other opposite sexes with the other half, slander the other half of each other's big and small trifles, and complain that they see the wrong person!

No matter how good your public image is, no matter how good you think you are, in terms of running intimate relationships, you say that you have not kept your mouth shut, and no matter who you are with, it is difficult for you to achieve happiness.

Because, you may really not know how to cherish and do not know how to operate, so you do not deserve to have!

For the rest of your life, may all those who are intimate in close relationships introspect themselves!

The end of the intimate relationship, the signs of talking!


Love is man's purgatory in the world. Love or friendship, the right time meets the right person to cultivate the right results!

Topic Discussion: How do you think intimate relationships can be managed to achieve happiness? Welcome to leave a message interactive bar.

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