
The emergence of Marxist philosophy is an unprecedented revolution in the history of human understanding

Marxist philosophy is a scientific worldview

1. The emergence of Marxist philosophy is an unprecedented revolution in the history of human understanding

Modern materialism is not a simple successor to the philosophical doctrines of the past; it has arisen and grown from the struggle against the philosophy of past domination, from the struggle to scientifically dismantle its idealism and mysticism. Marxist philosophy-dialectical materialism not only inherits the fruits of Hegel's doctrine, the highest product of idealism, but also overcomes the idealism of this doctrine and materialistically transforms his dialectics. Marxism is not only the continuation and completion of all the development of materialism in the past, but also the opponent of all the narrowness of past materialism, that is, the materialism of mechanical intuition (chiefly French materialism and Feuerbach materialism). Marxist philosophical dialectical materialism inherits the scientific heritage of the culture of the past, and at the same time gives a revolutionary transformation to this heritage, forming a most correct, revolutionary, and philosophical science that has never been seen in history.

- Dialectical Materialism (Outline of Teaching) (1937), published by the Eighth Route Army Military and Political Magazine, p. 8

The argument that the world is a developing material world has been said in ancient Greece in the West, but because of the limitations of the times, it is only said in general terms, called naïve materialism, and there is no (nor possible) basis for science; but the argument is basically correct. Hegel created dialectical idealism, saying that the world is developing, but the mind is created, he is idealistic developmentism, its correctness is developmentism (i.e., dialectics), and its error is idealistic developmentism. The bourgeois materialism of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, nineteenth and thirteenth centuries of the West, Such as France and Germany, is the materialism of the mechanical view, and they say that the world is the material world, which is correct, that is, it is like mechanical movement, only additions and subtractions or changes in position, no changes in nature, which is very wrong. Marx inherited the simple Greek dialectical materialism, transformed mechanical materialism and dialectical idealism, created dialectical materialism that had never existed since ancient times and was placed on a scientific basis, and became the revolutionary weapon of the proletariat and all oppressed peoples of the whole world.

- Dialectical Materialism (Outline of Teaching) (1937), published by the Eighth Route Army Military and Political Magazine, p. 38

Hegel, the famous German philosopher who lived at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, made a very important contribution to dialectics, but his dialectics was idealistic dialectics. It was not until Marx and Stez, the great activists of the proletarian movement, synthesized the positive results of the history of human knowledge, especially the critical absorption of the rational part of Hegel's dialectics, and created the great theories of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, that an unprecedented revolution was launched in the history of human knowledge. Later, through Lenin and Stalin, this great theory was developed. As soon as this theory came to China, it caused great changes in Chinese intellectual circles.

—The Theory of Contradictions (August 1937), Selected Works of Mao Zedong, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 303-304

Materialism is not the same as Marxism-Leninism, there was already materialism before the birth of Marxism, and the bourgeoisie once played materialism, such as French materialism. Dialectics was also not discovered by Marx, for example, in Germany there used to be idealistic dialectics. Marx transformed both of these things. He transformed materialism into dialectical materialism, believing that the world is connected and developing. Why is there development? Because there are contradictions. He transformed dialectics into materialistic dialectics. Materialistic dialectics is a dialectic that correctly reflects the objective world, which is different from the idealistic dialectics of Hegel in Germany.

——" The Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism Have Not Changed, Individual Conclusions Can Be Changed (February 14, 1959), The Collected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 8, pp. 1-2

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