
Under the epidemic situation, how can pregnant mothers scientifically ensure medical insurance safety?

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Qin Congcong correspondent Yu Shan Chen Yan

The guidelines of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention point out that pregnant women, especially pregnant women in the middle and third trimesters of pregnancy, are prone to develop severe diseases once they are infected with the new crown virus, which not only affects their own health, but also endangers the fetus. During the epidemic period, while doing a good job of personal protection, it is also necessary to carry out the necessary obstetric examination, but the hospital belongs to the crowd gathering place, and how to do a good job in obstetric examination and epidemic prevention measures during this period is particularly important.

First, pregnant mothers self-identify

1. Whether there are pregnancy complications or complications

Pregnancy complications or complications are important factors in pregnancy risk, generally documented pregnant women, obstetric examination manual has a high-risk pregnancy logo, doctors according to the basic situation and medical history of pregnant women, previous pregnancy history, current pregnancy weight, blood pressure, fetal development and pregnant women's underlying diseases or after pregnancy risk assessment, divided into green - yellow - orange - red - purple risk group. Orange-red-purple key-risk pregnant women will mark your pregnancy comorbidities and complications on the high-risk card, and these pregnant mothers should follow the doctor's instructions for obstetric examination, while doing personal protection and shortening the interval between visits.

2. Do a good job of home self-monitoring

Home self-monitoring refers to monitoring oneself and the fetus's intrauterine situation at home during pregnancy, assisting in judging the safety of the fetus in the womb, so as to seek medical treatment in time when abnormal. When staying at home, we must first ensure that the room air is fresh, the temperature is appropriate, and the window is opened for ventilation at the right time.

1) Home fetal monitoring

Fetal movement: The pregnant mother begins to feel fetal movement at 16-20 weeks. Pregnant mothers should perform fetal motility counts after 28 weeks of pregnancy; the number of fetal movements is 30-40 times in 12 hours, and more than 3-4 fetal movements per hour, indicating that the fetus is in good condition. If the fetal movement is less than 10 times in 12 hours, or less than 3 times per hour, you should go to the hospital for further examination and treatment in time.

Remote fetal heart rate monitoring: fetal heart rate monitoring is also an important measure to understand the current fetus in the womb in the third trimester. Under the current epidemic situation, the remote fetal heart rate monitoring system is selected to monitor the intrauterine condition of the fetus in real time, and abnormalities can be detected in time.

2) Monitoring of pregnant women at home

Pay attention to whether there are abnormal symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, vaginal bleeding, running water, dizziness, headache, palpitations, shortness of breath, polyphagia, emaciation, easy fatigue, etc., if there is abnormality or aggravation of conscious symptoms, go to the hospital in time.

2. What protective measures should pregnant mothers take during obstetric examination?

1. Try to choose to walk or drive to the hospital.

2. Minimize the stay time in the hospital, the family only stays with one escort; you can make an appointment to register online, the Internet hospital online to issue examinations, make an appointment for examination, minimize the stay time in the indoor crowded clinic; and maintain a safe distance of more than 1 meter from others.

3. Go out to the hospital and wear a medical mask throughout the whole process.

4. Bring hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes, maintain hand hygiene, and avoid using your hands

Rub your eyes, nose and mouth. The virus can also spread through contact.

5. After returning home from the obstetric examination, properly handle the mask, change clothes in time, wash your hands and face.

3. Which obstetric examinations must be done in the hospital on time?

First trimester: In the first trimester of pregnancy, there are gestational requirements for NT examination and first-trimester aneuploidy screening in the hospital at 11-14 weeks of menopause, and it is necessary to go to the hospital on time for examination.

Second trimester: There are three tests at this stage that cannot be postponed. One is 16-20 weeks of prenatal screening in the second trimester, and there is also a 20-24 weeks of B super malformation screening and a 24-28 week gestational diabetes OGTT screening.

Third trimester: 34-40 weeks of ultrasound, fetal heart monitoring and 35-37 weeks of B hemolytic streptococcus examination and other related tests are also very important, need to assess the intrauterine condition of the fetus and the health status of the pregnant mother, and prepare for delivery.

In addition, due to individual differences, pregnant mothers must follow the doctor's instructions for obstetric examination, and carry out systematic obstetric examination while doing a good job of personal protection to ensure the safety of mothers and children.

4. How can pregnant mothers prevent "new crown" during the epidemic?

1. Minimize going out, be sure to wear a mask and gloves when you must go out, wash your hands and take off your clothes immediately after you go home.

2. Do not participate in activities such as gatherings, visit relatives and friends, and do not go to crowded places, such as shopping malls, supermarkets and vegetable markets.

3. Avoid contact with people in epidemic-related areas and avoid contact with people with fever and cough.

4. Keep the room ventilated, rotate the air circulation 2 to 3 times a day in each room, open the window for 30 minutes each time, and do a good job of keeping warm.

5. Do a good job in cleaning and protecting the living environment, and conditionally use 75% ethanol to scrub the floor and furniture.

6. Pregnant mother's supplies should be used exclusively, and tableware, towels, etc. must be used alone to reduce the chance of cross-infection. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze and cough.

7. Wash your hands more with running water and hand sanitizer, change clothes frequently, do a good job of hand hygiene, do not rub your eyes or dig your nostrils, and reduce the chance of infection.

8. Do not eat raw food, eat a balanced diet, exercise properly, live regularly, do not stay up late and do not sleep late.

Important TIP ------ tips for pregnant mothers to seek medical attention during the pandemic

The Internet Hospital of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital can consult experts online and prescribe examinations at the same time. You can pay attention to the WeChat public account of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, choose comprehensive service Internet diagnosis and treatment, or directly scan the code to enter the Internet Hospital Mini Program of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Scan the code to enter the Internet Hospital of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Under the epidemic situation, how can pregnant mothers scientifically ensure medical insurance safety?

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