
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms

author:Minimally invasive spine Dr. Zhang Hongtao

[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, Shandong Shanghe people, due to lumbar intervertebral disc herniation was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery, postoperative lower limb pain symptoms disappeared, the effect is satisfactory. The two are aunts and brothers, in the absence of prior consultation, actually came to see the doctor on the same day, the cousin lived in the hospital in the morning, the cousin came in the afternoon, the two were very surprised after meeting, I wanted to do surgery on them on February 22, 2022, helpless cousin was in too much pain, the operation was one day early, the same day was hospitalized, the same leg hurt, the same segment, the same day of surgery, the same way, the same way, the same pulp nucleus, the same day discharged, is it not a coincidence [Teeth]

Minimally invasive spine, always on the road ...

[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms
[Medical record sharing] Zhou **, male, 51 years old / Li **, male, 45 years old, From Shanghe, Shandong, was admitted to the hospital for CT localization foramen surgery due to lumbar disc herniation, and postoperative lower limb pain symptoms

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