
High-priced yogurt "targeting" people with constipation? Doctors say there is no need to supplement with probiotics through yogurt


CCTV News (Reporter/Yao Shuting Video/Yang Yifei): Nowadays, there are some products on the market that claim to have the effects of "clearing stool" and "clearing the intestines", such as prune juice that "relieves constipation", yogurt containing 500 billion active probiotics per cup, etc., and the long ingredient list dazzles consumers. Some consumers shared their experiences of diarrhea after drinking on social media platforms, calling it "a new type of laxative", and some netizens even went to the hospital for acute gastroenteritis.

Mr. Yu is a yogurt lover and is willing to experiment with different flavors and types of yogurt. Mr. Yu buys a certain brand of yogurt almost every week. "I was a little sick to my stomach that day, so I thought about adding some probiotics to clear my intestines, maybe I would empty the unclean things in my stomach. Then I drank this yogurt with 500 billion live probiotics, and I didn't expect it to worsen the diarrhea. Until the evening, the body even had cramps, shivering all the time, and the whole body was weak, and it was better to supplement some electrolytes later. ”

Mr. Yu's idea is not unique, many people's first reaction after intestinal problems is to "cleanse the intestines". Xiaofei has been plagued by constipation for a long time, and she heard that prune juice helps to defecate, so she immediately bought a prune juice with high sales. "It was sweet and sour, and I didn't feel any reaction after drinking one glass, so I drank another one, and it didn't take long for me to start having diarrhea, and it felt like I had taken a laxative. The next day, I went to the hospital, dizziness, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and when I checked in the hospital, the potassium was lower than normal. Since then, Xiaofei no longer dares to drink prune juice casually.

Is a "high diarrhoea" drink the right choice for constipation? In this regard, the CCTV "News +" reporter invited Li Guang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, to discuss related issues, and the following is the interview record.


News+: What are probiotics? What are the effects of excessive probiotic intake on the body?

Li Guang: Probiotics are a general term for a class of live microorganisms that are beneficial to the host and are beneficial to human health. There are many probiotics in the human body, which can play a role in regulating the intestinal flora and balancing the intestinal microecological environment. Probiotic-rich foods are usually dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt. Probiotics can also improve digestive symptoms such as diarrhea and constipation.

Many probiotic strains produce digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract that help the body digest the food it ingests and absorb the nutrients in it. Probiotics themselves can also produce some important nutrients, such as various amino acids, vitamins, short-chain fatty acids, antioxidants, etc., which play an important role in human health.

The safe dose of probiotics is generally between one billion and tens of billions, and it is clear that the dose of probiotics in a cup of yogurt that purports to contain 500 billion live probiotics has greatly exceeded the regular dose. The normal human body does not need to supplement probiotics in a healthy state, and only when there are uncomfortable symptoms caused by intestinal flora imbalance, probiotics can be supplemented in an appropriate amount for adjustment.

Regardless of quantity or type, excessive supplementation of probiotics will destroy the balance of intestinal flora and destroy the microecological environment of the intestine, thereby causing gastrointestinal dysfunction and producing a series of digestive discomfort symptoms. Therefore, I suggest that consumers should consume rationally when choosing this type of yogurt and not blindly follow the trend.

News+: Which groups of people need additional probiotics?

Li Guang: According to the recommendations of many authoritative institutions at home and abroad, the intake of bacteria per day should be between 1 billion and 100 billion CFU (number of viable bacteria). For adults with healthy gut, the intestinal flora has the characteristics of self-regulation, as long as the daily maintenance of the balance of dietary nutrients, it can well maintain the health of the intestinal flora, and there is no need to supplement probiotics through yogurt or drugs.

For patients with gastrointestinal discomfort, when symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, and unformed bowel movements occur, probiotics can be taken appropriately to increase the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, restore the ecological balance of the intestines, and improve the symptoms of digestive tract discomfort. For some special populations, such as pregnant women, children, the elderly, and people with low immunity, additional probiotics need to be supplemented according to the specific situation to maintain intestinal health and improve immunity. However, different types of probiotics have different effects, and it is recommended that patients take them under the guidance of a doctor to avoid adverse consequences.

News+: Why do some people have diarrhea when they drink prune juice?

Li Guang: The nutrition of prunes is still relatively rich, containing pectin, fructose, citric acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E and other nutrients. Prune juice has a sweet and sour taste, and after drinking, it stimulates the secretion of salivary glands and plays a role in increasing appetite.

Proper consumption of prunes or drinking prune juice has a regulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and is beneficial to health. However, some people have diarrhea after eating or drinking, mainly due to the following reasons.

First, prunes contain a lot of fiber, which can absorb water in the intestinal lumen, increase the volume of feces, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, and promote the excretion of feces.

Second, prunes synthesize sorbitol in the body. Sorbitol is known as a "laxative without irritation" and has the effect of regulating intestinal flora and softening stool.

Thirdly, prune juice is generally prepared as a cold drink, or refrigerated in the refrigerator, or added a large amount of ice, and drinking a large amount of prune juice at too low temperature in a short period of time will also stimulate the intestines and accelerate intestinal peristalsis, resulting in diarrhea.

Fourth, if the bacteria, viruses and other substances on the prune juice are not cleaned during the production process, after entering the human body, it may also lead to intestinal inflammation and cause diarrhea.

News+: Is it scientific to rely on prune juice or yogurt to solve constipation?

Li Guang: The answer is undoubtedly no. Taking prune juice or yogurt containing a lot of probiotics is neither a symptom nor a cure for constipation patients, and long-term use can even have the opposite effect, so it is not recommended as a treatment for constipation.

Well, the best way to avoid constipation is:

First of all, have a reasonable diet. Dietary fiber supplementation is currently recognized as an effective and safe treatment of choice for functional constipation, which can change the stool shape and promote intestinal peristalsis so that it can be easily passed. High-fiber fruits mainly include apples, bananas, pears, citrus, etc.; Fiber-rich vegetables are broccoli, celery, leeks, enoki mushrooms, pumpkin, etc. At the same time, it is also recommended to consume whole grains such as quinoa, oats, whole wheat bread, etc.

Second, drink plenty of fluids. Drinking at least 1.5L-2L of water per day can increase the water content in the stool, make the stool soft and easier to discharge.

Moderate exercise, such as jogging, swimming, skipping rope, etc., can also help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduce the occurrence of constipation.

Establish good bowel habits, have regular bowel movements every day, such as early in the morning or 2 hours after meals, and establish a biological clock. Do not suppress the urge to defecate, and maintain concentration during defecation, reduce the interference of external factors, and control the defecation time to 5-10 minutes.

If constipation persists through lifestyle adjustment, it is recommended that you go to the hospital, choose the type and dosage of laxative drugs that are suitable for you under the guidance of a professional doctor, and do not blindly self-medicate.

News+: How to properly maintain intestinal health?

Li Guang: The intestine is one of the most important organs in the human body, which has many functions such as digestion, absorption, and excretion.

First of all, eat a reasonable diet, try to avoid spicy, irritating, raw and cold food, eat less pickled and fried food, and avoid eating stale and expired food. Try to choose some vegetables and fruits that are light, easy to digest, rich in dietary fiber, and fresh.

Second, develop good eating habits, eat three meals a day regularly and quantitatively, chew slowly, and don't overeat or gobble up.

Third, maintain a healthy lifestyle, go to bed early and wake up early, avoid staying up late, and participate in sports appropriately.

Finally, it is also important to maintain a happy mood, the intestine is known as the "second brain of the person", and emotional problems such as anxiety and depression can also affect intestinal function.

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