
These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

Wen | Jingma

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

Many people say that the children are almost the same when they are born, so they can't recognize their own children, but our daughter is very recognizable when she is born, because she has a relatively thick black hair, while the other children are thin and sparse yellow hair.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

The three kinds of hair on the baby's body, parents should not cut it casually, otherwise it will hurt the child's physical health

The first: fetal hair

The hair brought by the child when it is born is called "fetal hair", and the amount of fetal hair of the child is mainly related to heredity.

For example, when the parents' hair was relatively small and yellow when they were young, then the children born were generally like this.

Because Jing's own hair is very large, the child's father's hair is also quite a lot, so our family Jingjing has more hair since childhood, more dense. Now that he is 8 years old, he has about the same amount of hair on his head as an adult.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

The second type: fetal hair

In addition to the child's fetal hair, there is also a kind of hair on the child's body called "fetal hair", that is, the hair on the child's body after birth.

Sometimes we will see that the child's face, or back, and hands have more colored and darker hairs, which are the birth of the child.

The treatment of fetal hair is said to be called "scraping pig hair wind" in the folk, that is, applying some egg whites on the child's hand, or on the back, and then taking a plucked thread, or a tool to scrape the pig hair wind on the child.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

The folk saying is that "children often cry, that is, the wind of pig hair on the body, after the blow, the child sleeps well."

And many doctors have come out to debunk rumors, do not casually shave the fetal hair on the child's body, these pig hair winds are actually not related to whether the child sleeps well or not.

Children do not sleep well is more likely to be the child's insecurity, or intestinal colic, etc., to hug more to coax the child, rather than to give the child pig hair wind.

The reason why the child sleeps well after the pig hair wind is more likely to be because the child is crying and tired.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

The third type: eyelashes

In addition to fetal hair and fetal hair, the eyelashes on the child's eyes are also a very prominent hair, if the eyelashes grow long and upturned, the eyes will look better.

Therefore, many parents want their children's eyelashes to be long and upturned.

Folk customs, if you want your child to grow up with longer eyelashes, you have to cut them for your child when you are young, and after the eyelashes are cut, it can grow more lush and longer.

This is actually a wrong approach, the child's eyelashes are immediately followed by the eyes, in case the child does not cooperate, or accidental scissors poke the child's eyes will cause inflammation, which is a very dangerous thing.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

And whether the child's eyelashes are relatively thick and upturned is relatively long, mainly related to heredity, and it is not related to whether it is cut or not.

Therefore, the three kinds of hair on the child's body, fetal hair, fetal hair, eyelashes Parents do not cut casually, do not shave casually, otherwise it will hurt the child's physical health, and even affect the child's appearance!

For example, in the neonatal period to the child's hair scraping, in case the parent's hand is heavy, accidentally cut the child's hair follicle, will lead to the child's damage to this piece of hair follicle grass is not born, resulting in the child's hair is missing a piece, affecting the child's appearance.

Or when cutting the child's eyelashes, accidentally hurt the child's eyelids, resulting in scars on the child's eyelids, which is also harmful to the child's appearance.

And giving a child pig hair wind, in case of accidentally hurting the child's skin, will cause inflammation.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

How is newborn hair taken care of? Listen to the advice of your pediatrician

In the "Raindrop Doctor Parenting Encyclopedia", it is mentioned that the care of children's hair, in addition to not cutting the child's hair casually, should also pay attention to 4 aspects.

The first aspect: cleanliness and hygiene

For example, wash your head once every 1 to 2 days in summer and once every 3 to 4 days in winter.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

The second aspect: pay attention to nutritional balance

If the child's protein is sufficient, calcium, iron, and zinc are sufficient, the child's hair can be healthier and thicker.

Third aspect: don't listen to folk remedies

After cutting the eyelashes, the eyelashes will become longer, shave the pig hair for the child, the child will sleep well, and these folk remedies should not be listened to.

Fourth aspect: Patience to grow

When the child is born, the hair is relatively small, and as it grows up, the hair may grow more, and parents do not have to worry about it.

These three kinds of "hair" on the baby should not be cut and scratched randomly, which will affect the child's appearance and health

Do you have any questions about your child's hair care? Feel free to leave a comment below the comments section.

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