
Do you have high blood pressure, anxiety and depression?

The question from the Internet, "Is it true that high blood pressure can make people anxious and depressed?" ”。

Answer: It's true.

Do you have high blood pressure, anxiety and depression?

It's true that high blood pressure can make people anxious and depressed!

★ Studies have found that in patients with hypertension, the risk of developing anxiety and depression is significantly increased.

There are studies at home and abroad that the detection rate of anxiety disorders in patients with hypertension can reach about 50%. In a survey of 10 hospitals in Beijing, the detection rate of anxiety among hypertensive patients reached 47.2%, which is also close to half. According to domestic surveys, the incidence of hypertension and anxiety is 11.6 to 38.5%, and the incidence of combined depression is 5.7% to 15.8%.

Not only hypertension, but also the prevalence of anxiety and depression in other patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and tumors is also increased.

★ Conversely, among patients with anxiety and depression, more people suffer from high blood pressure than without anxiety and depression.

Anxiety or depression will increase the risk of high blood pressure, some studies have found that anxiety can increase the risk of high blood pressure in people without high blood pressure by about 2 times, depression can increase the risk of high blood pressure in people without high blood pressure by about 3.5 times.

Do you have high blood pressure, anxiety and depression?

What does this mean? It shows that hypertension and anxiety and depression have comorbid factors and common risk factors.

Many years ago, research believed that many cardiovascular diseases are related to psychosocial factors, and environmental factors cause psychological stress to cause and worsen. These cardiovascular diseases include hypertension, coronary heart disease, coronary artery spasm, premature heartbeat, tachycardia, bradycardia and so on.

This is also supported by a material basis. Because many risk factors for diseases themselves have the participation of psycho-emotional and psychological factors.

★ Anxiety and depression can affect blood pressure in a variety of ways.

From the brain: the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland to the adrenaline line, will release a lot of hormones into the blood, causing blood pressure to rise, blood pressure rhythm is not normal; from the sympathetic nervous system this line, causing the sympathetic nervous system in the body to excite, secrete adrenaline, catecholamines These substances can shrink blood vessels, speed up heart rate, aggravate heartbeat, in addition to raising blood pressure, there is also cardiomyocyte toxicity; there is also a renin-angiotensin system This line, which aggravates hypertension and heart and blood vessel damage. Changes in the body caused by anxiety and depression can also cause inflammation of blood vessels, accelerate the progression of arteriosclerosis, and many other physiological and pathological changes.

Do you have high blood pressure, anxiety and depression?

★ Suffering from high blood pressure makes people nervous, anxious, and depressed, and everyone can understand and feel it!

Sick and unwell, the ability to work decreased; to take medicine, but also worry about side effects, and economic burden; require control of diet, eat less salt, limit a lot of delicious food, do not allow smoking and drinking, also unwilling, unhappy, because eating can increase the sense of pleasure; but also afraid of adverse consequences, in case there is a three long and two short ,...... In addition, sometimes the drug does have some adverse reactions, and the body will have one kind of discomfort or another; and, family problems, and so on. Therefore, if you get sick, you will be nervous, anxious, depressed, understandable, or how to say that it is a patient? In addition, some antihypertensive drugs taken by patients with previous hypertension, such as reserpine and guanidine, can also cause depression changes.

Do you have high blood pressure, anxiety and depression?

In this way, anxiety and depression and high blood pressure will cause and effect each other and affect each other.

Clinically, it can also be seen that many patients with hypertension themselves are more impatient, emotionally unstable, poor sleep, and more obvious after getting sick.

In addition to being associated with the onset of high blood pressure, anxiety and depression can also lead to a condition that is not easily controlled. The patient's blood pressure fluctuates greatly, the adherence to medication is not good, and the poor sleep, poor diet control, and poor lifestyle caused by anxiety and depression will also increase the difficulty of lowering blood pressure.

Anxiety and depression can be tested.

Therefore, for patients with hypertension, pay attention to the treatment of anxiety and depression while antihypertensive therapy.

Among the four cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, an important one is "psychological balance".

In hypertensive patients with concomitant anxiety and depression, antihypertensive therapy alone may not be as effective, while combined anti-anxiety depression therapy can improve the progression and exacerbation of hypertension.

Do you have high blood pressure, anxiety and depression?

The treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with hypertension includes psychological interventions, lifestyle interventions, and anti-anxiety and depression drugs.

Studies have found that in elderly hypertensive patients with anxiety, combined antihypertensive and anxiolytic therapy can significantly improve the efficacy of antihypertensive treatment than antihypertensive therapy alone, and even improve left ventricular hypertrophy. Refractory hypertension with anxiety and depression can be improved.

This is what is now often called "double heart medicine".

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