
Price increases become marketing gimmicks? SAIC Roewe New Energy announced a price increase

In fact, this burst of new energy price increase news is a bit depressed, in fact, there are few domestic price increases, in addition to some new car-making forces and BYD, few other car companies follow up with the price increase, of course, except for the SAIC series, after SAIC Feifan announced the price increase, SAIC Roewe new energy models also announced price increases recently. The car store believes that the significance of SAIC Roewe's wave of price increase publicity is greater than the significance of the actual price increase.

Price increases become marketing gimmicks? SAIC Roewe New Energy announced a price increase

On the one hand, the sales level, although we see that the overall sales data of SAIC Roewe New Energy looks good, but the cat in this data is how much is privately purchased? If private purchases account for a small proportion, then such price increases have no meaning for the individual consumer market.

Price increases become marketing gimmicks? SAIC Roewe New Energy announced a price increase

On one level, the content of the price increase announced by SAIC Roewe New Energy is a bit elusive, because SAIC Roewe did not say which models raised prices, what was the price increase, but announced that the price increase began on March 1, which is obviously to stimulate users to place orders. Would you like to ask the good selling Coleway SAIC Roewe dry price increase?

Price increases become marketing gimmicks? SAIC Roewe New Energy announced a price increase

Selling more models do not dare to sell less models up there is no sense, so the car store believes that the significance of SAIC Roewe's wave of operation publicity is greater than the significance of price increases.

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