
One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

The pirate did not know Wang Luffy, so he called the hero in vain! Hello everyone, I'm Oolong Jun and double-clicking here again~

The content of the 1014 episode of One Piece has finally been updated, although we have already understood the basic battles, but what we never expected was that the memories in this episode became the focus, because from this short memory, it actually contains the reason why Ace could not become the king after all, just like Liu Bang and Xiang Yu!

One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

NO.1 【Ace Conquest of the Kingdom of Peace】

In the short memories of Little Margo, Ace and Whitebeard quarreled, Ace repeatedly asked to challenge and defeat Kaido in the Kingdom of Peace, but Whitebeard did not agree, for this Ace felt very incomprehensible, after all, The White Tuan's former partner Oda Ke also died at the hands of Kaido, and he also felt that with the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, it was still no problem to win Kaido, and finally even wanted to challenge Kaido himself.

One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

But Whitebeard said that Ace was too conceited, others did not understand what kind of person Kaido really was, Whitebeard must not be able not to understand, so he also knew Kaido's strength, even if Kaido was not Whitebeard's opponent, but it was definitely not something that Ace could deal with.

One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

NO.2【XiangYu version of Ace】

This dialogue seems to be no problem, but in fact, it directly proves that Ace is indeed a bit reckless, and he is not suitable to be the captain of a ship at all, let alone the Four Emperors and One Piece. Just like Xiang Yu in those years, a group with strong combat ability was simply to meet people and kill people and encounter demons, but in the end it was still defeated to Liu Bang, whose combat effectiveness was basically negative...

One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

And the reason for all this is because Xiang Yu did not listen to advice, and even directly killed himself in the last anger, but when Ace was in the war on the top, he obviously turned around and challenged the red dog to seek his own death, but in order to protect the dignity of Whitebeard, he still resolutely turned back to die and gave his life in vain.

One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

NO.3【Sun God Luffy Plus Critical Hit】

Of course, you can also say that such Ace is bloody enough, just like everyone likes Chu Bawang Xiangyu, but things are embarrassing because Ace pays for Luffy, who is the legendary sun god, and it is also the kind of Joey Boy who needs to die once to awaken his strength.

One Piece: Whitebeard said a word, Ace is like Xiang Yu, after all, he can't become a king!

Alas, Luffy really pit a lot of people along the way, and Aniru also expressed great sympathy for Luffy, and pitied with the disease

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