
Pentium 7 new cars exposed! MPV will "shell" the red flag, coupe SUV 110,000 can be bought

The online car market learned from FAW Besturn that the brand will launch 7 new cars this year, including B70S, B70S Black Samurai Edition, new MPV (D711) and annual B70, T55, T77, T99. Among them, the coupe SUV B70S was the first to be launched, with a pre-sale price of 110,900 yuan, or it will be launched on March 18.

Pentium 7 new cars exposed! MPV will "shell" the red flag, coupe SUV 110,000 can be bought
Pentium 7 new cars exposed! MPV will "shell" the red flag, coupe SUV 110,000 can be bought

In addition to the ordinary version of the model, the Besturn B70S will also launch the Black Samurai version of the model, which is expected to be blackened in the appearance, including the grille, wheel hubs, etc., and the visual experience of the whole vehicle is more handsome than that of the ordinary version. From the perspective of model positioning, its competitors will include Changan UNI-T Sports Edition.

Pentium 7 new cars exposed! MPV will "shell" the red flag, coupe SUV 110,000 can be bought

(The picture above is the new T77 car picture)

At present, the official has not announced the relevant information of the annual B70, T55, T77, T99, and it is expected that the number of models and configurations will be slightly adjusted, and there will be small changes in the corresponding prices. In terms of MPV, considering that Pentium and Hongqi have some technologies and platforms, it is expected that Pentium MPV will be based on Hongqi B-MPV (C095), which can be regarded as its "shell" version. The appearance style and size of the two are different, and the power will be consistent with B-MPV, using a 2.0T+8AT assembly.

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