
In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

Daqi mother said: I became a mother in a variety of mother and baby groups, and the most discussed in the group is nothing more than the child's height, language development, weight and other issues, today Daqi mother will come to talk to you about these problems. First, let's talk about height. I think that today's children are generally taller than our generation, and there are many parents who are worried about their height dragging their children's hind legs in this environment, worried that their children will not grow up and be ridiculed, which can be described as extremely worried.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

The question of height cannot be said to determine a person's achievements, but it is also important in some aspects. Daqi's mother lives in Chongqing, where the average height is relatively small, and she herself is not very tall, almost one meter six, and when she was not married before, she and several of her sisters said that the height we asked for was not high, but it was not accepted to die below 170. Although this condition is easy for northern boys, there are still many boys in the south who are below 170, and it cannot be said that everyone's mate selection concept is problematic, at least it is what they like.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

There are also mothers in the mother and baby group where Daqi's mother is located, and mothers often say that the height of their children is, and the parents of several boys feel that height is more important than their faces. Boys, we are not eating by the face, tall people also look more secure, and they are more confident when looking for a girlfriend in the future. Indeed, it is also the case, like our occupations, activities and so on will limit the height of well, tall nature has some natural advantages in it, in the crowd is also a type of see at a glance. Some children are also low in their hearts because they are short.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

Everyone has always known that parents have a great influence on their children's height, accounting for almost 70% of the day after tomorrow, and the influence of the day after tomorrow accounts for 30%. But I don't think you should underestimate this 30 percent, maybe this percentage will make your child the tallest member of your family. Daqi's mother has a good friend, his father is only 165, his mother is 170, but he has actually grown all the way, growing to 189! When Daqi's mother first met him, he was 179, and as a result, when he was in high school and college, he continued to grow tall, but he really envied everyone.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

Don't just know to envy people and say that people are lucky, he is very fond of playing basketball, as soon as he has time, he loves to run to the court, and loves to drink milk, eat eggs, almost every day does not fall, all kinds of vegetables and fruits also love to eat, especially vegetables, unlike the mother of Daqi, a lot of vegetables are "difficult to swallow", he is a model for children to eat and exercise, I have to be a negative example.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

I believe that there are many similar examples around everyone, parents are tall and invisible, and children can "stand out from the crowd" in the crowd, which shows that if we work hard in the day after tomorrow, there is still some hope. My brother is also an example, when he was a child, he has always been worried that he is 165 like my father, fortunately he is not 18 years old now, he is already 175, and he has been giving him a few boxes of milk for the past two years, hoping that his height will jump again!

Therefore, genetics largely determines the height of our children, but we must also match our children well in diet, which has a great impact on the height of children.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

Scientific studies have shown that the growth of adolescents and children is most pronounced in the spring of each year, which is almost a critical period for children's growth, especially in terms of height. Spring is the season when everything grows, and of course we are all involved. But when the child grows, we can't "pick up the seedlings to promote growth", so we can only give the child nutrient-rich food and let them eat more and longer.

First: daily protein supplementation

Protein is an essential part of each of our lives, and it provides great help for our growth and development, physical activity. We must insist that children drink milk and eat eggs every day, beef, muscle, these protein-rich foods should also be eaten frequently, which can make us grow taller and strengthen our resistance.

In the spring, everything grows, and the "heightener" that can be seen everywhere around makes the child jump up

Second: Foods rich in vitamin D

I believe that parents and friends know that children should start to supplement vitamin D from half a month after birth, which is what we often call cod liver oil, at least eat until two years old, conditionally eat until 18 years old, eat until old. Daqi's mother is now eating with her children and replenishing herself. In addition to supplements, you can also make spinach and tomatoes for your children. Eat potatoes and other food, and finally don't forget to bask in the sun


In addition to the baby's height and the baby's own efforts, we parents also have to work hard Oh, do not miss a beautiful spring day, wait until the child's height is not ideal and then beat the chest, then it is just regret ~

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