
Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

Now parents are very attached to the child's nutrition, for this to do a lot of homework, hope to supplement the child's growth needs of nutrition, but some parents have found themselves to do a lot, a variety of nutritious food are arranged for the child, it is reasonable to say that the child should not lack nutrition, but did not see the growth, but also accompanied by the phenomenon of picky eating.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

In contrast, other children of the same age, the taller and taller, and the gap between them and their own babies is getting bigger and bigger, parents are more worried and anxious.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

So, if the child has the above situation, is it malnutrition? Parents pay attention to these 5 signals, you can easily judge.

1. The height and weight of the head circumference are seriously substandard

Height, weight, and head circumference are important reference standards for whether children's growth and development are normal, so parents must pay more attention to this.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

Especially before the age of 3, if the nutrition is not up to standard, then their height and weight may lag behind their peers, and at the same time, the head circumference is large or small may also be a signal of a disease.

Therefore, parents need to take their children to do children's physical examinations regularly, if it is found that the child's height and weight are seriously substandard, it may be that the child lacks nutrition, and it is necessary to adjust the child's diet structure under the guidance of a doctor to supplement the nutrition required by the child.

2. Slow speech, slow movements, and sluggish response

If a child is malnourished, it can affect their neuromodulatory function, which may cause delays in motor and language development, and unresponsiveness.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

Parents need to pay attention to observation, if the child continues to have the above situation for a period of time, this may be a signal from malnutrition, which needs to be paid attention to.

3. Decreased immunity, weak and sickly

When the child's body lacks certain trace elements, such as vitamins, zinc, iron, etc., there will be a decline in immunity, resulting in the child's easy illness.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

The reason for this may be that some children do not like to eat meat, eggs, milk and other foods, resulting in insufficient protein intake.

If you want to improve your child's situation, parents need to help their children get rid of the bad habit of picky eating, so that they can eat a balanced diet, so that they can ensure protein intake and make their children healthier.

4. Constipation, bad breath

Some children only love meat, for green vegetables are very resistant, if this is the case, it will lead to insufficient intake of fiber, which will make the intestinal peristalsis slower, and then constipation, but also may be accompanied by bad breath problems.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

When the child has this performance, parents need to adjust the baby's diet structure, can not let them only eat meat, to find a way to let them eat some greens appropriately, so as to ensure nutritional balance.

5. Emotional irritability or impatience, etc

Some children's emotions may be volatile, in addition to their lack of ability to control emotions, but also due to physiological factors, that is, malnutrition.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

This is because B vitamins can indirectly affect people's emotions through the regulation of the human nervous system, so when children lack vitamin B1 in the body, they are prone to anger, impatience, and even moodiness.

The right thing to do is to let your child eat more soybeans, oats, cabbage, celery and other foods, because these foods are rich in vitamin B1.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

Want to let the child eat these foods, in fact, is not an easy thing, and in this process, there may be children resisting, tantrums, but parents can not be soft,because this is directly related to the health and growth of the child, serious words will affect the child's life, in order to avoid bad situations, parents should still understand early, and then solve the symptoms in time.

Picky eaters, not long? May be malnutrition, these 5 major signals parents should pay attention

Under normal circumstances, when it is found that the child has malnutrition, it is best for parents to improve by adjusting the child's diet structure, if it is still ineffective, then take the child to the doctor, and then follow the doctor's instructions to treat the drug, avoid blindly taking drugs.

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