
Why can't I educate my children with the method?

Many parents will have such a doubt, why can't I educate my children with the method? Children do things is always easy to give up, do not know how to guide children!

1 Educating children is not control

Many times we teach our children to treat them according to their own ideas, and "it's all for your own good" is what parents often say.

Most of the parents who come to Xingzhi to study are after 70 or 80, the materials of that era are very scarce, and the education of parents for their children is that children are full of food, clothing and warmth, and having a good body is enough.

And now the child grows up in an era where the network is very developed, and the understanding of external things is very timely and comprehensive, so the current child will demand more freedom and respect.

At this time, we use the fixed thinking of our own growth process to educate children, which will lead to frequent parent-child conflicts.

Education is not control, but respect, give the child more time and space, ask the child more ideas, ask him what kind of person he wants to be, and how he is prepared to do it.

What we have to do is to support Him, not dominate Him.

Why can't I educate my children with the method?

2 "Know" to "Do"

We often hear such a sentence: knowing a lot of truths, still not living this life well.

The main reason is because we stay at the level of knowing and don't do it.

This is also a question that many parents will ask, I know a lot of ways and means of educating children, will respect children, love children, but children still have a lot of problems, I don't know what to do.

But when you ask parents how they love their children, he says that what the child wants, I will give the child what ah, and there is no limit to him.

You see, when we say unconditional love for children, we mean unconditional love for children, conditional love for children. Love is not coddling.

Knowing that to do it, we need to apply the methods and methods we have learned to our lives according to our actual situation, and then slowly adjust them.

First of all, you have to have a goal, what kind of family you want, what kind of children you want to raise, and what kind of person you want to be.

Why can't I educate my children with the method?

3 Physical and physical lines

When it comes to wanting what their children will be, the first thing parents have to do is to practice what they preach.

For example, if you want your child not to play with mobile phones, but you lie on the sofa and play with your mobile phone as soon as you get home from work, and the child asks you why you can play with mobile phones, you kill the child and tell him to do his homework.

Parents are like this, it is very difficult for children to do homework when they come home from school.

And children make mistakes, how do you treat children? Is it constantly accusing the child of not doing a good job here, not doing a good job there, then it is very difficult for the child to do this again. Because once he does not do a good job, all that awaits him is endless scolding and criticism.

What you should do is to encourage and praise the child, whether it is success or failure, tell him what he has done well, and summarize the experience with him so that he can do better next time.

Why can't I educate my children with the method?

As parents, we always want to give our children the best, the best living conditions, the best educational environment, in fact, it is better to give children these than to give children an example.

Just like Zhou's father in "The World of Man", he never asked his children to do anything, but he silently did himself, integrity, self-motivation, hard work... Become a role model for children, and the children who are cultivated are very good:

The eldest became a magistrate and lived a life of honesty for the people; the second became a university professor and was deeply loved by the students; although the third did not read any books, he was kind and diligent, and lived his life in the wind and fire.

Parents are the best feng shui for children!

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