
The four tanks worth practicing hard in the S26 season can resist fighting on the side, and the playing auxiliary is not inferior

In recent issues, Xiao Mantis Jun will focus on sharing the recommendations of various positions or various types of heroes for everyone, although the personal views are not very official, but they are analyzed through the actual game, can not be said to be stable and strong, but definitely will not reach the point of pit.

Today we will take a look at the 4 most hard-working tanks of this season.

The four tanks worth practicing hard in the S26 season can resist fighting on the side, and the playing auxiliary is not inferior

In fact, I have long wanted to recommend these tanks, because I have been using them recently, and I personally feel that the intensity can be, as long as I play not too much, I can definitely get a better score in the game.


I don't know why, the players don't like this hero very much, but I like it very much, and I found in the recent ranking that although Liu Bang played less, he had a high winning rate.

In fact, whether Liu Bang takes the auxiliary position or the side position, his core is to take the line and support, and it can only be said that when playing auxiliary, it should be treated differently. If the teammate is a more flexible shooter, we can directly choose the belt line and directly teleport past the first time the shooter is attacked.

The four tanks worth practicing hard in the S26 season can resist fighting on the side, and the playing auxiliary is not inferior

Moreover, whether it is a side road or an auxiliary, it is recommended that players use two skills to charge in the process of teleportation, so that the landing can directly select the direction of the skill to achieve the effect of landing control, and also open a skill in advance, because this can cause high damage to the enemy, and not only in front of the enemy because the shield is exploded, but also becomes a little damage-

Now there is a purple knife blood hand flow Liu Bang play, personally also tried several times, the effect is OK. This game is mainly to turn on the effect of the blood hand in advance, so that you can play the perfect output.

Of course, if the opposite shooter is Marco, it is not recommended, because Marco is too restrained liu bang. However, he was only afraid of Marco, and he was not very vain among other shooters.


Since the previous revision, Lian Po has completely become a regular customer of confrontation or auxiliary, and even has a very bright performance in the KPL.

Now Lian Po is strong in the current state of every spell cast is a hegemonic state, as long as he uses the skill, no one except the Eastern Emperor can stop him, and with the flash can achieve ultra-long-distance multi-segment control.

The four tanks worth practicing hard in the S26 season can resist fighting on the side, and the playing auxiliary is not inferior

So much control aside, his damage is also very amazing, not only has the AD bonus, the two skills and the health bonus, that is to say, whether it is cheap out of the AD output package or out of the pure meat package is output, which also makes him whether he takes the side road or walks the auxiliary is very strong reason.

Su Lie

It can be said that Su Lie is now one of the popular tanks in the version, and he is also a frequently seen character on the KPL, which shows how much the professional players love this hero.

The four tanks worth practicing hard in the S26 season can resist fighting on the side, and the playing auxiliary is not inferior

Why he is so popular with players, he was also very puzzled before, but after playing a few games at the beginning of this season, he completely fell in love with this hero, and this hero can really change his life in the later stages. Walking the confrontation road with a Shadow Tomahawk plus a Broken Army can be a big move plus a two-skill direct spike crisp. After walking out of the pure meat, a big move can also play a very good damage and control effect, and with the second skill, the control effect is more excellent.

At the same time, Su Lie can also sell himself directly in the early stage because of his two lives, as long as his teammates can step on the lights for themselves, it is really difficult to die.

Xiang Yu

If you want to play a strange move, the half-flesh and half-output Xiang Yu is definitely the best choice, I once met a Xiang Yu, his outfit is resistance shoes + Shadow Tomahawk + Ice Mark Grip + Pure Firmament + Eternal Night Guardian + Broken Army. I was using YingZheng at that time, really, that round directly knocked me out of the shadow of my heart, 12A3 was directly gone, and in the end even 13 I was directly left with silk blood.

The four tanks worth practicing hard in the S26 season can resist fighting on the side, and the playing auxiliary is not inferior

So I also played two such outfits, personally feel ok, but if you want to play a little more stable but also have output, personally recommend the ice mark to change the ice mark to anti-armor or unknown, the broken army can be replaced with a meat suit, so there is still a high damage.

If you say that you are an auxiliary bit, a shadow tomahawk can also have a good output effect, personally feel that Xiang Yu auxiliary does not use pure meat, after all, after the big move is strengthened, Xiang Yu's output is no longer what it used to be.

These tanks, although they all hang the title of tank, but they all have high damage, whether it is from the control from the degree of frankness or from the output are very good, it is worth the player to start practicing.

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