
In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients

Folic acid, a water-soluble vitamin, presumably everyone knows is a more beneficial element for pregnant women and fetuses.

So what else are the nutrients that expectant mothers have to prepare?

Hello everyone! I'm a Guide to Expectant Mothers: Nannan.

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In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients

Folic acid, iron, iodine and DHA are all nutrients that women who are trying to conceive and expectant mothers need to pay attention to supplements, and folic acid can reduce the risk of fetal neurological malformations.

Nannan has always recommended that expectant mothers consume these nutrients through food supplements.

In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients


Expectant mothers should eat some soy products, dark green vegetables, animal liver, and eat some fish and eggs every week, so that DHA can basically be satisfied by food supplements.

In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients


Foods with high iron content, such as animal liver or animal blood, can be basically satisfied if expectant mothers eat 1-2 times a week.

At the same time, expectant mothers eat some fruits and vegetables and supplement vitamin C, which can promote the absorption of iron.

In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients


In addition to iodized salt, seafood such as kelp, wakame and seaweed are also foods with high iodine content, and expectant mothers can also eat once a week, which can reduce the risk of slow development and cognitive deficiency of the fetus.

If you can't do food supplements for expectant mothers, don't ignore the role of the nutrients mentioned above, you can also supplement reasonably through supplements.

In addition, in addition to paying attention to nutritional supplementation, it is also important for expectant mothers to maintain a happy mood

In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients

Here is a guide for expectant mothers

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In addition to folic acid, expectant mothers also need to supplement these 3 nutrients

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