
My husband always thinks that I don't clean up the housework, let's see, I'm not cleaning up enough? The house is small, but I also tried my best and did not get lazy. I don't know what to do

author:It's a lot of fun

My husband always thinks that I don't clean up the housework, let's see, I'm not cleaning up enough? The house is small, but I also tried my best and did not get lazy.

I'm Ou, I don't know how to do it to his heart, pick and choose, there are so many things, not the general much, the old woman did not eat you and drink you, but also have to serve two children and you, you are still like a thing, really not satisfied, thinking about it, or I give habitually, when I just got married, it is I wash the dishes and cook to manage the housework, people look at the job, big things and small things to grasp, he is on the class, the class is still quite leisurely, he has to deal with anything in the family.

Later, there was the second eldest, invited his father to come and see the second, the old man will not clean up, the house is a mess, are waiting for me to come back to clean up. Counting the old man's family squeezed in a small house of 50 square meters, it is really humiliating, and now I am really tired, afraid that I can't hold on...

Come to think of it, I can't blame him, it's really a stinky problem that I am used to. Now that it has been 15 years, can you still give it back, after all, the current two children, plus a big young master, really have more than enough heart and lack of strength, now tough let him change, he is not satisfied, I am mainly too tired, no one to share what to do?

The eldest went to and from school by me, waited for the family to eat and drink, finished eating, washed dishes, and then bathed the children, went to bed to tell stories, and after the children fell asleep, and then mopped the floor, at this time it was more than 11 o'clock at night

What to do, it's really powerless, sometimes it's really powerless to refute [tears]

Above I am in the third person [Rose]

My husband always thinks that I don't clean up the housework, let's see, I'm not cleaning up enough? The house is small, but I also tried my best and did not get lazy. I don't know what to do
My husband always thinks that I don't clean up the housework, let's see, I'm not cleaning up enough? The house is small, but I also tried my best and did not get lazy. I don't know what to do
My husband always thinks that I don't clean up the housework, let's see, I'm not cleaning up enough? The house is small, but I also tried my best and did not get lazy. I don't know what to do

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