
Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Editor-in-Chief | Zhang Kehuan

Edit | Zhang Li

Author | Off the space

Reports from The GreatAuto

Recently, with the bydir DM-i series PHEV plug-and-mix model and the ideal, Lantu, Tianji, AITO four range extender models sold, consumers on the "DM-i assortment technology and range extender technology who is good and who is bad" debate is increasingly rampant, and even many so-called "brand fans" stand up to speak with actual fuel consumption, while maintaining the product interests of their own models, trying to smear the objective advantages of range extender technology.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

This is not necessary. It is true that today's new generation of plug-and-mix PHEV technology is indeed very advanced, and the hybrid logic represented by BYD DM-i and Great Wall DHT can bring very good feed fuel consumption performance, coupled with the advantages of long-distance pure electric endurance brought by large-capacity batteries, it seems that the extender has indeed begun to fall behind.

However, this kind of "Lei Jun-style contrast method" that is divorced from the actual use scenario and the starting point of consumer appeals does not have any existential significance in itself.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Because the extender and the plug-and-mix PHEV are not a kind of competitive relationship in themselves, nor can they simply be based on the feeder fuel consumption, their design requirements and product characteristics are completely two different directions.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Plug-and-mix represented by DM-i

The internal combustion engine drive remains the core

It is the main position of traditional car companies

If you look closely, you must have found a very interesting point, in the current four major range extender brands, only Lantu Automobile has a traditional car company background, but it operates independently, while the other three are real "new force" brands such as fake replacement.

The models that use the plug-in and mixing system are all from traditional car companies.

Compared with the new forces, the core competitive advantage of traditional car companies lies in the internal combustion engine powertrain, including the research and development, tuning and manufacturing of engines and transmissions.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

The PHEV insertion and mixing system, no matter which architectural form it adopts, "can be driven with pure oil and pure machinery at the same time, and integrate electric drive capability."

The original idea of PHEV insertion and mixing was to improve the working conditions of the internal combustion engine and gearbox through the addition of electric drives to reduce fuel consumption, and some electric drive capabilities can also ensure that the pure electric driving in the "city area" can be as pure as possible.

In other words, including the now-popular BYD DM-i, Great Wall DHT, are based on fuel logic electric drive hybridization, in the system structure, although they have a series drive working logic, theoretically also have a process extender work form, but in addition, they also have a parallel and parallel parallel of hybrid force, there is a mechanical structure based on the crankshaft direct drive, which also makes them more like "electric drive evolution based on the foundation of fuel vehicles".

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Therefore, the higher thermal efficiency engine and the more perfect hybrid working condition matching naturally bring them a lower "uncharged fuel consumption", which is also the current general use of second-line small factory internal combustion engine as a range extender, and the single-speed variable speed electric drive leads to high-speed driving energy consumption of larger range extender models, which cannot be achieved.

However, "there is always a mechanical direct drive" also leads to plug-in models, in addition to the advantages of fuel saving in feed-in driving, there will inevitably be NVH texture problems.

Compared with the consistent high-quality NVH texture of pure electric EV models, including BYD DM-i, Great Wall DHT-PHEV, the joint venture Toyota THS double engine E+, Honda i-MMD sharp hybrid e+, including the plug-and-mix model, there will be "two sets of texture performance", high power and low load, the feeling is the high quality of pure trams, and once the power is low and the load is large, you can feel the unique things of the fuel vehicles at the moment of system switching, including vibration and noise will be intuitively expressed.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Although there are solutions, such as the Great Wall opting to join an ANC active noise cancellation, adding more gears to reduce the speed. BYD chooses to increase the battery, increase the electric drive capacity, etc.; but without exception, it will bring about an increase in cost and price.

The extended range model, in terms of texture performance, is relatively better, in addition to the noise when the extended range is working, most of the time the NVH performance is consistent. If consumers have certain charging conditions and can understand when the two working logics of "pure electricity priority" and "extended range priority" should be used, it can be said that the texture level is completely crushed and mixed.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Extender, pure electricity is the core appeal

Internal combustion engine range extender is only to solve the "energy replenishment anxiety"

Obviously, compared to the practice of "adding electricity" on the basis of fuel, the nature of the extender is reversed; at any time it is 100% pure electric drive, and there is no physical hard connection between the range extender and the wheel of the internal combustion engine - in essence, the extender model is a pure electric vehicle, and the internal combustion engine is just a generator.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

Without a physical direct drive, the internal combustion engine is only responsible for generating electricity, and without a hybrid gearbox with a complex structure that produces vibration and noise, the only source of the NVH deterioration of the extender model is the oil-burning range extender.

Switching to a better foot glue, reducing the speed of the range extender, and increasing the sound insulation material can already greatly alleviate the NVH problem; and if the range extender is replaced by a mainstream, more balanced four-cylinder machine, then even if it is fed, the NVH texture of the whole vehicle can exceed more than 99% of the same working conditions.

It can be said that if the first appeal of your car is not considered by the "absolute fuel saving" ability, then the extender is far better than the plug-in mix, we can see that the range extender models on sale at this stage support DC fast charging, in the urban environment, it can be used as a pure electric vehicle model, and even if it is far away, choose the "range priority" mode, mainly refuel, and charge as much as possible when there are charging conditions. This ensures that the range extender operates at low loads at all times. Fuel consumption is very low, the battery life is very long, and there will be no "texture" level of distress at all.

Plug-in-mixED PHEV and extenders: not a competitive relationship

The range extender model is a pure electric model that is "without any supplemental energy anxiety" in the true sense.

Of course, the disadvantages of it and the plug-in hybrid model is naturally the complete opposite, in the high-speed continuous high-load conditions, if you do not have much time to charge the vehicle externally, then the source of vehicle electrical energy is only "self-generation", and the pure electric drive itself in high-speed working conditions, energy consumption performance is not as good as the internal combustion engine direct drive; this leads to fuel consumption will be relatively higher than the plug-in mix.

Some consumer terminal data show that the ideal ONE for medium-sized SUVs is 9 liters of 100 kilometers of fuel consumption in this environment, while the compact SkyRIM ME5 also has a 6-7 liters of 100 kilometers of fuel consumption, compared with the mainstream plug-and-mix models continuous high-speed driving of about 5-6 liters of fuel consumption, it is indeed higher, but the difference is not too much.

Final Conclusion:

So the conclusion is obvious. The plug-in is biased towards the "way of using the oil car", while the extended range is biased towards the "way the tram is used", and the two really do not need to be compared with the high and low.

From the consumer's car purchase suggestions, if you are not so concerned about fuel consumption, and the main scene is also the city transportation, in fact, the NVH texture of the better extended range model is the best choice; of course, if your main car scene does not have any charging conditions, even if you buy a green car is also when the oil car is open, it is still recommended that you buy a plug-in model.

The two types of cars correspond to only different use scenarios and needs, nothing more.

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