
Can older women still do IVF? The main thing to look at is these two points!

Since the opening of the two-child policy, more and more families want to have another one, but due to age, many parents are difficult to have children naturally, and can only use ivory ivory as a fertility technology to achieve the dream of a second child.

However, for elderly women, the probability of IVF failure is much higher than that of young women, especially the failure to implant after embryo transfer will always bring a lot of blows, so what factors are mainly affected by the success of embryo implantation?

It can be mainly divided into the following two aspects:

First, the endometrial receptivity capacity is insufficient

Can older women still do IVF? The main thing to look at is these two points!

1. Abnormal lesions in the uterine cavity

With age, elderly women are susceptible to diseases such as endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids and adenomyosis.

2. The endometrium is thin

Some elderly women may be thinned due to multiple uterine clearances, abnormal menstruation and other reasons, and the condition of the endometrium is not as good as when they were young, so it is not easy to implant the embryo after IVF.

3. Regurgitated water from the fallopian tubes flows back into the uterine cavity

Elderly women are prone to diseases such as tubal inflammation and standing water. Therefore, if hydrosalpinx is found before IVF transplantation, patients should actively treat them according to medical advice and wait for the water to be eliminated before undergoing IVF transplantation.

4. Abnormalities in the secretion of endometrial cells

Cytokine abnormalities in the secretions of endometrial cells weaken embryonic adhesion, which may lead to embryo implantation failure.

Second, the embryo itself may be defective

Eggs of elderly women are prone to genetic abnormalities such as chromosomal genes during the formation process, resulting in abnormalities in the genes or chromosomes of the embryo.

In the case of repeated IVF fertility failures, it was found that many implantation failures of embryos implanted in the uterus were caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the embryos themselves.

Can older women still do IVF? The main thing to look at is these two points!

Can older women still do IVF?

Since ivy tubes are easy to fail in elderly women, can elderly women still do IVF?

1. Look at ovarian function

The ovaries are the organs that produce eggs, and the size of their functions is related to age and spawning period, and as they age, ovarian function will decline and egg quality will decline.

2. Look at the endometrial situation

A good endometrium is the key to the successful implantation of the embryo, and as age increases, the endometrium deteriorates, and the implantation rate of the embryo naturally decreases.

Can older women still do IVF? The main thing to look at is these two points!

Therefore, it is recommended that women over the age of 35 undergo fertility assessment before intending to have children, mainly to systematically evaluate the ovulation status, tubal function and ovarian function of women, and obtain data according to the system assessment to clarify their fertility status. Although there is no specific age limit for doing IVF, it is better to do it early than later, and it should be noted that not every elderly woman is suitable for IVF, in line with the premise of medical indications, patients must follow the doctor's professional guidance to avoid blind obedience.

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