
Colleague you let him do what he will do, never do more, lack of enthusiasm what to do?

Being effective is a skill and an attitude towards life.

Efficiency is the foundation of the lowest level of all skills.

Introduction: Some colleagues in the unit, you let him do what he will do, never do more, lack of enthusiasm How to do?

There are many reasons behind the lack of enthusiasm of employees, such as too much work assigned and money not in place, employees themselves do not have too much goals and ambitions, or employees do not obey the leadership, do not want to be complete, and so on.

These may become the reason why employees can't work hard, if leaders want employees to increase their initiative, they can further improve efficiency, help double their performance, and then sprint to a higher stage.

It will take a lot of thought, under the premise of sincere communication with employees, and then carefully study some corresponding incentive measures, you can only do it with such a heart, it is possible to enhance the sense of belonging of employees to the company, and then everyone will do a better job.

Leadership is not easy to do, there are too many things that need comprehensive consideration and worry, especially for the management of employees at the bottom, if there is no management wisdom, it is difficult to convince the public and lead a good team.

When it comes to management tips, leaders must understand one thing, that is, the differences between employees, each employee's personality and good at something different, naturally suitable for different types of work.

Therefore, leaders need to "use according to their talents", strive to tap the potential and strengths of employees, and then give full play to the advantages and strengths of employees, and also do not forget to treat employees in different ways.

Whether it is communication skills or encouragement methods, it must be in line with the psychological characteristics of different employees, only in this way, the status of leaders in the hearts of employees will be improved and supported by their followers and trust.

Colleague you let him do what he will do, never do more, lack of enthusiasm what to do?

In addition, it should also be borne in mind that whenever you feel that the employees below you do not meet your requirements, you cannot achieve the goal in a forced way.

Such as various command-style shouts and forced overtime, these are not advisable, these practices will only aggravate the resentment and dissatisfaction in the hearts of employees.

The so-called "twisted melon is not sweet", it is said that this is the reason, maybe you are the leader, you only pay attention to the results and do not ask the process, you are always distressed that the employees can not meet your requirements, feel that the employees you let him do what he does.

And you don't want to go one level and one step at a time, not to do better, lack of real internal driving force, but these are all things that you are difficult to fully control.

What you have to do is never to achieve what you want in a tough way, but to start from yourself, use the power of example to arouse the empathy of employees, infect employees, let employees feel the bright and hopeful future, and then be willing to work with you to achieve their respective career ideals and become winners in their own lives.

So how should leaders lead by example and use their strong personality to conquer employees? Here are some suggestions for you.

Colleague you let him do what he will do, never do more, lack of enthusiasm what to do?

Practice what you preach and lead employees with strong execution

The most feared thing at work is delay, because it is very easy to lead to the "abortment" of the project, and then either the employee fails to complete the task in time, or the overall quality of the task is not high.

Either way, for the leader, it will not meet expectations.

In fact, for the occurrence of this kind of thing, the leader should prepare for the early warning, can not let the staff do and follow up the project, must always participate, understand the process of the project and whether the staff implementation encounters difficulties, and give timely guidance and help.

This not only guarantees the correct direction of the project, but also creates an approachable image of the leader, which is respected and loved by employees.

Employees lack motivation and mostly lack clear goals.

On this point, for employees who aspire to break out of their own world in the workplace, leaders should guide and lead more and cultivate them into their own confidants, which is very beneficial for their promotion in the workplace.

Leaders should firmly believe that when you do well enough, you will also have a subtle influence on the employees around you, and then form a good working atmosphere and go all out for the goal together.

Colleague you let him do what he will do, never do more, lack of enthusiasm what to do?

Lower your posture and make progress with your employees

In the workplace, you will find that those who will only "stand and talk without waist pain", put themselves in the first place of the leadership is difficult to go far, perhaps in a short period of time employees will work silently and effectively.

But after a long time, you will feel annoyed and tired, more disdainful of the leader, for the tasks arranged by the leader, just do it, even if you can do it better, but you lack motivation or don't want to make yourself so tired.

The reason why employees have such a "reverse psychology" is mostly caused by the leader's arrogant and arrogant posture, if the leader wants the people below to work better and for you for a long time, you must learn to lower the posture, look at the employees, think differently, and make progress with him.

Leaders must not have the wrong idea that lowering their posture will reduce their prestige, and they need to know that when you humbly communicate with employees, the relationship between them will be more harmonious, and there is also a kind of entanglement called "human feelings".

This is very helpful for the development of your work in the future, and it will also allow the employees at the bottom to gather around you, and when you need help, they will be willing to help you or save you from danger.

Colleague you let him do what he will do, never do more, lack of enthusiasm what to do?

Respect differences and treat others with a broad mind

Don't be too harsh as a leader, if you just want to blindly "suck blood", turn a blind eye to the sincere efforts of employees, but grasp the faults of others once or twice, it is difficult to win the loyalty of employees.

After all, in today's generation, as long as there are hands and feet, willing to go to work, work is not difficult to find, money can naturally be earned.

In fact, employees you let him do what he wants, is already very good, the leader can not be because of their position to go to the next level of more demanding requirements for employees.

In the end, promotion is your business, the employees at the bottom are not promoted and raised like you, but as usual with the fixed salary, the gap in the leader should know, but also learn to understand.

Leaders can be strict with themselves, but they have no right to let every employee put their work first, working overtime day and night, which is anti-human and violates labor laws.

Leaders should have their own plans and arrangements, and at the same time, they should respect the wishes of employees, tolerate the shortcomings of employees with a broad mind, and respect the differences between different employees.

Just like "teaching according to aptitude", not everyone is suitable for becoming the backbone of the workplace, some people want to live their ordinary little days, and they are also very content to be an ordinary employee.

In the face of these differences, leaders should let go of their feelings and learn to understand, only in this way can leaders win people's hearts and gain equal respect from employees.

Text/Lao Xia Analyst

Sometimes, though never met. But they have known each other for a long time, very subtle and contented.

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