
10,000 volumes of | garden lecture hall and ancient library

10,000 volumes of | garden lecture hall and ancient library

4.23 World Book Day Theme Activities

"Garden Lecture Hall" is a cultural activity launched by the Chinese Garden Museum in 2022, taking books as friends, crossing ancient and modern times, through sharing and exchange, the ideological realm of gardeners and gardeners, crossing the gap of the era and the barrier of time to carry out dialogue and exchange, resonating in the hearts of participants, so that the charm of traditional Chinese garden culture is recorded by the times and inherited by the world.

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On April 23, the China Garden Museum held a special theme activity of "Wenxin Yeyuan Exhibition Volume - 2022 China Garden Museum World Book Day". Let's feel the Wenxin Yeyuan together and show the volume. Commemorating the 440th anniversary of Ji Cheng's birth, we will enjoy the wonderful work of "Garden Ye".

Friends who missed the live broadcast identify the QR code below, and appreciate the beauty of literature and gardens in the picturesque garden beauty of spring!

10,000 volumes of | garden lecture hall and ancient library

"Whoever has a scholar becomes a character."

Ancient literati traveled to the sea of books, and their temperament, personality, and ambition were unique.

On this weekend of World Book Day, do you have a "date" with a long-time book?

The ancient library - the place where the wisdom of the ancients gathered

The modern place where books are stored is called the library, and the place where books are stored in ancient times is called the library building. The library building is an ancient building for collecting and reading books, and the earliest library buildings are found in the court, such as the Tianlu Pavilion and the Shiqu Pavilion in the Han Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty, with the popularization of papermaking and the promotion of printing books, the royal and folk built a large number of library buildings, the famous library buildings include Wenyuan Pavilion, Wenjin Pavilion and other royal garden library buildings, as well as Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion and other folk library buildings.


Library in the Royal Garden

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the compilation of the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book", a total of 7 sets of transcriptions, because the placement of these books needed a special place, so with the Tianyi Pavilion as a template, for the collection of books to build a library building, the library building in the royal palace garden called "Inner Court Four Pavilions", or "North Four Pavilions"; The two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang built the "South Three Pavilions", that is, the Wenhui Pavilion of Yangzhou Grand View Hall, the Wenzong Pavilion of Zhenjiang Jinshan Temple, and the Wenlan Pavilion of Hangzhou Shengyin Temple, and the four libraries were stored in these libraries. The garden environment of these libraries is more obvious, and some are simply built in the garden.

10,000 volumes of | garden lecture hall and ancient library

△ Old photo of WenjingGe at Chengde Mountain Resort (1830s)

The image originates from the internet


Folk library building - Tianyi Pavilion

Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, known as the "first floor" of China's private collection of books, is located in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, on the shore of Chengyue Lake, was founded during the Ming Jiajing period, presided over by Fan Qin, the right attendant of the military department, the name of the library building is taken from Han Zhengxuan's "I Ching" Note: "Heaven is born of water, the earth is 60%". Fan Qin's descendants also added a rockery garden in the tianyi pavilion courtyard, making the tianyi pavilion more distinctive than other library cabinets.

10,000 volumes of | garden lecture hall and ancient library

△ Zhejiang Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion

The image originates from the internet

It's time to read on Kasuga

An inch of time can not be light

Let's follow the ups and downs of history

Follow the aroma of books

Enter the reading space

To feel the peace and quiet

Explore the vast expanse of the world

Experience the infinite possibilities of life

10,000 volumes of | garden lecture hall and ancient library

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