
There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

author:Pistachio mom nursery

Hello everyone, I am the family education instructor Guo Ma~

Summer is here, have your children started drinking?

Last time I took pistachios to Suzhou to play, when I was walking around Pingjiang Road, I saw a little boy drinking drinks, and it was alcoholic.

The boy's mother saw it and angrily scolded the father: "Are you crazy, give your son a drink? ”

Dad disagreed: "This is an alcoholic drink, there is no alcohol in it, how can a man not drink?" Your son likes to drink, what's the matter with drinking a little? ”

The mother was speechless: "There is also alcohol in alcoholic beverages, and your son is only 7 years old!" ”

There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

Dad was also a little angry, after all, there were too many people on this road, and the people around him were walking slowly, looking at them who were quarreling, Dad said impatiently: "Your dad fed him liquor last time, what's the matter, I can't buy an alcoholic drink?" ”

After saying that, the father took his son and left.

After the excitement was over, everyone dispersed, and the crowded road began to slow down again.

It is very normal for children to love drinks in summer, but there are 2 kinds of drinks, which are really untouchable.

01 There are 3 kinds of drinks that children can't touch in one sip, and parents should keep them in mind

Type 1: Alcoholic beverages

I have to say that many alcoholic beverages nowadays are really delicious.

At least Guo Ma, a person who loves to drink, is fascinated by alcoholic beverages: it has a bit of wine aroma and the sweetness of the drink.

So in the summer, this alcoholic beverage is Guo's mother's favorite.

It's just that the child really can't drink.

There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

The so-called alcoholic beverages refer to beverages that can be drunk with an ethanol content of more than 0.5% (vol), including various distilled spirits, pre-mixed liquors, etc.

For example, rice wine, beer, wine, and so on.

Although the amount of alcohol in alcoholic beverages is very small, it is a relatively big threat to children's growth and development, gastrointestinal, liver, brain IQ development, etc.

Including in daily life, if the elderly, relatives and friends tease their children and let them drink, parents must also stop it.

After the child enters puberty, he will also become curious about alcohol, and parents should also guide the child correctly.

The second type: tea-based beverages

Does anyone in your family like to drink tea?

When I was a child, I drank the tea from my father's cup, and I felt that it was so unpleasant and bitter, and I really didn't know why they liked to drink such bitter things.

But now that I've grown up, I'm fascinated by the taste of tea.

There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

Although the tea is a little bitter, the "tea drink" made into a drink still tastes good!

When you were a child, did you drink tea drinks such as green tea, iced black tea, oolong tea, etc.?

Tea contains tea polyphenols and a small amount of caffeine, which is a substance that can excite the central nervous system, which makes the child excited and sleeps less, which can affect the child's concentration.

In addition, tea also contains oxalic acid, tannic acid and other substances, which will affect the child's absorption of calcium, iron and other nutrients, and the theophylline in it will also cause excessive gastric acid secretion in the child, harming the stomach.

In tea beverages, the raw materials will have tea leaves, tea powder, tea concentrate and other ingredients.

Therefore, children should not drink beverages that contain tea.

The third: caffeinated beverages

When it comes to caffeine, tea contains a small amount of caffeine, and the caffeine in these drinks may be relatively high.

For example: Coke Sprite, coffee drinks, milk tea, chocolate drinks, etc.

Parents must avoid caffeine when buying drinks for their children.

After all, children with imperfect nervous system development may really not be able to stand it.

There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

02 There is no need to stop your child from drinking drinks in the summer, these drinks can be drunk more often

In fact, the best drink for children is plain water.

It's just that it's bland and tasteless, and watching other children drink drinks, children are also hungry!

No, in fact, there are healthy drinks, and parents can give their children more drinks.

For example, yogurt, milk, 100% fruit drinks, etc.

However, it should be noted that parents should also avoid falling into the pit when buying these drinks.

For example, Grandpa Pistachio took Pistachio out to play some time ago and bought a carton of milk for Pistachio, the box looked really tall, and the four big words "high-grade milk" were also written on the packaging box.

Grandpa's intentions are good, and he wants to buy some good pistachios.

But what is good is not necessarily suitable.

After Guo Ma came back, she took a look at the ingredient list of this carton of milk, the first ingredient was raw milk, but 3 or 4 additives were added to the back, and the milk Guo Ma also tasted it, it was sweet, after all, it was sweetened.

There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

So, where is the nobility of this carton of milk?

Noble in the packaging.

This kind is quite good, and there are many children's milk, children's yogurt, etc., and parents like to buy them for their children at a glance.

Parents remember: when buying milk, you must look at the ingredient list, the cleaner the better! There is only one raw cow's milk, which is the best!

100% fruit drinks included.

In fact, after the fruit is juiced, part of the dietary fiber is removed, and the sugar in the juice will be relatively high.

In addition, in order to neutralize the taste, some will also add a little sugar.

So, although you can drink more of these drinks, be sure to look at the ingredient list!

03 Parents should arrange more drinks than they can drink

In addition to the above drinks, there are many other drinks on the market.

Some of the flavors are particularly good, and the children like them very much;

Some are particularly well advertised and contain probiotics;

Some of the packaging is so beautiful that children want to drink it when they look at it......

There is no need to stop children from drinking in summer, but there are 3 kinds that you can't touch in one sip, and parents must keep in mind

But if you look at the ingredient list, parents may not necessarily recognize some words, because they are all chemical names. Others, the length of the ingredient list is enough to circle the drink several times.

Try this drink again, it is so sweet that my throat is spine, after all, I don't know how much acesulfame potassium, white sugar, aspartame and so on are in it.

Children really love to drink, drink a few times less, to satisfy their cravings, it's enough!

Drinking water every day is not only careful of gaining weight and tooth decay, but also may cause more serious physical problems, and parents will regret it at that time!

Written at the end of the article

In general, it is a drink that contains alcohol, tea, and caffeine, and it is not allowed to drink it in one sip.

Ingredient listClean milk and yogurt can be drunk more.

Drink less of other drinks! If your child really wants to drink it, then drink 100% juice!

Discussion: Does your child drink a lot in summer? What kind of drinks do you drink?

PS: The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!

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