
There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

0-6 years old is a critical period for children's vision development, once the development of children's eyes is abnormal, it is likely to be invaded by eye diseases, many eye diseases if not found and treated in time, will cause lifelong disability of the eyes.

Why is it so difficult to detect eye diseases in children?

There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

The incidence of eye disease in children is generally relatively insidious, and it is indeed difficult to see abnormalities from the appearance. Because the child is young and cannot be described, and most of these diseases are from a young age, the child does not have a clear visual experience, does not know that what he sees is abnormal, and is easy to be ignored by parents.

Doctors at Wenzhou Mingle Eye Hospital remind that parents should pay more attention to observation, such as finding that children do not respond to strong light, eyes can not follow moving objects, crooked head or squinting eyes to see things, developmental delays, developmental milestones backward or unilateral vision abnormalities and other phenomena, there may be eye problems, which is a reliable and effective method is to conduct regular eye examinations.

There are 4 common eye diseases in children: myopia

There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

Myopia is an eye disease that parents are very familiar with, and the obvious symptom of myopia is that it is not clear to see far, plus some young children cannot express it, so parents are often not easy to find.

Children with myopia will generally squint, change their eye habits, and get too close when doing homework. Or after using electronic products for a period of time, the old love squeezes the eyes. Myopia will not only affect the child's learning, but also affect the concentration, and the child is prone to irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Therefore, when the child has one of the above conditions, parents should pay attention to it and take the child to the hospital for an eye examination in time.

In addition to the common correction of myopia with glasses, some children with myopia whose degree of myopia grows too quickly can consider choosing OK glasses. After the child is 18 years old, if he does not want to wear glasses, he can choose myopia surgery.

There are 4 common eye diseases in children: astigmatism

There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

If the child looks far and near is blurred, it is likely to be astigmatism. Astigmatism children have difficulty distinguishing the shape of a letter, for example they may see the letter T as an I or hyphen, so it will be difficult to learn to recognize words or read.

The correction of children's astigmatism is mainly based on the quality of vision and the severity of visual fatigue.

If the child is regular astigmatism, and the degree of astigmatism of the mydriatic refraction is less than 75 degrees, it does not cause visual impairment, there is no eye fatigue, and it can be temporarily observed without correction.

Wearing glasses is the preferred choice for many astigmatism patients, suitable for regular astigmatism and lower degree astigmatism, especially suitable for astigmatism of adolescents and children, because the eyes of adolescents and children are not yet fully developed, wearing glasses is a relatively safe way of correction.

Medium to high astigmatism and irregular astigmatism can be considered for contact lens correction, which can improve the phenomenon of visual deformation of the glasses and improve the quality of vision. Since hard contact lenses have a layer of "tear mirror" between the lens and the cornea, the effect of correcting astigmatism is better.

There are 4 common eye diseases in children: strabismus

There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

Strabismus is not uncommon, and what everyone calls cockfighting eyes is one of them. In medicine, it is generally believed that both eyes cannot focus on the target at the same time, that is, the visual axis of the two eyes is not parallel, that is, strabismus.

Strabismus is generally divided into the following four types: internal strabismus, extrotropia, upper strabismus, and lower strabismus.

Strabismus during development can cause the child to have no normal binocular vision and will not be able to drive and do fine work as an adult. Strabismus will also affect the appearance of children, resulting in different degrees of inferiority psychology, affecting abnormalities in children's psychology, personality and communication skills.

The treatment of strabismus in children varies according to the type of strabismus and can generally be divided into non-surgical therapy and surgical therapy.

Surgical therapy is to adjust the strength of the external ophthalmos muscles and the position of the attachment point by surgically adjusting the eye position to normal. Congenital esotropia and upper and lower strabismus mostly require surgery, and non-regulated and oblique strabismus usually requires surgical correction.

There are 4 common eye diseases in children: amblyopia

There are 4 kinds of vision problems that children are prone to, and the ophthalmologist will teach you how to deal with them one by one

At present, parents know less about amblyopia, often confused with myopia, although it is also unclear, but the causes of amblyopia and myopia are different, and the harm is greater than myopia.

Myopia can be corrected to achieve visual acuity to 1.0. However, amblyopia is a problem of the development of visual cells, and if it is not trained in time, it is difficult to obtain normal vision through mirror correction and other methods.

The effect of amblyopia treatment is manifested in the fact that the younger the age, the better the efficacy, and the treatment is almost ineffective after the age of 12. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and education of the knowledge of amblyopia. Before the age of 6 is a critical period of visual development, so it is completely curable to find that the child's amblyopia is given corresponding treatment in time.

It should be reminded that even if the treatment is earlier, amblyopia treatment is a longer process. After the doctor gives the correct guidance, parents and children need to cooperate closely, parents must supervise the child to strictly implement the doctor's instructions, regular follow-up, perseverance, in order to receive good treatment results.

Image source: Pixabay


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