
The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

After a woman is completely trapped in a love, she is most likely to deceive herself. When a man shows that he is bored with himself, the woman will find various excuses for the man to prove that he does not love himself, but that life is too hard and the pressure is too much.

When other members of the opposite sex appear around the man, the woman will also comfort herself, he is just lost for a while. When he wakes up, he will naturally know that I am the best woman.

A woman, in the face of love, if it is difficult to maintain her sanity, always go to find excuses for men, and the person who is hurt in the end will only be the woman herself.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

In love, the most feared thing is that women are too humble and too selfless. Always care about men's feelings, willing to give everything for men, but forget that love is the common experience of two people, only love between each other, in order to get their own happiness.

Women want to have a happy love, and when they encounter love, they must learn to treat their love rationally. Don't lose yourself and lose your dignity because you love someone too much, this kind of self-lost love can only make men move for a while, and can't get the man's sincerity.

Smart women, even if they love a man, will not give their all. They will care more about the relationship between the two people, and care about whether the man is sincere about himself. When encountering a man who truly loves himself, women will naturally love well; if the other party does not love himself, women will also leave freely, rather than blindly giving.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

When dealing with the opposite sex, these details of a man show that he does not love you. Women should understand as soon as possible, don't let yourself be fooled silly.

01 On the surface, you are good to you, but in fact you never care about your feelings.

Shakespeare said: "Love is not a sweet word in the shade of a flower, not a honey word in the peach blossom source, not a light tear, nor a hard compulsion, love is based on a common language." ”

True love must be based on the common foundation of two people, including mutual giving, understanding, respect, and their respective feelings. Only when these are balanced, the relationship between the two people will be more harmonious and get along more naturally.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

However, there are some men who, in the eyes of outsiders, treat you well and act like a standard boyfriend. But only women in the middle of it will find that what a man calls good is what he thinks is good, not what you need.

Men who really love you will understand your preferences, will understand your thoughts, and consider your feelings. This kind of favor is what women really need.

A man who is outwardly nice to you, but has never thought about what you really like, and has never considered your feelings, such a good, in fact, is not a manifestation of loving you.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

02 When dealing with other members of the opposite sex, men will not pay attention to the proportions.

Wilde said: "If a man's love is not single-minded, then he will feel happy with any woman." ”

In everyone's heart, they will only be able to pretend to be the next person who truly loves. When we are completely in love with a person, there is no room for other people in our eyes, no matter what we are doing or who we are with, we always have only one person in mind.

Especially when getting along with other members of the opposite sex, we will pay special attention to the proportions of getting along, and we will not do something that makes the other party misunderstand themselves. Because you really love someone, you will always want to be responsible for him. Even if the other person is not around, we will still do ourselves well, and we can't do the things that make the other person sad.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

Schiller also said: "True love is single-minded, and the field of love is very narrow, it is so narrow that it can only accommodate two people to survive; if you fall in love with several people at the same time, it cannot be called love, it is just an emotional game." ”

If a man does not pay attention to the proportions of other people of the opposite sex when he is with other people, and even has some ambiguous feelings, the woman should be clear that he does not actually love you, so he will not consider how it will feel if you see it.

03 When you ask him for something, even if it's just a show of hands, he will refuse you.

When a woman is with a man she likes, she will deliberately pretend to be very weak in front of the man in order to get the man's favor. Such behavior of women will also arouse men's desire to protect and let men show their boyfriend power.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

Women should know that a woman who truly loves you, even if she knows that you are pretending to be weak, will be particularly willing to help you. Even if it is only a small thing, men will be particularly happy, especially like this kind of weak woman.

Two people who love each other, such behavior has long become a tacit understanding between each other, will see through it and will not say it, and will also enjoy the beauty and sweetness of it.

However, for the person who does not love you, your weakness is a burden to him, a kind of impatient relationship. When you make some request to him, even if it is only a small request, it is just a show of hands for him, and he will not be willing to help you, but will think that you are too troublesome.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

Lu Xun once said: "If a person does not have the ability to help the person he loves, it is best not to talk about love or not to love." Of course, help does not equal love, but love cannot exclude help. ”

If a man is not willing to meet even a small request, but will blame you, the woman should know that he just does not love you.

The best love is the joint efforts of two people to maintain this relationship. Only by working together and running in both directions can love come to the end.

The opposite sex gets along, these "details" of the man, show that he does not love you, and the woman should understand it as soon as possible

When a man is with you, if he has these details, even if he pretends on the surface, he can't change the fact that he doesn't love you. When encountering such a man, women do not have to deceive themselves, or leave early, do not let themselves suffer too much unnecessary harm

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