
Aiming at the non-drug therapeutic track and alleviating anxiety and depression among young people, Fan Lelai has launched emotional probiotics

Wen | Dai Haotong

Editor| Peng Xiaoqiu

According to the latest data from the World Health Organization in 2019, there are more than 350 million people with depression worldwide, and the growth rate of patients in the past decade is about 18%. According to this estimate, the number of people with pandepressia in China so far exceeds 95 million, which is equivalent to 1 in 15 people suffering from pandepressure.

In the past, most of the domestic treatment for depression took medication as the main solution, but under this approach, there are still some pain points that need to be solved. Clinically, it is sometimes difficult to treat some patients, especially special groups, with anti-anxiety and depression drugs.

First of all, drugs for the treatment of mental illness are easy to give patients a psychological burden of stigma, which often leads to patients' reluctance to seek medical treatment and will worry about side effects, and even be too sensitive to the adverse reactions of drugs, such as "what medicine to eat can not stand." And a significant percentage of people who don't want or can't seek professional help choose "self-help."

Secondly, special groups such as children, adolescents, and pregnant women have many restrictions on medication, and doctors are cautious in prescribing drugs, and the safety requirements are quite high. Adolescent antidepressants are limited in their choices and have more adverse effects than in adults due to imperfect physical development, requiring safe and effective antidepressants. In the process of pregnancy, pregnant women will face the dilemma of taking drugs to fight depression and stopping drugs to protect the fetus.

Therefore, emotional probiotics with antidepressant, calming mood effects and clinically proven emotions are expected to become an adjuvant treatment for anti-anxiety and depression, and become functional foods that can be taken for a long time and improve emotional health.

According to the "2021 Global White Paper on the Development Trend of Probiotics Production, Education and Research", the next eight subdivided varieties of probiotics have great potential, including: gastrointestinal health, women's physiological health, allergy relief, oral health, exercise energy, immune regulation, beauty anti-aging and emotional health.

However, in the existing probiotic product market, most of the probiotic product categories are mainly concentrated in the directions of gastrointestinal regulation, female physiology, and pet health. There are no probiotic hot products and head brands that focus on emotional health and relieve anxiety and depression in the market.

Seeing this market opportunity, Founded in 2019, Fan Lelais, relying on the team's nearly 10 years of research and accumulation in the field of psychiatric disease drugs, began to target people with emotional distress such as anxiety and depression, focusing on the field of emotional health, and developing and promoting medical nutrition products in this field. In 2021, Fan Lelai created a sub-brand "Fan Le Lai Shu You Jun", through the introduction of probiotic strains developed by foreign scientific research institutions, the team carried out clinical trials and verification in China, to achieve localization, is expected to make up for the gap in the domestic probiotic market to enhance emotional health of the probiotic category.

In addition to mental illness patients, modern urbanites in a fast-paced and high-stress situation also have a large number of psychological problems. According to the results of the "White Paper on the Mental Health of Urban Residents in China", 73.6% of people in the mainland are in a state of psychological sub-health, 16.1% have different degrees of psychological problems, and only 10.3% of people with mental health.

Aiming at the young people who are susceptible to anxiety, pan-depression and stress, insomnia and gastrointestinal health, Fan Lelai has launched an emotional probiotic product - "Fan Le Lai Shu Worry Jun", which is a probiotic formula (patent pending) developed for urban stress sub-healthy people, with internationally certified strains and domestic medical research endorsements, which can solve a series of sub-health problems caused by emotions, such as poor sleep, low immunity, intestinal discomfort, etc.

Bao Danhua, founder of Fan Lelai, revealed that in terms of research and development, the team jointly developed the formula with foreign probiotic laboratories, and the team worked with medical research institutions and universities in China to complete the clinical program, forming a strong clinical basis as a product technical support, which is conducive to the localization of emotional probiotics.

Aiming at the non-drug therapeutic track and alleviating anxiety and depression among young people, Fan Lelai has launched emotional probiotics

Safe and effective

In terms of product efficacy, Fan Le Lai Shu Yu Jun has the advantages of scientific evidence-based, safe and effective. Bao Danhua revealed to 36Kr that the current emotional regulation products on the market mainly achieve the purpose of emotional relief through atmosphere regulation, and there are no functional ingredients that directly act on the human circulatory system, and the actual effectiveness is doubtful. The company uses specific probiotics to increase neurotransmitters through the vagus nerve and other pathways, inhibit hpa axis activation, and improve mood, stress, and sleep quality.

In terms of safety, the pure probiotic formula developed by Fan Le Le Shu Yu Jun, which changes the intestinal flora through the self-maintenance of probiotics, has good tolerance, no side effects, and is safe and effective.

How mood probiotic products can play a role in regulating mood is in fact supported by medical principles.

In 2013, John Cryan, a neuropharmacologist at University Cork, and Psychiatrist Ted Dinad came up with the concept of "psychotropic probiotics" (i.e., mood probiotics), which interact with commensal bacteria in the gut, affect the brain, and contribute to improving human mental health.

Mood probiotics are able to produce and deliver neuroactive substances such as γ-aminobutyric acid and serotonin, which act on the gut-brain axis. The cerebrointestinal axis exists between the central nervous system (CNS) and the gastrointestinal tract, and is a two-way pathway linking the cognitive-emotional center with the neuroendocrine, enteric nervous system and immune system. The specific performance is that the information changes in the higher center affect gastrointestinal motility, sensation and secretion through the cerebral intestinal axis. At the same time, gastrointestinal pathological changes also react to the higher centers, which in turn affect people's emotions and behaviors.

Aiming at the non-drug therapeutic track and alleviating anxiety and depression among young people, Fan Lelai has launched emotional probiotics

Principles of medicine

Based on this medical principle, "Pan Le Lai Shu Worry Jun" balances the intestinal flora and makes the intestinal barrier stronger through the effective colonization of emotional probiotics in the user's intestine. In this process, mood probiotics also produce and deliver "mood stabilizers" such as γ-aminobutyric acid and serotonin to maintain a stable, calm mood and away from bad emotional distress.

In order to improve the effectiveness, Fan Le Lai Shu Yu Jun is working with domestic universities to conduct clinical trials. And the core strain has been confirmed by a number of foreign human clinical studies, and has been verified with the following efficacy, as shown in the figure:

Aiming at the non-drug therapeutic track and alleviating anxiety and depression among young people, Fan Lelai has launched emotional probiotics

Power validation

At present, anxiety has become a normal life norm for young people. What they need is not just "emotional regulation", but more of mental support in a state of imbalance. Founder Bao Danhua told 36Kr that in the future, in the business model of Fan le Lai Shu, it will also form a product-based business model, supplemented by "spiritual partner" services, and build a series of physical and mental healing services.

Therefore, Fan Lelai mainly focuses on the promotion model of combining online and offline. First of all, online promotion is mainly for C-end consumers, Fan Le Lai Shu Youjun will continue to communicate emotionally with consumers, through professional services, high-quality products and user experience, from the physical, psychological, intestinal, sleep, emotional and other dimensions of the user to have a positive impact, and then help users to regain physical and mental balance.

Secondly, in terms of offline medical ends, the team cooperates with Internet hospitals such as Good Mood and Xiao Understand to carry out academic promotion and category education, providing users with a new way to reduce the burden of body and mind that is scientific and evidence-based, safe and dependent.

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