
Some traditional sayings about marriage

1. In the male eight characters, all the positive wealth and partial wealth (female positive partiality, official) are more visible (including dry thoroughness and ground branch gas reservoir):

Easy to have amorous things, there is a strong desire to pursue the opposite sex, so there will be emotional storms, before marriage and after marriage will be troubled by the feelings of men and women. Marriage is emotionally unstable, prone to family turmoil, and therefore marital changes are a sign of polymarriage.

2. There is only one male eight-character positive wealth or partial wealth (female positive partiality, official) fate (positive and partial not mixed):

To love! Feelings are more single-minded, even if there is an affair, they also pay attention to the family, and rarely leave the family because of the lover outside. In particular, a person who is a male zhengcai (female zhengcai) is more attached to his feelings. Marriage is relatively stable and not easy to divorce (but it is not absolutely divorced).

3. The financial star (female official star) in the male eight characters, especially the male zhengcai (female official) star is combined (except for the Japanese lord): the spouse is easy to get out of the wall, and it is easy to have extramarital affairs, resulting in fooling around with others, and even running away with others.

4. Male wealth star (female official star) was robbed and robbed:

Spouses are prone to illness and injury; divorce, quarrels, and beatings are easy. Marriages are not going well, and couples have many quarrels or diseases. There will be troubles in a lifetime.

5. Male eight characters do not have a wealth star (female official star) (ordinary fate):

A lifetime of thin relationship with the opposite sex, and a thin relationship with the spouse. Generally speaking, marriages are not going well and it is difficult to find a partner. After marriage, couples generally do not live together very often, and it is easy to live separately. If the husband and wife are often together, they will have very indifferent feelings.

6. There is a tomb of a rich star in the male eight characters, and the wife is prone to early death or many diseases and disasters. (If the eight characters of water are the fortune star, see the chen is the tomb; fire is the fortune star, see the sword is the tomb; wood is the wealth star, see the unseen is the tomb; gold is the wealth star, see the ugly is the tomb; the earth does not care) The same is true of the female official star as above. Spouses are prone to early death.

7. Eight-character daily branch is rushed (there are only two cases: the month branch and the daily branch are rushed, and the time branch and the daily branch are rushed. Phase contrast refers to: meridian phase, 卯酉相冲, 寅申相冲, 巳海相冲, 辰戌相冲, ugly unscheduled six groups):

The most obvious is that the marriage is not smooth, the marriage and family are unstable, it is easy to have family turmoil, the home is uneasy, and the husband and wife are unstable. It is easy to divorce and separate, and in severe cases, the family is destroyed.

8. The male eight-character daily branch is comparable to shoulder or robbed of money (the female is the daily eclipse/injury):

Marriage is not smooth, husband and wife are prone to quarrels and quarrels. Or the spouse is not in good health.

9. The male day sits on the fortune star (female official star) for the joy of using the god and the day branch is the god of joy:

After a man becomes a family, he will become rich and developed by his wife, and his career will be developed and developed with the help of his wife or his wife's family. To the benefit of the wife, the wife is capable or a good helper, or the wife's relatives can help herself. (The female life can change the word "wife" to "husband")

10. Male fortune star is a god who likes to use it: (female life, "fortune star" is "husband star")

In the eight characters, the fortune star is close to the sun stem (the wealth is close to the moon stem or the time dry or the day branch): the benefit of the wife, the benefit of the woman, will develop with the help of the wife or woman. This life is partial to the female interest, and there is a relationship of the opposite sex.

Wealth is for pleasure, far from the Lord of the Day or there is no fortune star in the eight characters (the earth branch refers to the original qi), it is difficult to get the benefits of the wife, and it is also difficult to get the benefits of the woman. Neither wives nor women can help themselves.

11. CaiXing is jealous of Shen wang: (female life, "caixing" is "husband star")

In the eight characters, the fortune star is close to the sun stem (wealth is close to the moon stem or the time dry or the day branch): no wife's profit, no woman's profit, will affect the development of the cause because of the help of the wife or woman, will suffer because the wife or woman suffers, because the wife or woman breaks the wealth, and is dragged down by the wife or woman. Poor health, many diseases and disasters. Husband and wife are not harmonious in their feelings, and they are more tired to live! Fretting over marital emotional and financial problems.

12. The eight-character fortune star sees the fortune star in the year or moon pillar: (female life, the "fortune star" is "husband star")

It is easy to marry early, early love, there will be love behavior during the student period, it is easy to take the initiative to chase the little girl, which will affect learning or academics.

13, 15-22 years old during this period of great luck or support to see the fortune star (female life, the "fortune star" as "husband star")

It is easy to marry early and fall in love early, and began to fall in love when he was a teenager, often fell in love at school, wrote letters to little girls, and passed notes.

In the year of the flow of the year or the fortune star (fate or fortune of fortune), there will inevitably be emotional troubles, lost love, dumped by the little girl, or under the interference of the parents to break their feelings.

14, the flow of years, the great luck of the combination of looking at the marriage feelings: (female life, "wealth star" for "husband star")

After the age of 15, every big luck stem or branch is a fortune star: which period of fortune is a fortune star, which period will have a relationship between men and women, and this period is the image of love and marriage. Seeing the fortune star of fortune (fortune or fortune star of fortune or great luck), there will inevitably be emotional troubles in this year, loss of love, emotional discord, rupture or disaster on one side.

During this period, when you see the flow of the fortune star, before you get married, you will have the experience of falling in love and introducing the object. If the fortune star and the sun stem or branch coincide, the feelings of men and women are relatively close, there will be ambiguous behavior, and it is easy to have the truth of husband and wife.

15. A man's life is in front of wealth, and his positive wealth is in the back, which is to live with another woman before marriage or have a husband and wife with another woman.

16. If the female officer kills Tongtuo, there must be a second marriage.

17, the man's life is positive, partial wealth and two presents, but also shows that the marriage is not smooth.

18. The man's life and wealth are combined by other cadres, and the main girlfriend and wife have the appearance of being robbed; if the partial wealth is merged, it also means that the concubine is fought for by others.

19. The female official and other cadres are united, and the main boyfriend or husband has the appearance of being robbed.

20, the man's life is reconciled, especially if he is robbed and fought for a lifetime, his girlfriend or wife is robbed.

Some traditional sayings about marriage

21. The male wife star and the sun are in harmony, such as there is a dispute over marriage or a friend of the opposite sex in the middle. The female life official star and the sun dry together, the same theory.

22. The woman sits on the wounded officer on the day of death, whether she is happy or jealous, the marriage is not smooth.

23, the man's life is worse than robbery, his wife, and the marriage is not smooth.

24. The male life is partial to wealth, and there are those who have mixed positive wealth in the four pillars, and they must have an affair with the Lord.

25. The woman sits seven times a day, and there are those who are mixed with the right officials, and the main woman is not chaste.

26. Most of the people who are washed up in the day, both men and women, are in danger of marital uneasiness.

27, the man's life is through two partial wealth, there is a sign of marriage is not smooth, especially when the upper and lower months are wealthy, in practice there should be a wife should also have a lover.

28. The same is true of the two partial officials or the two partial officials of the earth branch.

29. The female life is weak, the four pillars are rich and prosperous, and the main wind is flowing.

30, regardless of the lives of men and women, most of the gold and water in the column are lustful.

31. The man's life is rich, and the Lord has the image of having many wives.

32. There are many female officials, competing for the Lord of the Day, and also the image of the Lord of The Lord.

33, the male life is a rich man, and the Lord of the Day is in harmony, the Lord and the husband and wife have good feelings, and the marriage is happy. After such a person gets married, his career will get better, such as money is jealous of God, but after marriage, the main cause is not good.

34. The man is weak and rich, the wife is in charge of the family power, and the lord is afraid of his wife.

35. The female life is weak and the official kills Wang, the husband is in charge of the family power, and the lord is afraid of the husband.

36. No matter whether a man is strong or weak, whether he is rich or weak, he can be born to an official, and the Lord of the Day is afraid of his wife.

37. The Lord of the Day is rich and weak, and the wealth cannot produce officials, and there is no food and injury to pass the customs, and the Lord is often beaten by his wife.

38. The life of a woman wounds the official Wang, the wealth and the seal are not or powerless, the lord of the life is good to scold the husband, look down on the husband, the fate of the second marriage.

39. Female life moon dry wounded officer, seven kills, drink three eyes well water life.

40, female officer, wounded twice, no wealth, no seal, there must be a marriage disaster.

41. The seven killings of women are in front, the official is in the back (all the cadres and branches are counted), and the loss of virginity before marriage is the order of planting the land first and then surrounding the garden (first break the body, then get married).

42, the male life is partial to the wealth in the front, the positive wealth is in the back, but also belongs to the marriage before the marriage of the husband and wife.

43. The male life is chong ke first, and the Rikan branch is in the back, and the daughter of the second marriage is married.

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