
Lactic acid bacteria are not equal to probiotics? Reminder: When buying a probiotic drink, there are 4 details that are best not to forget

author:Sister Xiaohuang

Lactic acid bacteria are not equal to probiotics? Reminder: When buying a probiotic drink, there are 4 details that are best not to forget

During a shopping trip, Auntie Li stood in front of the busy supermarket's health supplement section, filled with a variety of drinks touting health benefits. She picks up a bottle of the drink labeled "Rich in Lactic Acid Bacteria" and prepares to put it in her shopping cart. However, at this moment, the friend next to her gently patted her shoulder and whispered, "Wait a minute, Auntie, do we really understand what we are buying?" Are lactic acid bacteria really the same as probiotics? ”

Lactic acid bacteria are not equal to probiotics? Reminder: When buying a probiotic drink, there are 4 details that are best not to forget

This kind of scene is not uncommon in our daily life. Many people often fail to properly distinguish between lactic acid bacteria and probiotics when purchasing probiotic products, resulting in a failure to take full advantage of the potential health benefits of these products. Lactic acid bacteria, although ubiquitous in many fermented foods, do not necessarily survive in the human gut, while true probiotics are those microorganisms that can survive in the gut and have a positive impact on our health. To help you make an informed decision when purchasing, this article will detail the difference between lactic acid bacteria and probiotics and point out four key details that you should look out for when buying a probiotic drink.

Lactic acid bacteria and probiotics: a common conceptual misunderstanding

The difference between lactic acid bacteria and probiotics

Lactic acid bacteria and probiotics are often confused, but they differ markedly in their effects and properties. Lactic acid bacteria mainly refer to microorganisms that can produce lactic acid, which play a role in preservative and flavor enhancement in the process of food fermentation, such as commonly used in the production of yogurt and kimchi. However, not all lactic acid bacteria survive in the human gut. In contrast, probiotics refer to live bacteria that are able to survive in the human gut and have a positive impact on the health of the host. Effective probiotics are able to improve the balance of intestinal flora, boost immunity, and aid digestion.

Lactic acid bacteria are not equal to probiotics? Reminder: When buying a probiotic drink, there are 4 details that are best not to forget

Four must-check details when buying probiotic drinks

Ingredient list transparency: Check the true confession of the label

When buying a probiotic drink, you first need to carefully check the product label. Qualified probiotic drinks should be clearly marked with the words "probiotics" and their types, such as bifidobacteria, acidophilus, etc. If the label only shows "lactic acid bacteria" without specific probiotic information, the product may not have all the health benefits of probiotics.

Number of live bacteria: the core of probiotics' potency

Effective probiotic products will be labeled on the package with a specific number of viable bacteria, usually expressed as CFU (number of viable bacteria per gram or milliliter). High-quality probiotic drinks often contain hundreds or even hundreds of billions of live bacteria. The higher the order of magnitude, the more significant the potential benefits for gut health.

Shelf life and storage requirements: Ensure viable bacteria

The survival of probiotics is affected by temperature and shelf life, so it is crucial to check the shelf life of the product and the recommended storage conditions. In general, probiotic drinks need to be kept refrigerated to maintain optimal activity. Expired or improperly stored products can result in a significant reduction in the number of viable bacteria, which can affect the results.

Lactic acid bacteria are not equal to probiotics? Reminder: When buying a probiotic drink, there are 4 details that are best not to forget

Suitable for: Individualized health choices

Finally, it is also important to confirm whether the product is suitable for the needs of a specific group of people. Some probiotic products may be designed for specific health concerns, such as boosting digestion or boosting the immune system. Middle-aged and elderly people should choose probiotic products that are suitable for their health status and consult a medical professional if necessary.

With these detailed and practical check-up steps, consumers can make more informed choices and ensure that the probiotic drink they purchase truly meets their health needs.

Probiotics: Your gut health

Probiotics, as a live microorganism, have a positive impact on human health by replenishing the balance of intestinal flora. These microorganisms not only aid digestion and absorption, but also enhance the intestinal barrier function and enhance immunity.

1. Improves digestive system function

Probiotics promote the digestion and breakdown of food, aid in the absorption of nutrients, and reduce gastrointestinal upset. For example, for people who are lactose intolerant, certain probiotics can help break down lactose and reduce symptoms of indigestion.

2. Strengthens the intestinal barrier

The intestinal barrier is a critical line of defense to keep harmful substances out of the bloodstream. Probiotics reduce the risk of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases by enhancing the health of the intestinal mucosal layer and helping to prevent the penetration of harmful bacteria and toxins.

3. Boosts immunity

Probiotics can enhance the body's ability to fight diseases through their interaction with intestinal immune cells. Studies have shown that regular intake of specific probiotic strains can enhance the immune response and reduce the occurrence of infections, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections.

4. Supports cardiovascular health

Probiotics may also have benefits for cardiovascular health. They help maintain the health of the cardiovascular system by lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and reducing blood pressure.

5. Scientific research and data support

Multiple scientific studies support the health benefits of probiotics. For example, one study found that consistent intake of yogurt containing specific probiotics significantly improved digestive health and boosted immune function. In addition, there are experimental data on the cardiovascular benefits of probiotics that show that long-term use can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Through this scientific data and empirical research, we can see the potential value of probiotics in maintaining overall health. Choosing products that contain scientifically proven probiotic strains is a smart choice for middle-aged and elderly people who want to improve their health through their diet.

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