
Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

The original title of this article is "Why can't electric vehicles replace fuel vehicles?" 5 Common Diseases are hard injuries? 》

Before I bought an electric car, I always believed that electric vehicles would replace fuel vehicles, but after the actual experience, I found that it was completely different from what I thought, and I can say that I regret it very much.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

The first hard injury, the electric car update too fast, a year to become a backward model

Electric vehicles are in a stage of rapid development, has almost caught up with the speed of smart phone replacement, basically a new technology a year, a new look every year, the mileage is getting longer and longer, the flagship model just bought this year, the second year is outdated.

Although there are also such problems in fuel vehicles, the mileage of fuel vehicles is unchanged, at most the appearance of the interior and configuration has changed.

Electric vehicles are completely different, for example, the same model, this year's cruising range is 605km, the next year directly 750km.

In other words, the electric vehicle auxiliary driving ability bought this year is limited, and the second year it is directly equipped with lidar, with NOA navigation assisted driving and complete AEB function, the same model, a completely different level of technology, the old car is directly eliminated by the market.

Such a speed of development is unacceptable to car owners, no one wants to buy backward models, and electric vehicles are doomed to be unable to maintain value at this stage.

Many people say that electric vehicles save money, electricity is indeed cheaper than fuel, but the retention rate is not as high as fuel vehicles, and the fuel money saved is lost when selling cars, which is one of the reasons why new energy owners regret it.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

The second hard injury, not to mention running high-speed, in the remaining 200 kilometers of the city endurance does not dare to go out

Electric vehicle mileage anxiety is not only reflected in long-distance driving, usually driving will also have such anxiety, as long as the mileage is less than 200 kilometers, basically I dare not go out.

If you must go out, you never dare to accelerate on the road, you never dare to brake sharply, and the air conditioner is even more afraid to turn on, that is, you are afraid that the power will fall too fast, and you will feel cold in the down jacket in the car in winter.

Many people are advocating that electric vehicles are powerful, in fact, many electric vehicle owners dare not drive fast, or are unwilling to drive too fast in order to maintain electricity.

In the past, there were many Japanese cars running at turtle speed on the road, and now there are many electric vehicles on the road, the former is to save fuel, the latter is to save electricity.

Mileage anxiety is a very big hard injury, always giving people a sense of uncertainty, this feeling makes people feel insecure, dare not go out, always afraid of running out of power on the road, which is one of the reasons why many people regret buying new energy vehicles.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

The third hard injury, even if there is fast charging technology, the charging pile does not give power

According to the information of the Federation of Passenger Vehicles, by the end of 2021, the number of new energy vehicles in the country will reach 7.84 million, the number of charging infrastructure will be about 2.617 million, and the ratio of vehicles to piles will be about 3:1.

The ownership of electric vehicles is getting larger and larger, and once it encounters peak travel on holidays, charging on the road will be a very big problem.

The key is that the winter temperature is low, the power consumption is fast, and the high-speed energy consumption of electric vehicles is relatively large, and the endurance achievement rate is basically less than 50%.

Endurance attenuation is a common disease of electric vehicles, and there is already psychological preparation before buying a car, but after getting on the high speed, it is found that fast charging technology does not work at all.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

Originally, it took about 30 minutes to charge from 20% to 80%, but when the charging station was running at full capacity, the charging power would become very low, and 30 minutes was directly extended to 1 hour.

I drove from Hefei to Shanghai, the watch show endurance of 605KM, running half the distance is left 30% of the power, the heart is very anxious, compared to queuing charging, the most unbearable is that some charging piles are damaged, or do not support fast charging.

Having experienced an electric vehicle running high speed, no longer willing to drive an electric vehicle out of the far door, in my opinion, no matter how long the mileage, then fast charging technology, as long as the construction speed of the charging pile can not keep up with the development speed of electric vehicles, it is really impossible to replace the fuel vehicle.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

The fourth hard injury, the lifetime warranty is only the battery cell

Power battery has attenuation characteristics, some people say that after 3 years of attenuation, some people say that after 5 years of decay, no matter how many years it takes, this is the biggest hard injury of new energy vehicles.

Many car owners dare not buy electric vehicles, battery attenuation accounts for the main reason, in order to alleviate consumer concerns, car companies have introduced corresponding quality assurance policies.


Batteries are guaranteed for life, are there any concerns about buying a car?

Yes, the battery lifetime warranty is only what many netizens say, in fact, it is only the battery life warranty, the key is that the final interpretation right is still owned by the car company.

That is to say, whether it can be replaced for free is the manufacturer to make a decision, rather than the owner wants to change can be replaced for free, if you accidentally knock the battery pack, the electronic control system is broken, the manufacturer is no matter, can only be self-funded maintenance, maintenance costs are many car owners can not afford.

The most critical thing is that most of these quality assurance policies are only for the first car owner, resulting in poor circulation of second-hand electric vehicles, and the retention rate is not as good as that of fuel vehicles.

Under the shackles of these rules and regulations, many consumers still dare not buy new energy vehicles, and people who buy new energy vehicles will also make muttering in their hearts and often regret their choices.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

The fifth hard injury, to buy an electric car, you must buy a parking space, which is a big expense

Before buying an electric car, I always drove a fuel car, and there was a charge for parking in the community, and I always parked my car on the side of the road outside the community, and many people did it this way.

Some people say that stopping outside is not too troublesome?

It is indeed very troublesome, but you need to pay parking fees in the community, 280 yuan per month, not much, but it is also 3360 yuan a year.

Not afraid of everyone's jokes, this is already my salary for half a month, touched my pocket, or decided to stop outside and walk more.

However, after buying an electric car, I found that there was no way to install a charging pile without a parking space, and I really didn't want to spend money to buy a parking space at the beginning, so I chose to charge the charging pile and then go home.

After charging several times, I couldn't stick to it, I was very tired at work, I really didn't want to stay outside, and the charging pile charging was very expensive, plus the service fee was basically 1.3 yuan for electricity.

Later, He gritted his teeth and bought a parking space in the community, a total of 60,000 yuan was spent, and after having a parking space, a ridiculous thing happened, and the parking space he bought had to charge a management fee, and he had to charge 120 yuan every month.

I calculated an account and found that buying an electric car can only save fuel money, but the cost of supporting facilities is more than that of fuel vehicles, which is one of the reasons why many people buy new energy vehicles later.

Although the price of oil is soaring, these five major pain points are not solved, and electric vehicles are still difficult to replace fuel vehicles!

Write at the end

The advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles are very obvious, not all car owners regret it, many owners are no longer willing to drive fuel vehicles after driving electric vehicles, indicating that the driving experience of electric vehicles is what fuel vehicles cannot give.

To people who want to buy electric vehicles some advice, if it is only the city transportation, there is already a parking space at home, and can drive for more than 5 years, then electric vehicles can be bought.

If you do not meet the above conditions, you need to think twice before buying an electric car, and perhaps the bad experience is easy to make you regret and blame yourself!

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