
What to do about pubic pain in pregnant women

My cousin has been pregnant for seven or eight months, and recently often told me that my thighs hurt when I slept at night, which made everyone in the family nervous, and hurriedly took my cousin to the hospital for examination. After examining the doctor, the doctor said that this was caused by pubic pain, which is a normal phenomenon in the third trimester, so we don't have to worry too much!

So today Xiaobian will take you to the mother-to-be to understand how pubic pain is!

What is pubic pain?

First, the pubic bone is located at the junction of the base of the thigh and the lower abdomen. Pubic pain is a common symptom of discomfort in the third trimester. In the third trimester, with the enlargement of the uterus and the enlargement of the fetus, the pubic bone is difficult to bear so much burden, and some are separated, so there will be soreness at the root of the thigh, especially after changing postures or moving.

What to do about pubic pain in pregnant women

Why does pubic pain occur?

1. If there is pubic pain and tenderness at the base of the thigh before pregnancy, it will lead to the same problem during pregnancy. In addition, O-shaped legs, trauma factors leading to pelvic fractures or displacement can also cause pubic pain during pregnancy.

3. Multiple tires. If the pregnant woman is pregnant with twins or even multiples, the pubic bone is too heavy and causes pubic pain.

4. The fetus is too large. If the fetus is overweight during pregnancy, it can cause greater compression of the pubic bone and cause pubic pain. Have had overweight fetuses. The pubic bone is affected during re-pregnancy, causing secondary pubic pain.

5. Calcium deficiency. If a pregnant woman is deficient in calcium during pregnancy, pubic pain may occur due to skeletal malnutrition.

What to do about pubic pain in pregnant women

How to relieve pubic pain?

1. Choose soft-soled shoes

The hard sole of the shoe will make the pregnant mother uncomfortable walking, which will aggravate the symptoms of pubic pain. Therefore, when choosing shoes, pregnant mothers should choose shoes that are soft, comfortable, do not stomp their feet, and walk smoothly, so as to ensure their own safety and reduce pubic pain.

What to do about pubic pain in pregnant women

2, the range of action should be small

Before pregnancy, many pregnant mothers are grinning and walking wildly, but after having a baby, they must change their walking habits and slow down, so as to avoid excessive burden on the pubic bone.

3. Stand on your legs symmetrically

When standing, pregnant mothers should never use one foot, because this will only press the weight of the entire body to one side and increase the burden on the pubic bone. The correct approach is to stand symmetrically on both legs, so that the weight of the body is evenly distributed, reducing the burden on the pubic bone, and striving to avoid pubic pain in the third trimester.

4. Pay attention to calcium supplementation

Usually eat more foods with high calcium content, drink milk often, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and do a good job in dietary care, which can effectively improve the phenomenon of pubic pain during pregnancy. Usually, pay attention to more sun exposure, which can promote the absorption of calcium.

5. Pay more attention to rest

Patients with pubic pain should usually pay more attention to rest, maintain good living rules, do not do heavy physical labor, and avoid abdominal distention and pubic pain.

6. Pay attention to sitting and sleeping posture

Pregnant mother pubic bone pain, even sitting and lying down may also be very uncomfortable, this time pregnant mother should pay attention to sitting and sleeping posture. When sitting down, the pregnant mother leans back and can slightly support the body with a cushion on the back to reduce the pressure on the pubic bone. When lying down to sleep, pregnant mothers can put a small pillow between their legs, which can effectively alleviate pain.

8. Massage treatment method

When there is discomfort in the pubic joint, and there are different degrees of pain in the lower back, buttocks, and legs, you can use gentle massage to relieve the pain, but be careful not to use too much force or stimulate the acupuncture points.

Severe pubic pain is still recommended to seek medical treatment in time.

Finally, can pregnant women with pubic pain have a smooth delivery?

Pubic pain during pregnancy is common, and if the symptoms are not severe, it generally does not affect the vaginal birth.

In the manner of delivery, caesarean section may be considered unless the pregnant woman has severe pubic isolation, unbearable pain, or a small pelvic. Generally, natural childbirth is still the mainstay, but before childbirth, the medical staff must be informed that they have pubic pain, and choose the appropriate mode of delivery according to the doctor's opinion.

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