
45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

Classics in Chinese translation

Beautifully hardcover and worth collecting

1. "Primitive Geometry"

The foundation of Euclidean geometry

A tome that profoundly influenced the way of thinking in the West

Translated by zhang Putian, a well-known translator

Based on the English translation by the famous mathematical historian Heath, the translation is based on the base

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

2. The Dialogues of Plato

Classic masterpieces and classic translations that are difficult to surpass

Translated by renowned scholar-type philosophical translators

Mr. Wang Taiqing's posthumous manuscript was edited

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

The book consists of two parts: the first part is a translation, counting twelve dialogues by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who is both a philosophical and a literary masterpiece. The second part is Wang Taiqing's own treatise, which contains his research on Plato's philosophical thought, his opinions on the understanding and translation of several important terms of Plato and ancient Greek philosophy and Western philosophy as a whole, and theoretical views on the translation of foreign philosophical works into Chinese. These treatises are a summary of the translator's years of research and long-term translation experience.

3. "Little Logic"

A work representing the mature logical system of Hegel in his later years

Translated by the famous scholar He Lin

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

This book is translated from The First Of Hegel's Complete Works of Philosophy, Logic. The speakers of Hegel's philosophy are sometimes called the Logic of the Whole Book and the Small Logic, in contrast to his larger two-volume Great Logic.

The Little Logic forms a major link in Hegel's Philosophical Encyclopedia. Hegel's additions and deletions were always attentive in the last ten years, and the works that best represented the mature logical system of his later years. This book can be said to be the outline of the "Great Logic" hook and supplementary play.

4. The Republic

Plato's masterpiece

Recognized by Western philosophers as a "philosophical encyclopedia"

The entire Western philosophical tradition is a series of footnotes to Plato.


45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

5. The Ethics of Nicomach

The pioneering work of Western ethics and moral philosophy

The basic classics of Western philosophy

It is recognized as one of the basic sources of upbringing in westerners

Aristotle said that no one praises happiness as much as it praises just deeds. Happiness is a revered, perfect thing, and happiness should be appreciated and feared.

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

6. "The Theory of Human Nature"

The most important work of Hume's life

The most important aspects of Hume's thought are elaborated in this book

Classic works on cognition, human nature, and morality

"All science is about human nature,

The study of human nature should be the foundation of all science. ”

Any science has something to do with human nature to a greater or lesser extent, and no matter how far apart disciplines seem to be from human nature, they will eventually return to human nature again in some way.

- Hume

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

7. "The Theory of Divine Righteousness"

An encyclopedic work

Leibniz's most important writings

The only major work published during his lifetime

Frederick the Great once praised:

Leibniz "I am a academy of sciences"

In the final analysis, Theosophism is a work of anthropology, a work that aims to emphasize and promote human freedom. This is because the real theme of Theosophism is nothing else, but the question of man or the question of man's freedom... For Leibniz, God is but "the representative of man", "He created the world for man, he became Man Himself for man".

——The translator of this book is Duan Dezhi

The title of this book is Talking About God, which is actually about man and man's freedom. Feuerbach, speaking of Leibniz's "theosophysiology," once defined it explicitly as "the theology of anthropology" and "the secret of theology is anthropology."

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

8. "Existence and Time"

(Chinese Revised Second Edition)

Heidegger's representative writings

One of the most important philosophical works of the 20th century

A major shift in Western philosophy

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

9. "Forest Road"

One of Heidegger's later masterpieces

A classic of 20th-century Western thought

A "philosophical work against philosophy"

If we want to understand the late Heidegger thought, this "Road in the Woods" is something we must not fail to read.

——Sun Zhouxing

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

10. Outline of pilang theory

The basic outline of skepticism

Sykes du Empirico

A full translation of the Outline of pilang's doctrine

Translated directly from Greek

It is more objectively described before the 2nd century AD

The main point of view of almost all schools of Greek philosophy

Study Greek philosophy today

A first-hand document that can't be bypassed

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

The basic compendium of skepticism deals with the concepts, dependent origins, discourses, standards, purposes, arguments, formulations, and distinctions between skepticism and similar philosophy, the second volume is a rebuttal to the question of logic, and the third volume is a rebuttal to the question of physics and ethics.

The compendium of pilang doctrine Chinese translation, in addition to Empirico's version, contains three short stories on pilang philosophy from the Greco-Roman period, namely: Diogenni Larsius's Commentary on the Thought of Pilang and Timon, Phoesius's Enesid, and Eusebius's Aristocule.

11. "The World as Will and Appearance"

Contains all the details of Schopenhauer's philosophy

For the rest of his life he was nothing more than there

Explain or supplement the work

This book ushered in the history of modern Western philosophy

One major genre – voluntarism

At the time of the book, Schopenhauer was only 28 years old

In this book, I saw a mirror that reflected the world, life, and my own state of mind in an incomparable way.

- Nietzsche

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

12. History of Western Philosophy

(Updated revision)

Masterpiece of the philosopher Tilly

Classics in the history of Western philosophy

Authoritative translation, best-selling for 100 years

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

13. The Wealth of Nations

An introductory read in economics, the pioneering work of Western economics

Hailed as "one of the 100 greatest books of all time"

For the first time in The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith likens the market to the "invisible hand." For hundreds of years, the "invisible hand" has become synonymous with the market.

As the originator of Western economics, Adam Smith has been quoted and interpreted countless times. In order to truly understand the original and complete picture of his economic thought, everyone should read The Wealth of Nations.

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

14. "The Theory of Leisure Class"

Veblen's masterpiece

A classic of the institutional school

Discuss modern life

There is the status and value of the leisure class

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

15. The Social Contract

The driving force behind the French Revolution

Man is born free, but he is always in chains.

- Rousseau

45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

16. "On the Monarch"

One of the ten most influential contemporary masterpieces of the world

A desk book for the monarchs of Europe

The supreme guide for politicians

Mankind has ever had a skill in political struggle

The most original and incisive anatomy

Fate is the master of half of our actions, but it leaves the rest half or almost half at our disposal.


45 hardcover editions of Chinese translation classics | family collections

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