
Is it also possible to break the law by live streaming?

Long ago, live broadcasting appeared in front of the public, and at that time, online live broadcasting was more about games, competitions and other content. In recent years, with the rise of e-commerce, many people have embarked on the road of live streaming and selling goods. In the past two years, the real industry has been greatly affected by the epidemic, and many people are facing the risk of unemployment and salary cuts. In this context, some parents have found another way to make ends meet – Live.

Is it also possible to break the law by live streaming?

"Mengwa live broadcast" refers to the act of publishing Mengwa short videos, live broadcasts and the daily life of Mengwa on the network live broadcast and short video platform. On these platforms, parents follow the trend to make their children into "internet celebrities", and some parents said that just publishing a short video of The Baby can easily earn 150,000 yuan a month. The Internet celebrity children on a certain platform, only three years old, weigh more than 70 pounds, and when asked about this matter by the audience, parents continued to broadcast live under the guise of "children love to eat", which seriously endangered the physical and mental health of their children. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, minors under the age of eight are persons without capacity for civil conduct, and children under the age of three need the careful care of their parents in all aspects, which is a sad thing.

The rise of short videos and live broadcasts related to cute babies has attracted the attention of many people, and opponents call it "live nibbling", believing that this is undesirable, these parents in order to attract people's attention, create gimmicks, and some even disregard the health of children, causing great harm to children. Some friends do not understand: their own children, taking short videos on the Internet, just showing their daily life in front of the public, which is also illegal? So, how do laws and related regulations stipulate that minors live broadcast? Let's take a look!

Is it also possible to break the law by live streaming?

Article 76 of the Law on the Protection of Minors provides that online live streaming service providers must not provide online live streaming publisher account registration services for minors under the age of 16. The above-mentioned laws prohibit live broadcasting platforms from registering accounts for minors, which is for the sake of children, considering that minors are immature in their mental development, and do not want them to receive more attention from society. Some parents use their own identity information to open an account, but they use their children to broadcast live, and the content released by the live broadcast is also the daily life of the child, and the title is more "explosive" than once, completely chasing hot spots to pose.

Is it also possible to break the law by live streaming?

There are many similar incidents, and because of this, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has also issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Minors in the Online Cultural Market", which strictly prohibits others from borrowing Internet celebrities to make profits, and strictly controls the participation of minors in online performances. After the release of the "Opinions", the "Mengwa Live Broadcast" behavior on the online live broadcast platform was regulated and reduced.

Is it also possible to break the law by live streaming?

Sharing is human nature, parents are happy to share beautiful moments on the Internet, not only can get happy, through the friendly comments of netizens, parents can also get parenting skills from it, so as to get along better with their children. Many parents have a good intention, but after getting lost in the huge interests, they embark on the road of "nibbling on the baby", follow the hot spots to shoot vulgar paragraphs, and sometimes even deliberately create gimmicks to win traffic, violate the provisions of the law, and seriously damage the physical and mental health of children. These parents rely on cute baby videos to make a lot of money, use their children as cash cows, and even live broadcast late at night, without thinking about what will happen when their children grow up. Meng wa was forced to focus on filming videos and live broadcasts, and her academic performance plummeted, and some dropped out of school early to go out to work. When these children understand things and grow up, and find that they have no privacy to speak of in public, their academic performance is lagging behind, and their lives are a mess, how should they view their parents?

Is it also possible to break the law by live streaming?

Children are the future of the nation, the hope of the country, should have a happy childhood, under the "nibbling" type of parents' live broadcast behavior, received great attention, shrouded in shadows. Mengwa live broadcast may also be illegal, such behavior should be regulated, strictly regulated, but also a good childhood for children, but also a bright future for children!

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