
At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

author:Li Honggang

On the morning of August 13, the actor Yu Yuexian's farewell ceremony was held in Jinchang, Gansu Province, in addition to Yu Yuexian's relatives and friends rushed to bid farewell, many local citizens and friends also spontaneously came to send Aunt Bigfoot on her last journey.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

At about seven o'clock in the morning, many citizens rushed to the front of the Anxiangyuan Funeral Home to spontaneously mourn, some of them came by bicycle, some came by electric car, very orderly arranged at the entrance of the funeral home, they told the reporter at the scene that they were yu Yuexian's loyal fans, and they were very familiar with the "Xie Bigfoot" she played.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

Subsequently, Zhao Benshan's wife Ma Lijuan, Senior Representatives of Benshan Media Ma Ruidong, Liu Shuangping, Wang Xiaobao, Zhou Yingnan of the "Country Love" crew, and representatives from all walks of life solemnly entered the Taishan Hall of the funeral home and bid farewell to Yu Yuexian's body for the last time. After bowing one by one, everyone wrote a tie and laid a wreath, mourning the death of the moon immortal.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

The remains of Yu Yuexian hung in the middle of the spirit hall, and everyone surrounded the "Bigfoot Aunt" with flowers to pin their hearts on the endless mourning. Written by the famous calligrapher and painter Mr. Du Benji, the font of "The Jade Girl in the Middle of the Moon Smiles Away, and the Big Feet of the World Become Immortals" are vigorous and powerful, which also represents that although Yu Yuexian has left, her voice and smile will be remembered forever.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

Zhao Benshan's wife, Ma Lijuan, also Known as Yu Yuexian's cousin, she shed tears when bidding farewell to Yu Yuexian's body, and it was difficult to hide her sorrow, and she slowly bowed to the body on behalf of Zhao Benshan and her children to complete the final parting with Yu Yuexian.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

Yu Yuexian's husband Zhang Xuesong and younger brother Yu Yingjie also cried bitterly and accompanied her. The atmosphere at the scene was solemn and solemn, and everyone was quietly mourning for Yu Yuexian, hoping that she could go all the way.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

After Yu Yuexian's death, her relatives and friends expressed their disbelief at this bad news, and Yu Yuexian's nearly 80-year-old mother is said to have not known that her eldest daughter had died until before the farewell ceremony of the body.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

As Yu Yuexian's brother-in-law and "Bo Le", Zhao Benshan sent someone to the scene to assist in handling the aftermath as soon as he learned the news, as for his own lack of personal presence, it should also be considered that Zhao Benshan is old, and if he arrives, it will cause a large-scale onlooker and commotion, which is not in line with the original intention of everyone to think of everything from Jane and quietly send Yu Yuexian away.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

Yu Yuexian's colleagues and friends in Benshan Media also sent condolences to express their deep feelings and extreme reluctance with Yu Yuexian. Xiao Shenyang, Wang Xiaoli, Song Xiaobao, etc. posted that they affectionately called Yu Yuexian "Little Aunt" and hoped that she could go all the way.

Zhao Benshan's daughter Zhao Jiaxuan also posted a memorial, saying, "You are the bigfoot aunt of many people, but I only call you Aunt Xian, all the way, I will miss you, we will all miss you." ”

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

The actors in "Country Love", who are also Yu Yuexian's old partners for many years, can not accept this news, "Country Love" official blog posted, saying that "Bigfoot Supermarket will always keep the position of Bigfoot Aunt"; Actor Wang Xiaobao, who plays "Xie Bigfoot" husband "Changgui", has posted many times, saying that he still can't accept it, Yu Yuexian is the soul of "Country Love", and "Country Love" without "Xie Bigfoot" has no taste anymore.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

At 3:00 a.m. on August 9, due to the speed of the car, he hit two camels, and Yu Yuexian was seriously injured after a car accident in Alxa, Inner Mongolia, and unfortunately died at the age of 50. The incident came too suddenly, shocking all walks of life, and ordinary people and Yu Yuexian's relatives and friends mourned deeply to send mourning.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

Although Yu Yuexian is not a big star in the public eye, her acting skills and character have always been deeply recognized, and she is a performer loved and trusted by the audience, which is why Yu Yuexian's death will receive attention from all walks of life.

"Country Love" has accompanied the audience for many years, and now "Bigfoot Aunt" has passed away, even if "Country Love" will continue to be filmed, it will no longer have the original taste, which is also a great regret for the loyal audience of this drama.

At the farewell ceremony of Yu Yuexian's body, Zhao Benshan's wife burst into tears, and her husband and brother broke down and cried

At this point, may there be no pain in heaven, and I hope that Yu Yuexian can go all the way, and her voice and smile will always remain in the hearts of the audience!

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